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TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 6:17 pm
by joeyv23
I had to work today (slowest day at any hotel anywhere), and the tv lobby keeps playing Wal-Mart's Christmas advertisement... no matter what channel I turn to! The scenes are heartwarming.. kids opening gifts, hugging parents..and there's a song playing (the repetition of which being the reason I'm annoyed enough to post about it) with the lyrics "Oh darlin, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, just stay this little. Oh darlin don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple" I've heard it at least 4 times per hour for the past 4 hours. Why do I feel like that's a message to more than just children? What about you guys, any ads catch your eyes/ears as having a hidden message?

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:50 am
by Lotus
It sounds like standard attempts to link positive memories and emotions with a brand, in this case childhood memories. I suppose it could be an attempt to encourage people to not grow up in an emotional sense so they are dependent on the "luminaries" of society to make decisions for them.

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:53 am
by soldierhugsmember
I think they desperately don't want us to exit the Game. I'll post about this in another thread.

[I just switched over to using the Opera browser and it's quite annoying - if I click something wrong (not sure what exactly), the webpage switches over to a new window and is totally blank with all that I've been typing completely lost. I haven't quite decided if I should be paranoid over this or whether this is normal Opera experience.]

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:17 pm
by joeyv23
Lotus wrote:I suppose it could be an attempt to encourage people to not grow up in an emotional sense so they are dependent on the "luminaries" of society to make decisions for them.
These were my thoughts exactly

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:45 pm
by daniel
joeyv23 wrote:I had to work today (slowest day at any hotel anywhere), and the tv lobby keeps playing Wal-Mart's Christmas advertisement... no matter what channel I turn to! The scenes are heartwarming.. kids opening gifts, hugging parents..and there's a song playing (the repetition of which being the reason I'm annoyed enough to post about it) with the lyrics "Oh darlin, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, just stay this little. Oh darlin don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple"
I figured it would be on YouTube... it his here:
joeyv23 wrote:I've heard it at least 4 times per hour for the past 4 hours. Why do I feel like that's a message to more than just children? What about you guys, any ads catch your eyes/ears as having a hidden message?
Look how it starts... Christmas tree, presents, ornaments, a puppy, a baby, dancing,... listen in the background to the kid yelling "thank you, thank you!" while the lyrics are saying, "don't you ever grow, don't you ever grow."

The commercial is targeting women, 20-50, which is the largest consumer group in the United States. The choice of symbols is to kick up the maternal instinct to care and provide, by purchasing stuff at Wal-Mart. wrote:According to some studies, women account for as much as 85% (PDF) of all consumer brand purchases in the United States, including: 91% of new homes, 93% of food, 66% of PCs, 65% of new cars, and 89% of bank accounts.
Keeping that in mind, it becomes apparent why women have been encouraged to give up family for jobs, through reverse psychology--backwards, as usual; the supposed attempts to keep them out of the work force is actually pulling them in. Examine the next paragraph of this study:
By the end of this calendar year, U.S. women are expected to make up the majority of the country’s workforce. To that end, almost 40% of U.S. households report a woman as the primary breadwinner or a provider of essential income to the family’s bottom line.
Of course, when women are out "hunting" instead of the men, they tend to put aside the maternal instincts. Consequences of this is a reduction in births, and with control of the income, more spending. Guess who benefits?

However, that maternal instinct will always be there, requiring some fulfillment. This style of marketing is doing exactly that by connecting that instinct with purchasing power. (Mothers eyes never see their children grow up, and would prefer they stay young forever--as the song says.)

That would be my analysis, based on marketing experience I've had with Fortune 500 companies.

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:48 pm
by PHIon
daniel wrote: Of course, when women are out "hunting" instead of the men, they tend to put aside the maternal instincts. Consequences of this is a reduction in births, and with control of the income, more spending. Guess who benefits?
I think part of this strategy also involves dumbing men down to become drinking, farting ignoramuses who measure their manhood by how loudly they can say, "booyah." Men are encouraged to play this role in order to fit in and feel like one of the boys, but this also conveniently diminishes how effectively men can contribute to the protection of the family. Let's hope this is not a fait accompli. The strategy has been working brilliantly thus far.

Oh, for the days when a meaningful discussion took place in the ale house. Going back to my long gone bar days, the most meaningful discourses I had were usually with the mature "townies" but not as much with people in my own age group, who at one time in history could probably quote Shakespeare or explain something scientific to you.

Plus, men in the movies are often portrayed as lawbreaking heroes working alone who singlehandedly save us all from an evil threat - like Rambo, for example - male characters who stop at nothing to "get 'er done," working around all those pesky liberal soft on crime laws that protect the bad guys. In life, no person working alone really gets anything done.

People working together in movies are often portrayed as either being a lawless mob or if successful at the task at hand, the new leader will become corrupt. Message - don't even try to change anything. The most effective strategy in films to keep people separated seems to be avoiding the subject entirely, so Hollywood just makes another hero flick.

It is so amazing how thoroughly assumptions about reality are "encoded" into movies so that we automatically accept without question that we live in a class society. I have been noticing how the average working person in films and on TV is portrayed as a lovable buffoon who will never be able to move into the upper class. The only hope offered to working characters is that they might improve their standard of living but always stay within their same class, if only they would work harder. Only the serious characters are successful on the screen. The rest are for the entertainment.

The good news is that once you start to see it, the "spell" is broken.

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:42 pm
by joeyv23
Dunno if anyone caught the Superbowl, but boy was the subliminal message in the half time show not so subliminal at all! For anyone that missed it, here's the show. What I took from the whole thing...

Prepare.. to give it away now... cuz you're amazing [acceptable] just the way you are.

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:40 am
by daniel
joeyv23 wrote:Dunno if anyone caught the Superbowl, but boy was the subliminal message in the half time show not so subliminal at all! For anyone that missed it, here's the show. What I took from the whole thing...

Prepare.. to give it away now... cuz you're amazing [acceptable] just the way you are.
With all this tech, who needs talent? About the only word I could make out was "prepare" because they wrote it on the screen in the background during those "firework ejaculations." I also noticed some of the band symbols, such as the inverted-omega (alpha-omega is a completed cycle; inverted omega is a failed cycle), and the way the spotlights would converge to make the pyramid (the structure the Annunaki gods ruled from). The latter bit was the "descent into hell," complete with the simulated fire and half-naked men dressed in red (demons), while in the background, the distribution of lights across the audience looked like the starry night sky with the main spotlight acting as the bright star in the heaven, "guiding" to center-stage ("we three kings" on the quest for the savior), where symbols of the American flag glowed. Then you had all the military people wanting to come home, which served two purposes: to generate sympathy for those stranded military people--whom, btw, CHOSE to be there as a career--and secondly, to equate the military with the savior scenario.

I find that particularly interesting given Wilcock's "Drake" guy, whom spent years on the radio saying to "sit back and enjoy the fireworks" as the MILITARY did their "mass arrests" and saved the world from the evil banking cabal... which they never did. So after looking at the symbolism here, I have to wonder if the military is the solution--or the problem.

Also, after observing the audience screaming at the tops of their lungs, jumping up and down and pointing a finger... I can certainly see why ETs from other galaxies are rushing to Earth to "mass ascend" everyone... perhaps channelers got the number wrong, and it will actually be a mass ascension to 3rd density! :D

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:14 pm
by Djchrismac
joeyv23 wrote:Dunno if anyone caught the Superbowl, but boy was the subliminal message in the half time show not so subliminal at all! For anyone that missed it, here's the show. What I took from the whole thing...

Prepare.. to give it away now... cuz you're amazing [acceptable] just the way you are.
The link is now down but I got a 2 minute "highlight" :shock: video... so who's Bruno Mars? Seriously I have no idea, feels great to say that too! :D

I didn't get "prepare" in the highlights but guessing that "give it away give it away give it away now" was the Chilli Peppers song?
daniel wrote:I find that particularly interesting given Wilcock's "Drake" guy, whom spent years on the radio saying to "sit back and enjoy the fireworks" as the MILITARY did their "mass arrests" and saved the world from the evil banking cabal... which they never did. So after looking at the symbolism here, I have to wonder if the military is the solution--or the problem.
My take on this is a military uprising solution, possibly after a Barry Obama revelation (if it happens) and it seems to be what Veterans Today want while a majority of troops support Ron Paul and any change from the current regime. And while they all fight over the throne the Dragons are coming...


(winter is already here!)
daniel wrote:Also, after observing the audience screaming at the tops of their lungs, jumping up and down and pointing a finger... I can certainly see why ETs from other galaxies are rushing to Earth to "mass ascend" everyone... perhaps channelers got the number wrong, and it will actually be a mass ascension to 3rd density! :D
Hahaha nice! :lol:

Re: TV box subliminal messaging

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:40 pm
by Lozion
Djchrismac wrote: The link is now down but I got a 2 minute "highlight" :shock: video... so who's Bruno Mars? Seriously I have no idea, feels great to say that too! :D
I'm proud to say I had no idea what your pic refered too! So what is game of thrones anyway? :)