Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:17 am
Do a Google search for “Reciprocal Theory” and the top result is RationalWiki. RationalWiki would - in my opinion, be better served by being renamed IrrationalWiki.
It takes more energy for ((them)) to suppress information than it does for them to skew and discredit information. That's what think-tanks like RationalWiki and Snopes are for. They're the Big-brained intellectuals and everything outside of their opinions is conspiracy and wrong-think to be scoffed, laughed at and dismissed. But remember:LoneBear wrote: This same situation that has happened with music has also happened with scientific research... using tools like Wikipedia and RationalWiki, corporations are brainwashing people into thinking that a scientific principle is valid, when it actually just gobbledygookGopi wrote:Well, you get one fake supporting another fake. Also, interestingly, a new video is churned out every couple of weeks! Big money is behind this. Where there is big money, there is an agenda.