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A disturbance in the force?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:05 pm
by AnAncientAwakening
I'm just throwing this out there to find out whether or not anyone else might be experiencing something of the same (note that I've also posted this over at Antiquatis):

These past few months, I feel as though some sort of massive 'shift' has taken place; almost as if the collective intelligence of humanity has taken a nose dive, resulting in some sort of intellectual 'disconnect'. And this isn't just your average "people are out to lunch" sort of thing. I'm talking a major shift, to the point at which irrational, insane behavior, coupled with an inability to follow even the most basic of directions, has 'lept ahead', in an exponential fashion.

At the conference in SLC, there was talk that "something big" was about to hit. At the conference in St. Cloud, I got into a similar conversation regarding young peoples' inabilities to communicate in any sort of a common sense manner; as if they are rambling on about the most nonsensical, narcissistic of ideas, thinking that somehow this brings 'depth' to a conversation. It's as if they are 'saying' nothing at all; almost speaking another language. On top of this, vehement dogma has suddenly 'spiked', and I've noticed that people are getting quite 'nasty' when it comes to voicing, expressing, and defending the 'beliefs' that they hold as 'concrete truth'.

There has also been recent talk that the little people may have removed themselves from the picture. I find this interesting, because I have been spending a great deal of time these past few years reading back through a great many of the old legends, seeking to learn, know, and understand. How this might play into things now, I do not know, though I do have some thoughts on it; not the least of which would be that all life on the planet would somehow be affected by a 'departure' of these elder races, i.e. a massive loss or disconnect of bioenergy?

In essence: Schizophrenic behavior has become accepted as the norm, and it has suddenly and inexplicably become incredibly difficult to communicate in any sort of a common sense fashion. I could give a great many examples of this, but I'm holding back on specifics simply as a means of finding out if anyone else here happens to be experiencing anything of the same. I will, however, say that this 'shift' seems to be affecting everyone else around me, but I myself seem to be unaffected by it, at least on a personal level. In other words, I feel stable in myself, but I am deeply concerned about the behavior of others; both in my personal as well as my professional lives. It's almost as if every day is becoming a struggle to help others in simply keeping their sanity intact.

For the past two to three months, a few thoughts have been running through my head:

1. I feel like Schauberger's trout, swimming upstream while the rest of the 'school' is being carried along on the current. Odd thing is, it's not as if the flow has become swifter, but rather, that it is moving in a more erratic fashion; almost as if another dimension of motion has been introduced, one that runs perpendicular to the normal flow of the current, mixing with the waters and turning things upside down, like clothing being tossed around in the dryer.

2. Again, insane behavior has become the accepted norm, and the more I pay attention to it, the more I see just how odd every-day behaviors have become.

Re: A disturbance in the force?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:36 pm
by Kent
I've been considering a response to your post for a couple of days and have been having trouble putting my thoughts into words since there are multiple facets to this that I'd like to touch upon. In the interest of furthering the discussion, and keeping this post brief I will say that unequivocally I encounter multiple people (mainly through my professional life) every day who seem to ramble on with a near inability to have a directed conversation. And it's not just younger people in their 20's and 30's; I see it in all age ranges.

Re: A disturbance in the force?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:24 am
by 7Serpent
Yes, l most definitely have also experienced these bazaar behaviors... Aldo, l seem to just drop things lm holding or spill things... its almost like a message that things are going down no matter what l do. For one instance, I can explain something in great detail and get the response, "OK, l understand" then they will ask for an explanation...??? I'm like, What??. I just explained all that.