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Non-human animals and vegetation

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:56 am
by kirolak8
Thank you for the very interesting articles, I just wish I had studied science so as to understand the space/time/movement from more than an "emotional" point of view!

I am an "animal activist" in my small way; what some people call an "extremist"/ abolitionist as I support a totally vegan way of life - although I will never understand how it can be considered extreme to promote non-violence, non-racism non-speciesism. . .

I would greatly appreciate your input, Daniel, on the role of non-human animals & plants as we head for the shift. If it should be that animals & plants will not "shift" along with humans, then I would quite simply choose to stay in 3-D rather than abandon them. :( Humans are responsible for so much harm to others; if a new world does not entail total harmlessness between all species, I certainly would not want to be a member of such a self-serving community.

Re: Non-human animals and vegetation

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:24 pm
by daniel
kirolak8 wrote:Humans are responsible for so much harm to others; if a new world does not entail total harmlessness between all species, I certainly would not want to be a member of such a self-serving community.
The worst damage I've seen was the aquatic life in the Gulf of Mexico, after the Horizon disaster. Sill ongoing, BTW. What we saw on the surface was nothing compared to what was underwater.