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A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:47 am
by maeghan
I've been a member of this forum since the beginning. I've been working on raising my consciousness and striving towards being the ethical human. I think that it's of my nature to be this way anyway. I've always been highly conscious-minded.

This forum was helping me expand my horizon and learn new things. Lately though, it hasn't. In fact it's just turned me off. If you are discerning, you will know why. I forgave and my action was completely disregarded.

Maybe i have nothing to contribute, maybe that's why my posts seem to just get overlooked .. move along, nothing to see here ... :?

I guess it boils down to not feeling welcome. At the same time, I don't like personally attacked.

One bad apple sadly spoils the bunch.

Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:43 am
by Lozion
Hi maeghan, I'm not sure what or if there was an incident you are refering to, but know that your presence here is appreciated and it would be a shame if you are leaving due to bad behaviour by a fellow member. Also, please get in touch with a forum mod or admin to report any abuse or conflict. This will not stand.
Aaron or daniel?

Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:44 pm
by Aaron

I think it is quite apparent that your feelings and sentiment are echoed by numerous members of this forum.

Rude, vulger, and insensitive comments from other forum members is simply not what this forum was ever intended to be.

This forum was spawned up from and around daniel's papers, and its amazingly frustrating that so many completely forget & ignore the concepts and fundamentals of what these papers introduced and explained.

I have written once before about how this forum is intended to be an intellectual exchange within "Rapport" based philosophies, and quite frankly any who continue to attack and engage in stupendous rival attacks, controversy, OR the nonsense of "ET savior" based channelings,etc... are obviously not paying attention, or simply are here to cause problems, OR simply cannot separate themselves from these engrained habits.

Its quite the dilema for me, or for daniel to have to initiate and "police" rivalry and slave mentality on this forum, as this tends to be a very "subjective" thing. But I guess this weighed against the repercussions of value contributing members being attacked and not feeling welcome or expressive here is simply not tolerable, and goes completely against the intentions this forum grew from.

I suppose this is why forum platforms like this have "moderators"...


THIS FORUM IS NOT A PLACE FOR NEW AGE SAVIORS OR CHANNELINGS. (Take some responsibility. If you want to talk about ET saviors or channelings, then there are plenty of New Age forums elsewhere that you can go and surrender yourself too. Folks, the scientific and objective construct is lost when this forum is filled up with the tripe of "Channeled messages from the Stars", which at the very core, can only be accepted with "blind faith" and by the surrender and submission of your own fiscal responsibility.

THIS FORUM IS NOT A PLACE FOR ABUSIVE, BELLIGERENT ATTACKS ON OTHERS. (speak your mind, but do it in a polite and respectful manner WITHOUT engaging in personal slander or attacks, or simply say nothing at all. NOT OPTIONAL AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! House cleaning begins!

*Its a shame it has come down to this, but I guess its time to start swinging my "BAM BAM" club...


Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:57 pm
by Lozion
Aaron wrote:
*Its a shame it has come down to this, but I guess its time to start swinging my "BAM BAM" club...

HA! Now that made me laugh.
Carry on,

Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:17 pm
by Aaron

Please read again at the bottom the "NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS". I never said that you were propagating New Age channeling discussions,etc...but rather I was addressing all members in these 2 specific areas. So, wherever the shoe fits, take heed!

*I will say that I have received multiple complaints, from multiple members, about your abusive behavior towards other members of this forum. so like I said above, take heed!

I am not gonna have this discussion again, and if I get or observe one more complaint in this regard about you from other members, it will be lights out for you from this forum. Like I said, its a shame we have to call in the "Rivalry Police"...but 3rd strike and your out!


Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:33 pm
by Aaron
I dont respond well to warnings and stuff ,if you know what I mean
Yes, and that's precisely the point. Ignoring the previous warnings is exactly why were here isn't it? You gotta learn to play well with others, because no more Romper Room here....

Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:01 pm
by Aaron
You just don't get it do you? I am bending over backwards to give you the opportunity to remain here, but you just keep trying to suck me into a debate over "he said, she said" This is rivalry.... You can't seem to drop this engrained habit of fighting over the irrelevant, for the sake of the fight itself.

This forum is not a place for "contests of wit"!

Passionate or not, you clearly "feed on the fight" itself. The only reason I have to initiate this new moderation "policing", is because you simply have not learned how to "say nothing at all"....

Don't worry about a further lecture, I am not going to feed your impulse for controversy, particularly over something so mundane and irrelevant.

I have a feeling you will continue to engage this kind of nonsense; which at such time none of us will have to worry about it anymore.

Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:13 pm
by Aaron
And there it that was fast.

BAM! Lizzy squashed!

Lizard69 has been banned and deleted from this forum.

Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:21 pm
by Djchrismac
Nice one Aaron, i'm also surprised he lasted this long! Good riddance to the SM, the forum will be a lot happier place now that he's not here to wind everyone up.

Now then, back to the rapport... :D

And Maeghan, no need to go anywhere now, you are very much a part of our community here! :)

Re: A sad departure

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:34 pm
by Aaron

I hated having to resort to this and this the first time any member has been removed from this forum for this reason.

But we certainly cannot have value contributing members ALIEN-ated (pun or in this case abused by people like this.

*I am also happy to report that maeghan sent me a private message and indicates she will stick around!

So I guess what started as a "Sad Departure" looks to be turned back to "Glad Return"...;) I hope so anyway.

I also apologize to other members here who had to put up with this in the past.
