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Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:35 am
by PeacefulMe
I was hoping to hear from Daniel on the W56 and who they are. I first read about them through David Wilcock's website and I am wondering if they are related to the Annunaki. Any information would be appreciated :D

Re: W56

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:20 pm
by daniel
PeacefulMe wrote:I was hoping to hear from Daniel on the W56 and who they are. I first read about them through David Wilcock's website and I am wondering if they are related to the Annunaki. Any information would be appreciated :D
Outside of W56 being a 1.2 megaton nuclear warhead on the Minuteman ICBMs, I don't know much. David and I never discussed any alien species by that designation.

If their behavior matches the profile of any of the regular pantheon of gods, then they are probably just another linguistic variant. There is normally a head-honcho god, An (or Anu) in Sumerian, Ahau in Mayan, Odin in the Norse, Wotan in Germanic, Zeus in the Greek, Jupiter in the Roman, Yahweh in Christianity... the list goes on and on. He fathered a couple of sons that could not get along, Enki (scientist and engineer) and Enlil (military leader) and a daughter Ninkhursag (medical).

Ninkhursag was probably the first "woman libber" on the planet, because in the ancient pantheons, women always took a back seat to men. But Ninkhursag wouldn't put up with that and established quite a power base and following of her own as Hera / Isis.

The two boys were always bickering; Enlil created man as a slave to the Annunaki, but it was Enki, the "snake in the garden," that set man free from that slavery. They've been fighting over that, ever since.

So if you see this pattern in the W56 story, then they are probably the Annunaki.