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Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:23 am
by tribs4u2
Thank you Daniel for bringing greater knowledge to more people more easy!
Please tell me when the BIG changes are going to happen to the Sun - causing the Earth to be larger and the Ocean levels to be lower without water decreasing? In your considered opinion! Are we talking months or years time?

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:30 pm
by daniel
tribs4u2 wrote:Thank you Daniel for bringing greater knowledge to more people more easy!
Please tell me when the BIG changes are going to happen to the Sun - causing the Earth to be larger and the Ocean levels to be lower without water decreasing? In your considered opinion! Are we talking months or years time?
I can identify the precursors, but it's difficult to give a clock time. It is like when someone is going to sneeze... you can see their nose twitching and you know it's coming, but just don't know how long before they finally let it out. The solar system is twitching all over, and we know it's coming, but there just isn't enough data to say when.

But I don't think it will be long... I was outside today, and the sun was so bright, I had to wear sunglasses. That's unheard of this time of the year! (Granted, I am at a high altitude, so there is less blocking the sun except the chemtrails, which were in full swing again today.)

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:51 am
by T11
daniel wrote:I can identify the precursors, but it's difficult to give a clock time. It is like when someone is going to sneeze... you can see their nose twitching and you know it's coming, but just don't know how long before they finally let it out. The solar system is twitching all over, and we know it's coming, but there just isn't enough data to say when.

But I don't think it will be long... I was outside today, and the sun was so bright, I had to wear sunglasses. That's unheard of this time of the year! (Granted, I am at a high altitude, so there is less blocking the sun except the chemtrails, which were in full swing again today.)
Interesting you should bring up this analogy as overly bright sunlight always causes me to sneeze! When the sun finally sneezes back, I believe it will be the happiest moment of my life. 8-)

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:39 am
by tribs4u2
:) Thank you daniel for geetting this Website together! I have been looking at what the Mayan says with his video on U Tube. It seems that according to him and his many workers 120+ the time we are told to look for is 21st to 23Dec. The main thing is within this time for 8 minutes energy will come from the centre of our Galaxy. This will be received by people who are awake and asleep physically who will feel an Emotion of having great clarity of thought so that anything they wish to do they will know what is needed! If they are able to do the necessary actions or not is up to them!

This Whole thing has been Blown out of Proportion! It is just like waiting for your Christmas Gifts and being promised 'You are going to get something great' then very long waiting and dreaming and talking. A lot of people will not know it has happened - all this great fuss for 8 minutes that most will not be able to use!

The Calendar we use today is the Gregorian Calendar created by the Vatican of Rome. Isn't this calendar 4 years wrong after they tried to sort the months out and included a leap year! December is the 10th month? But Daniel you tell us that the Sun is changing now and do not know how much timeis needed What do you think? Dimensions - Extra-terrestials -ascension!

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:36 am
by daniel
tribs4u2 wrote:This Whole thing has been Blown out of Proportion! It is just like waiting for your Christmas Gifts and being promised 'You are going to get something great' then very long waiting and dreaming and talking. A lot of people will not know it has happened - all this great fuss for 8 minutes that most will not be able to use!
I've not heard anything concerning 8 minutes, but in my opinion, mankind is better off not being on the "cosmic dole" waiting for energetic handouts. We have consciousness, intelligence and the ability to alter ourselves and our environment to extreme levels. Why not use the gifts we already possess and plot our own course for a change, rather than waiting on cosmic handouts?
tribs4u2 wrote:The Calendar we use today is the Gregorian Calendar created by the Vatican of Rome. Isn't this calendar 4 years wrong after they tried to sort the months out and included a leap year! December is the 10th month?
You can thank the Roman emperors Julius (July) and Augustus (August) for that!
tribs4u2 wrote:But Daniel you tell us that the Sun is changing now and do not know how much time is needed What do you think? Dimensions - Extra-terrestials -ascension!
What I see is an opportunity to advance, using the tools and techniques I already possess. As an old, Chinese priest said, "Door of opportunity have sign that say, 'push to open.' It never locked."

Time for a little push to open.

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth + Extra Energy!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:30 am
by tribs4u2
:) Thank you Daniel for reply! Please use the following link to find out more about the 8 minutes I mentioned of Energy coming to us so that WE can make some proper decisions about our Future World using this Energy!

This is a Mayan leader getting Mexican people together so that the 8 minutes of Emotion given will be used for a lot longer time - months - so that people can help themselves! Not relying on Extra-Terrestials!

We all can be something more and marvelous! We need the IMPETUS to do more new things! I expect this Energy is what it is for! What do you think Daniel?

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth + Extra Energy!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:04 pm
by daniel
tribs4u2 wrote::) Thank you Daniel for reply! Please use the following link to find out more about the 8 minutes I mentioned of Energy coming to us so that WE can make some proper decisions about our Future World using this Energy!
FASCINATING video... I spent some time in the Yucatan climbing around those pyramids, many years ago, before they were roped off by the United Nations. I know exactly what he is referring to, but I had not realized they updated the understanding to more modern context. I wish they read Larson instead of Newton, then they would realize it actually occurs naturally when the Earth has a core flare and that is what the records were talking about at the start of the Long Count.

Prof. KVK Nehru identifies the "fire vortices" in the sky as thredules, a natural occurrence of the Earth that is normally responsible for hurricanes. If you want to see the solar version, they are active on the sun and you can seem them here:

I would not be too concerned with particle accelerators, because their calculations are based on clock time, not 3D time, so they will be in for a disappointment.

The Mayans are also going to be off a touch in the calculations because during this solar transition (core of the "central sun" actually refers to our sun, not the center of the galaxy) something is going to happen that has never happened on Earth before--the magnetic ionization level, of which conventional science is blissfully unaware, is going to drop from 1 natural unit down to zero. The other times, it has dropped from 4->3, 3->2 and 2->1. Never hit zero before, which means all the nuclear material on the planet will chuck off x-rays until they become stable elements. Their differential to compensate is going to be off by a factor of 79/14ths (~5.64) because of this, as compared to the last time since only 14 elements transitioned then, and the remaining 79 are going this time.

The cosmic ray he talks of that is going to hit Earth is on the mark, except the origin is the sun--cosmic rays are just a more energetic form of X-rays that occurs when ultra-high speed matter (matter with 2D in time and 1D in space) drops sub-light, it emits cosmic rays. Since only 1 dimension exists in our spatial reference system, it takes the form of a linear projection--a ray. Intermediate speed matter dropping sublight will produce an "area" effect of x-rays, since it has 2 dimensions in space. (For a reference, see Larson's work on the jets being emitted by the galaxy M-87.)
tribs4u2 wrote:This is a Mayan leader getting Mexican people together so that the 8 minutes of Emotion given will be used for a lot longer time - months - so that people can help themselves! Not relying on Extra-Terrestials!
I now realize what they are trying to do, and it's downright sneaky... I love it! It is actually 8 minutes 19 seconds in length, if you want to be precise (now that I know where the number is coming from).

And I can tell you something of the energy that will be present, referring to my paper on ETs and EDs. It is 6th density energy, the Earth equivalent of the cosmic-ray thredule from the sun. Its presence will allow both a foot and a hand in 3D time, which will be fine if you are prepared for it, though may be a bit of a shocker for those who are not. This has happened before, and people need to be careful so we don't fall in to the "Forbidden Planet" syndrome.

The water you use needs to be living water, per Viktor Schauberger. Not tap water or any other contaminated water. Distilled works, but you will have to do what they did--bury it, and do it now. Once in the ground, the Earth's natural energy will bring it to life. Stirring with a copper tool helps--NOT iron or steel. You need a diamagnetic element. I would avoid aluminum, because of the chemtrail contamination has caused that energy to become foul for that element. The best water you can get is from an artesian spring--from the ground, not from a plastic bottle at Wal-mart. Use glass to transport, as plastic leaches into water. Artesian spring water is already alive and well.
tribs4u2 wrote:We all can be something more and marvelous! We need the IMPETUS to do more new things! I expect this Energy is what it is for! What do you think Daniel?
Just remember what he said... it is just an opportunity, not a requirement. As he put it, if you are sitting there worrying about your mortgage, it will pass right by you. An opportunity and a choice.

I'm all for people taking the initiative to get off the couch and do things for themselves! And this looks like the perfect opportunity.

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:41 pm
by Secret Agent Man
So when would the real 8 minute and 19 second window hit if the Mayan estimate is off? Is it something we can figure out here? Thanks!

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:04 pm
by PeacefulMe
This is all so new to me and some of it can be downright overwhelming, but I had a question regarding the Mayan video. The one thing that sticks out in my mind is where he mentions mercury and how most everyone has those mercury-laden lightbulbs nowadays. He says that mercury isn't magnetic. So does this explain the push for these CFL lightbulbs? Is it so we, as a people, can't benefit from the superconcious energy coming our way between the 21st and 23rd of December? Is it mercury that will keep us from experiencing this energy? Like I said, this was just something that stuck out in my mind. I'm not sure if it's a big deal or not, but I find it ironic how I have been totally against those lightbulbs and have stockpiled a good supply of old-fashioned, energy-hog bulbs to last for a good stretch of time (or until there is a more reasonably-priced safer alternative). Daniel, could you please comment? Thanks again for all of your work...I am ever so grateful that you have opened up to us :D

Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:27 am
by daniel
Secret Agent Man wrote:So when would the real 8 minute and 19 second window hit if the Mayan estimate is off? Is it something we can figure out here? Thanks!
First, you must determine if that measurement is one of clock time (duration) or of 3D time, meaning it manifests as clock space (distance).
PeacefulMe wrote:He says that mercury isn't magnetic.
Mercury IS magnetic, it is just diamagnetic like copper. As a diamagnetic substance, it has a tendency to push away from a magnetic field, rather than be pulled towards it (paramagnetism).
PeacefulMe wrote:Is it mercury that will keep us from experiencing this energy? Like I said, this was just something that stuck out in my mind. I'm not sure if it's a big deal or not, but I find it ironic how I have been totally against those lightbulbs and have stockpiled a good supply of old-fashioned, energy-hog bulbs to last for a good stretch of time (or until there is a more reasonably-priced safer alternative)
You may have noticed I tends towards being "Nature Friendly" and I like those light bulbs, because they require 1/10th of the energy to do the same amount of work. When you are running on solar panels and wind turbines, it is nice to have power for 10x the amount of time that you would, using conventional filaments. To me, it is like recycling.

If you check your history, mercury is a key element in a lot of ancient technology, like the Vimana aircraft of India. In the east, it is used in holistic medicine.

Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you regarding light bulbs and ascension, as I have not researched that area and I prefer not to make unsupported claims. But in 30 years of research, I have not run across anything indicating mercury is harmful to the consciousness.

This Mayan information is new to me. Perhaps you could check alchemical records, as mercury was a key element in the alchemical process to trigger ascension, and let us know?