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Winter Solstice & The Montauk Chair
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:56 am
by Evansville64
As far as I am aware, the chair was essentailly a hyper-dimensional gateway to an outer plane known as "timespace". Unlike our current plane of existance, this vacuum consisted of a stable 3 dimensaional reality, with time spread out within our "frame of refrence". That said, with the foreward time-travel experimentation done at Montauk, how accurate would the date of the so-called "bump" be, realetive to the "twenty-year harmonic"? As reported, that date is said to be one month from now: December 21st. Is this date presumed to be accurate?
Re: Winter Solstice & The Montauk Chair
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:05 pm
by daniel
Evansville64 wrote:As far as I am aware, the chair was essentailly a hyper-dimensional gateway to an outer plane known as "timespace". Unlike our current plane of existance, this vacuum consisted of a stable 3 dimensaional reality, with time spread out within our "frame of refrence". That said, with the foreward time-travel experimentation done at Montauk, how accurate would the date of the so-called "bump" be, realetive to the "twenty-year harmonic"? As reported, that date is said to be one month from now: December 21st. Is this date presumed to be accurate?
As the guy that wrote the computer interface code for that chair, I can tell you a lot about it. It was the navigation system from an FTL craft: the pilot's seat and navigation computer. Time/space is the cosmic sector; 3D time. To steer a craft through time and space, you needed a "window" on both realms to see where you were going. That's what the chair did--gave the pilot a set of windows to navigate with. By using the temporal window, you could look around the temporal landscape, sort of a chauffeur-driven time machine by the psychic in the chair. Later on, they reverse-engineered the FTL drive which gave them access to pass through the realm, to other locations in 3D space and clock time.
The bump was around 2012/2013... there was no exact date. The 20-year harmonic has its nexus on August 12, 2013. The bump was pretty "wide," so it probably extends a year in both directions, which curiously is the time frame most of this dimensional change is supposed to happen in.
Re: Winter Solstice & The Montauk Chair
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:24 pm
by MrTwig
The 20-year harmonic has its nexus on August 12, 2013.
Well! this should be interesting! Also in the news today:
Re: Winter Solstice & The Montauk Chair
Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:18 pm
by Evansville64
Thank you much Mr Twig. If im not mistaken, the last occurrence was the destruction of the montauk base? Or have I confused it with a side effect from the philidelphia experiment?