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Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:40 pm
by sheri40380
Is anyone familiar with the Keshe Foundation? American Kabuki recently posted some PDFs of patents that the Keshe Foundation submitted and are saying they will soon release these new technologies to the public. If they're for real, we're talking sustainable energies and anti-gravity vehicles.

Here are the links: ... lings.html ... keshe.html

If this has already been discussed, everyone has my apologies. Maybe the Keshe Foundation is immensely credible and I'm showing my ignorance here (not the first time lol). If someone could speak to this information to give any sort of validation (or discredit it completely - whichever is the truth :) ), that would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:05 pm
by daniel
I've read the Keshe patent applications. The technology is viable based on the description, though Keshe is ambiguous with his scientific explanations. (When reading the patents, I got the sense that Keshe did not understand his own technology, and was just repeating something he was taught by someone else.)

Something to note is that the Keshe technology is based on a radioactive cesium core, which I would have some concerns about for household use. Cesium is highly biotoxic, and once exposed, you have about 2 weeks of life left.

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:15 pm
by sheri40380
Many thanks for looking into this Daniel!

And it looks like I had reason for my doubts. Interestingly enough, I saw your post immediately after I discovered a follow-up on American Kabuki's site...which was just posted.

American Kabuki writes:
"We noticed something a bit ODD with the Keshe World Peace Treaty contract... Its a SOUL contract... and the contract doesn't stipulate just WHOM Keshe represents. WHO are his handlers? Who does he speak for? Who's higher on the FOOD chain?

Manhattan was sold for a few beads and trinkets. And what's technology when compared to your soul? Corporations don't have souls... neither do governments... so who is this aimed at? Don't you just hate fine print?

The One People's Public Trust just negated the commercial contract enslaving humans on this planet in multiple dimensions. YET Keshe, on January 21, is offering A NEW ONE!!! You have to ask yourself in regards to this contract, who are the other parties to it? WHERE'S FULL DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY? How does Keshe, an Iranian, in the heart of darkest Belgium (and I don't mean "dark chocolate" - read the history of King Leopold in the Congo or the rampant ritual child abuse among elites in Belgium), operate a non-profit for humanity in that country? Its not accidentally the EU is centered in Belgium. Hopefully Keshe will be more forthcoming. I am not saying Keshe is a bad guy, I just wonder why he's got a soul contract for a treaty...

Interesting timing... the old contract was over on the 21st. Not even a day went by before a new one popped up... "just sayin..".

He's not the first with these technologies, there's DARPA boys with far more advanced stuff that are still hiding underground so they don't end up like Bill Brockbader and be put in hole somewhere for helping humanity with the truth.

Clause from Keshe World Peace Treaty Contract:
“We/I as citizen(s) of the Earth from this moment on accept to lay down all tools of aggression and war, we/I shall never think about getting involved or incite war or develop or use any tools of war on this planet or in space, and to this we/I all agree and swear with our/my (Delete as appropriate) Nation, territory, council, religion, city, town, body(s) and soul(s).”
Good lesson in discernment!! As anxious as I am (we ALL are) to see disclosure and the release of new/safe/Earth-supporting technologies, the path can still be a little...hazy.

Again, I'm incredibly grateful for the input!

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:04 pm
by DavidGordon
What’s Up with Keshe?

Open letter to Mehran Keshe.
With respect Mr. Keshe, you should stick to your science development and hire other people to communicate for you.

Your written english is poor to the point of making you seem like an unintelligent person, which I am sure you are not. Upon first coming across your work some six months ago, I thought it odd that your communications were so weird and poorly written.

I figured you would grow your organization and find a better interpreter and english/american writer. Now reading your “An Insight into the Future” paper, I seriously question your abilities to reason. You propose bizarre information without substantiation and repeat it six or more times. We get it: The activities of evil men have been recorded by off-worlders and it will be played back to humiliate them.

This is your proposed peaceful control system?

These are the evil members of the cabal who in your, “The Status of Scientists” are to be sentenced to hell forever (along with their children?) for their horrific treatment of scientists in general. Revenge fantasies have no place in scientific breakthrough announcements. This notion is repeatedly stated on that paper along with the idea that scientists are as important as prophets. (Jesus anyone?) Most people agree with the idea scientists are a core of our future development, but better than Muhammad? Buddha too? Give this notion a rest and concentrate on you work.

Why are we even talking about this? I can’t believe I’m schooling a world-class scientist on establishing communication without discrediting yourself. Your odd, unrelated ideas about an alien recording system of all reality and revenge on the children of the cabal don’t help you establish credibility.
These meaningless diatribes (the many wasted, angry words of yours) damage your cause to develop freer, better energy systems.

Glorifying scientists en mass is short sighted. Have you ever heard of Monsanto? They should be strung up (assuming they are convicted under due process) for what they have done to our earth’s vital bees alone. Amoral scientists are deadly.

Maybe the “scientists are good as prophets” thing has gone to your head. That you insist on writing this inane drivel yourself is a clear sign you are probably a complete egotist and cannot listen to others, period. You may be the prototypical nerd with poor social skills – on steroids! I have watched your tapes and you actually do fine. Maybe this poorly chosen text with which you have introduced yourself to the world is an outside plant to discredit you. Yes – it is that bad.
Problem is: Your cause is my cause, that is to say the world of free peoples cause. And with such releases you may be dooming your vital part to failure. Credibility is a struggle for we alternative writers, researchers and documentary producers – not to mention breakthrough scientists of working free-energy devices.

Another problem: Your political comprehension is nil. That World Peace Treaty agreement is a poorly worded, ill-conceived, shockingly naive thing. I wouldn’t present it as written to anyone. You want to get the whole world to sign this? I’m actually good for it in principle, but it needs major adjustment. I, for one, will agree never be an aggressor, but I’ll keep my gun, thank-you.
Don’t even think about touching our “tools of war” if that means American, private gun-ownership. We are about to impeach our president for lessor dictates. Ask the 290 million people killed by the govermobs in the last century if disarmament was a good idea.
You will establish no audience beyond the curious persons in the core of this movement and you will lose them soon because these writings suggest you are a whack-job. I strongly believe otherwise and looking at your 2007 patents was again inspiring.

Your effort to make World Peace through freely availed energy is noble and everyone on earth will support you – except for some – and yes, we have a problem with that. You need people immediately aware of your inventions and to show working models in public. Your gravitational and energy system sounds great (not sure exactly what it does) and I’m sure there are others of scientific/physics background who support its functionality. ... ent-Filing

And the seemingly derived device from the Micro Plasmic Reactor would be great too and If I understand correctly it creates power enough for a house and it is the size of a cell phone. ... 05447236-0

You suggest dissolving all governments in the name of a peace dictated by a man who solely provides the power source of the future – that being you. That is a design for tyranny. And you think that this could be accomplished by me walking into the mayor’s office and asking him to sign your pledge (on what authority?) away rights?

Believe it or not – I have tremendous faith in your work and I imagine many people are strong supporters. But, you do not communicate well to the public to whom you are appealing and I believe it is crucial that you avail yourself of better public relations and legal advice to get your vital word out.

I am afraid few are going to sign you well-intentioned document Mr. Keshe, for a variety of reasons – not to mention the bizarre paragraph below the signatures. I, however do support your intent and if you really do not have anyone to help you with this or can not afford someone, then at least run it by me.

In summation - within the Important Announcement by the Keshe Foundation on American Kabuki, ... keshe.html
the below is offered and I can see you heart is in the right place.

“It is time to start a new chapter in the life of the man on earth, where peace and to serve humanity becomes the centre and focal point of every man and not the false materialistic life of today which has brought about so much misery for the man from his inspection on this planet.”

My apologies for the rant style of letter. Know that I am a strong supporter of your proposed free-energy contribution to a better world, but this release was damaging to your and our credibility.

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:27 pm
by Kano
Is free energy even possible considering the law of conservation of energy? Isn't that energy being pulled from one place to another. From the temporal realm into the spatial? I can't get my head around how any energy could actually be free. Can someone help me with that?

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:50 am
by Ilkka
Hi Kano, I think the answer lies somewhere in Reciprocal System Theory. Reciprocity of the energies coming from time/space to space/time and vice versa.

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:41 pm
by Kano
Ilkka wrote:Hi Kano, I think the answer lies somewhere in Reciprocal System Theory. Reciprocity of the energies coming from time/space to space/time and vice versa.
Hi Ilkka, you may be correct but that still does not make it free does it? It is taking away from one place and adding to another. It still isn't free it would seem.

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:27 pm
by PeacefulMe
Yes I believe that to be true. Daniel had responded to one of my earlier posts regarding zero point energy or free energy in general and he said that the energy is coming from somewhere, and of the devices he's looked at, the energy is extracted from biological energy (your life force, prana, qi). So basically, no, it isn't're paying for it with your life :cry:

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:49 pm
by irish
PeacefulMe wrote:Yes I believe that to be true. Daniel had responded to one of my earlier posts regarding zero point energy or free energy in general and he said that the energy is coming from somewhere, and of the devices he's looked at, the energy is extracted from biological energy (your life force, prana, qi). So basically, no, it isn't're paying for it with your life :cry:

Interesting that you say "paying for it with your life"... for me that made a connection to another health&science blog I read whose latest series goes deep into how electromagnetic frequencies are affecting our health. Interestingly, he is using a lot of Einstein special relatively theory.... I would love to rework the theories with RS instead, I just have some learning to do to understand RS at the quantum level.

Check out blog at his latest EMF series.

Re: Keshe Foundation to Release New Techonologies

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:07 pm
by PeacefulMe

I clicked on that link you posted from Jack Kruse. It really shook me up. I became very worried about EMFs a few years ago after I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue by my naturopath. But I never really tied the two together completely. I couldn't even finish reading the post by was too scary. We are all hopped up on EMF and probably on purpose. Would probably explain the world-wide push for smart meters. :(

In Daniel's response to my post on zero point/free energy he mentioned LM technology. They use a vibrational form of energy, not one that creates EMF. That's the route we should be taking. The next question is, how?