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News/updates on ISUS and the Kheb Monastery

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:33 pm
by AnAncientAwakening

I am wondering if there are any plans to hold additional meetings for ISUS. I have noticed that the last meeting was held in 2009. It might be nice to inject a new spark, perhaps to reach out to gauge interest in holding a conference or a workshop in Salt Lake City to find out who many may wish to come and learn. It may provide an opportunity for some of us here to meet for the 1st time and to share ideas openly. Heaven knows I'd be down for sitting in on classroom sessions with Bruce or others who are willing to pass along their knowledge (the video sessions on the site are nice, but something more is gained through person to person interaction). Perhaps this is something that can be planned for in the future, i.e. a year or two from now?

Also: Are there any updates to report regarding the Monastery? Has a location been chosen, and are there plans in place to begin building on the land? I ask because I recently attended a workshop on the grounds of the Gesundheit! Institute in West Virginia, (overseen by Dr. Patch Adams), and I got the chance to see for myself the good that is happening right before my eyes. Things are progressing, and the community is being built up at a more rapid pace; with lots of good ol' fashioned hard work and a genuine passion to begin living together in cooperation. It's a pity that everyone there still does not see the bigger picture, (you know, all of the 'cabal, LM, SM, Reciprocal' stuff); but perhaps I myself can one day act as a conduit between such individuals and causes in the hopes of connecting those of genuine spirit who might not otherwise have the chance to know one another.

As a note: I will soon begin a formal study into Herbology of the Western world, and will in the fall begin studying TCM and Eastern Herbology. The more I look around, the more I notice that we do indeed have a great many so-called 'doctors', but very few genuine 'healers'. Modern conventional science is making every effort to relegate the soul aspect of life to the waste bin that they call the 'metaphysical', i.e. if we can't see it in 3D space nor perceive it with our 5 senses, then it cannot possibly be real. Like my mentors, I perceive the conscious/spiritual aspect of nature in a common sense manner. The forest holds great secrets; if one is but able to shift their eyes and their energy to perceive it, that is. More so than this, I am interested in the science behind all of this, i.e. what is the true essence of this intelligent design, and what is the atomic structure of this 'soul' that people have been wondering about for so many thousands of years? Through the Reciprocal System, I feel that I shall gain a better understanding of this (I find it curious that Dewey Larson's Wikipedia page continues to be taken down from the web. Something they don't want us knowing about, perhaps?) All of this is to say that I want to have something of importance to offer to the efforts being made to build self-sustaining communities the world over. There are more of these being built than most know. This page does a pretty good job of bringing such efforts together:

Hope all here are well...

Re: News/updates on ISUS and the Kheb Monastery

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:25 am
by Djchrismac
There was a similar post on recently that may answer some of your questions... ... 802#p11802