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Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:36 pm
by MrTwig
I found a new, to me, meaning of avatar. In Sikhism an avatar is every soul that has taken form or been born on earth. That would mean that we all are avatars. What is interesting to me is that I'm watching The Matrix and see the virtual world as the opposite of reality. Neo is created in the matrix by being a hacker that comes across a group of master hacker. The parallels are uncanny! I started out to check into the meaning of ascension and found that it comes first from climbing or moving upward like mountaineering. A more mystical meaning is attached to those that go up into Heaven without dying. A series of initiations could make an ascended master in some religions. I guess what I am trying to say is that we all are looking to ascend into another world where we are like an avatar with special powers. I hope there is such a thing because if there is not, we are all spinning our wheels.

Re: Avatars

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 12:17 pm
by daniel
MrTwig wrote:A more mystical meaning is attached to those that go up into Heaven without dying. A series of initiations could make an ascended master in some religions. I guess what I am trying to say is that we all are looking to ascend into another world where we are like an avatar with special powers. I hope there is such a thing because if there is not, we are all spinning our wheels.
L. ascendo; mount, scale or embark. In the old days, it meant to catch a shuttlecraft to the Annunaki orbital platform.

It later got mixed up with an herbal technique by the Priest cast (descendents from the SMs--sons of god) that allowed them to disable their Neanderthal DNA and become more god/SM-like, to then catch a shuttle to the Colony ship, the USS Heaven (United Saurian Ship). And they "ascended into Heaven."

Of course, if you are not a direct descendant of the gods, then you don't have that immortality option, but there is another option of us hybrids.

("USS" is normally a term for "United States Ship," curiously launched from Amaru-ca (America), the Native American name for the "land of the serpent.")

Re: Avatars

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:37 pm
by Sponge
daniel wrote: Of course, if you are not a direct descendant of the gods, then you don't have that immortality option, but there is another option of us hybrids.
Daniel, Since hybrids don't have the gods DNA, does that mean that Psychoactive drugs affect hybrids differently?

Re: Avatars

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 6:47 am
by Ilkka
Sponge wrote:Since hybrids don't have the gods DNA, does that mean that Psychoactive drugs affect hybrids differently?
I think DNA has very little to do with the effects of psychedelics between different persons. However I have a little theory about recreational drugs. My friend who gets into trouble always when he is drunk enough, has also been behaving violently on psychedelic drugs. So there must be a connection between the two different addictive drugs with similar results in "scope". Although this friend of mine has also been smoking marijuana which is also psychoactive, but it renders him mostly the usual relaxed way and after using for awhile comes depression that keeps him in "the loop".

My little brother has also been smoking "weed" whoever he turns out to be much calmer when intoxicated otherwise totally sober he has very short temper, and yelling very loudly. My little brother also happens to have some issues with eating since he looks a bit anorectic and smoking weed is giving him more appetite than normally. I also have tried to talk to him about possible alternatives, but he just doesnt listen so there is very little that I can do at this point. Gotta also take into equation the fact that our parents divorced when my little brother was just starting his teen age and went to live with our mom who was violent when drunk and she liked to drink every weekend, still does and she was drunk this chrismas eve when we went there to eat, so she is drunk every day when she has a free time from work. This does have an effect to my little brothers behavior towards others especially family members. I havent studied psychology but I think I have some knowledge about it through experiences in life.

I have also smoked a little marijuana, but since I havent smoked cigarettes, it really isnt my thing. I've used LSD, 2C-P (similar to mescaline, this happens to be also the worst of the bunch and very long lasting over 12 hours and involves vomiting and bad headaches, not for the first few uses though) and Psilocybe mushrooms(only once taken shrooms though). Have been sober over a year now, only addictive substance I now consume daily is caffeine from loose tea leaves, white, green and black with different spices.

Re: Avatars

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 2:20 pm
by daniel
Sponge wrote:Daniel, Since hybrids don't have the gods DNA, does that mean that Psychoactive drugs affect hybrids differently?

Those of us that have a predominant Neanderthal/LM genetics do not respond strongly to psychoactive drugs, because that "connection" is already there, naturally. There's no desire for the experience, because the "experience" is always active and we've learned to manage it over the course of our lives. (It does, however, create a lot of difficulties in early childhood, since metaphysics tends to be a taboo subject. You have to basis to comprehend the additional input.) But we're only talking about 0.1% of the population.

The bulk of the population is a "mixed bag" of the Adamic slave stock + the children of the gods, so the experiences can vary widely. Psychoactive drugs primarily target the SM (reptilian) portions of the brain, and if you notice, those of direct descent--the priest, shaman and guru castes--were the original psychoactive drug users. Of course, those were "real" psychoactive drugs, of very high quality that required a great deal of preparation. What you get as "recreational drugs" on the street is nothing more than fancy rat poison that brings you near death, so you start to experience the transition to the Waves.
(I only know of 2 exceptions to the 'rat poison' concept, both are Shamanic herbs that require significant preparation of both the tincture and the person intending to use it.)

Re: Avatars

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:39 pm
by Lozion
daniel wrote:[
(I only know of 2 exceptions to the 'rat poison' concept, both are Shamanic herbs that require significant preparation of both the tincture and the person intending to use it.)
Ayahuasca & Iboga?

Re: Avatars

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:15 am
by Lotus
daniel wrote: The bulk of the population is a "mixed bag" of the Adamic slave stock + the children of the gods, so the experiences can vary widely. Psychoactive drugs primarily target the SM (reptilian) portions of the brain, and if you notice, those of direct descent--the priest, shaman and guru castes--were the original psychoactive drug users. Of course, those were "real" psychoactive drugs, of very high quality that required a great deal of preparation.
You said before that anyone can "break out" so why did they resort to drugs that are hard to make? Does it have to do with ethics?

Re: Avatars

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:24 pm
by PHIon
daniel wrote: What you get as "recreational drugs" on the street is nothing more than fancy rat poison that brings you near death, so you start to experience the transition to the Waves.
Rat poison is in blood thinners, too - one popular pharmaceutical these days. A phlebotomist explained to me how rat poison causes rats to bleed to death by having their blood thinned out too much. So one does not even need to be a recreational drug user to get dosed with the stuff, unless you weren't being exactly literal, daniel.

I wonder if thinning out the blood can filter out the LM/Neanderthal component and then a transfusion even more so? Could a goal of blood thinners be to weaken hybrid genetics in the population?

I don't want to go too far out here because reducing the possibility of blood clots is a very good thing. I'm just putting ideas together to see where they go.

Re: Avatars

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:32 pm
by maeghan
daniel wrote: Of course, if you are not a direct descendant of the gods, then you don't have that immortality option, but there is another option of us hybrids.
I tried looking into genealogy; actually tried doing my own family tree but my parents have cut me off so I can't find out any info from them.

My question is ... Who are the direct descendants of the gods? What is the other option for the hybrids?

One thing I know without having any direct memories is that this is not my first life; I'm pretty sure I've lived many and that my soul <--- that which is me, has been around for a very long time.

(I just wish this incarnation here wasn't as painful as it has been. I've done nothing but remain true to myself and I know that I am love; I emanate this. What makes me happy is helping others;; mostly inspiring others ... that's why I am a musician.)

Re: Avatars

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:41 am
by maeghan
I've done many many drugs but they never really 'messed' me up. I was always one of the last people standing at the party. Acid if anything just turned me into a little kid. Would see tracers and what not ... but it never really messed me up. It did make me realize that everything is connected. I was already good at finding connections and patterns.

Mushrooms hardly did anything to me.

E just dumped my dopamine into my body ... chemistry, ya know.

Weed just makes me float kind of. Sometimes it makes me slightly hyper. One thing it definitely does is make it makes me sleep like a baby (which is kind of nice cause i'm usually an insomniac.)

The white stuff makes me finish my finish my sentences and act more 'normal' .. whatever normal is.