Antigravity, Invisibility, and Teleportation--theory
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:04 pm
It seems a number of members of these fora have memories, dreams or subconscious recall of some fairly advanced technology. Perhaps if we share what we know, we may find a pattern--or better yet--rediscover the technology for ourselves.
As most of you already know, I became interested in Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of physical theory back around 1991, and it's been something of an obsession with me since then. I suspect that there was something about Larson's unique ideas that kicked something deep in the back of my mind... something that resonated, but not as an "I knew this before,' but an "Aha! Now I understand how it works." But... I also held the contention that Larson's Reciprocal System was just a "really good first draft," and he did not get it quite right. So, I started doing some in-depth research with my friend Prof. KVK Nehru of Hyderabad, India, which eventually led to the development of "RS2: The Reevaluation of the Reciprocal System of theory" and a new way to comprehend the relationships between space, time and consciousness.
Combining what I've learned with what I know (or knew!), I've been able to get some thoughts on just how some of this advanced technology must operation. So, here are my premises and thoughts on the subject:
Larson's basics are right on: the Universe is composed of "motion", not "things." Understanding what that means is important... it is not "motion" as conventionally understood, but as Larson eventually stated, "[Motion] is nothing more than abstract CHANGE in three dimensions." So, the Universe is composed of "change"... but change of what? Larson also includes a reference system of "absolute locations", that move apart from each other, at the speed of light. He calls this the "Natural Reference System." When a "motion", such as an atom, gets involved, what it does is CHANGE THE RATE at which these "absolute locations" move apart from each other... sometimes, to the extent that they start moving TOWARDS each other, rather than apart, and we call that "gravity."
So, all the photons, particles and atoms are nothing but systems of "change", changing the locations of the Universe. In computer terms, it's called a "transformation matrix", that is fed points and "transforms" them into new locations--just as Larson describes.
What Larson failed to include was the concept of reciprocal GEOMETRY... in other words, "points" also have a reciprocal--PLANES. The reciprocal of space is time, so the vacuum of points in space is viewed as a SOLID OF PLANES in time. The effect of these temporal planes is what we call "force fields"--magnetism, electricity, etc. Most of the advanced tech operates using these fields, rotating and bucking magnetic and electric fields and hence--are manipulating TIME to change SPACE. This is a new concept, not recognized by conventional science--and probably limiting them!
The second problem area with Larson's reasoning is that he considered the geometry of both time and space to be LINEAR--proceeding in a line. Yet, when you get into the field of electronics, capacitance and inductance must be represented by rotational quantities--imaginary numbers. We know these fields are an effect of TIME, so therefore, at least from the illusion of our conscious perspective, TIME must be ROTATIONAL in nature--not linear.
Linear space and rotational time can be represented mathematically by complex numbers. So the Universe is "complex," in a way! What is important about this, is that the "complex plane" (or Argand diagram) has both positive and NEGATIVE axes... in other words, there exists something called "negative space".
The annotations in the Varo edition of the Case for the UFO made several interesting claims that led me to believe that the UFOs operate in negative space, outside the field of our perception (we can only perceive positive space--and time only indirectly through the effect fields have upon space.)
Several years ago, I had an interesting experience out on the plains of Wyoming, in the Shirley Basin area... I encountered what I called an "invisible whirly thing". Curiously, it coincided at a point where I thought I finally figured out the Reciprocal System, and understood the Universe. So the dang Universe threw something at me that I could not explain, or even comprehend--the invisible, whirly thing.
It was evening, during a full moon in May. I was walking back to my house, and paused to notice how bright the moon was--so bright, it was like daylight. In the middle of nowhere, it is REALLY quiet, like you can hear a pin drop--5 miles away. And I heard a whooshing sound, coming at me from the south. It reminded me of the sound of a boomerang. I was looking right at the source of the sound... and it came right at me, and flew about 3 feet (1 meter) over my head, and continued on. Yet, I SAW NOTHING! Just heard it. But I was looking right at it, and it wasn't there. Only the sound, with nothing I could perceive to make that sound.
When I encountered the idea of "negative space" through the use of complex numbers to represent motion in the Reciprocal System, it hit me... that "thing" had its dimensions in negative space--it could still AFFECT space, and hence make noise, but was INVISIBLE to human perception, as we cannot perceive (nor conceive) negative lengths.
The descriptions of invisibility in the Varo annotations cinched it for me... they were describing a technique to move into negative space, to become invisible--yet retain the ability to affect physical objects, like ghosts.
Which brings up the second concept, which must exist if negative space does... negative time. Atomic structures are positive time displacements, and produce "gravity". A negative time displacement would have the opposite effect--ANTIGRAVITY, but retaining atomic structure. (One of the problems is, if atoms are gravitating, and you expose them to an anti-gravity field, the atoms will come apart and disintegrate. The idea of negative time overcomes this problem.)
Another method of antigravity comes from the post on Mount Lassen... the levitating sleds in the tunnel systems. It was noted that it had a copper base. Copper is diamagnetic--in other words, when exposed to a magnetic field, copper tends to produce its own magnetic field with North and South poles matching up, and hence opposing the magnetic field it is exposed to. If an adequate diamagnetic material could be found that could oppose the Earth's magnetic field, then the material would just "float" on the magnetic lines of force, requiring NO ENERGY to maintain its levitation.
So, those are some of my thoughts. I know I'm a bit "technical", but I'd love to hear your thoughts, even if symbolic. Ever little piece of the puzzle helps to see what the big picture is.
As most of you already know, I became interested in Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of physical theory back around 1991, and it's been something of an obsession with me since then. I suspect that there was something about Larson's unique ideas that kicked something deep in the back of my mind... something that resonated, but not as an "I knew this before,' but an "Aha! Now I understand how it works." But... I also held the contention that Larson's Reciprocal System was just a "really good first draft," and he did not get it quite right. So, I started doing some in-depth research with my friend Prof. KVK Nehru of Hyderabad, India, which eventually led to the development of "RS2: The Reevaluation of the Reciprocal System of theory" and a new way to comprehend the relationships between space, time and consciousness.
Combining what I've learned with what I know (or knew!), I've been able to get some thoughts on just how some of this advanced technology must operation. So, here are my premises and thoughts on the subject:
Larson's basics are right on: the Universe is composed of "motion", not "things." Understanding what that means is important... it is not "motion" as conventionally understood, but as Larson eventually stated, "[Motion] is nothing more than abstract CHANGE in three dimensions." So, the Universe is composed of "change"... but change of what? Larson also includes a reference system of "absolute locations", that move apart from each other, at the speed of light. He calls this the "Natural Reference System." When a "motion", such as an atom, gets involved, what it does is CHANGE THE RATE at which these "absolute locations" move apart from each other... sometimes, to the extent that they start moving TOWARDS each other, rather than apart, and we call that "gravity."
So, all the photons, particles and atoms are nothing but systems of "change", changing the locations of the Universe. In computer terms, it's called a "transformation matrix", that is fed points and "transforms" them into new locations--just as Larson describes.
What Larson failed to include was the concept of reciprocal GEOMETRY... in other words, "points" also have a reciprocal--PLANES. The reciprocal of space is time, so the vacuum of points in space is viewed as a SOLID OF PLANES in time. The effect of these temporal planes is what we call "force fields"--magnetism, electricity, etc. Most of the advanced tech operates using these fields, rotating and bucking magnetic and electric fields and hence--are manipulating TIME to change SPACE. This is a new concept, not recognized by conventional science--and probably limiting them!
The second problem area with Larson's reasoning is that he considered the geometry of both time and space to be LINEAR--proceeding in a line. Yet, when you get into the field of electronics, capacitance and inductance must be represented by rotational quantities--imaginary numbers. We know these fields are an effect of TIME, so therefore, at least from the illusion of our conscious perspective, TIME must be ROTATIONAL in nature--not linear.
Linear space and rotational time can be represented mathematically by complex numbers. So the Universe is "complex," in a way! What is important about this, is that the "complex plane" (or Argand diagram) has both positive and NEGATIVE axes... in other words, there exists something called "negative space".
The annotations in the Varo edition of the Case for the UFO made several interesting claims that led me to believe that the UFOs operate in negative space, outside the field of our perception (we can only perceive positive space--and time only indirectly through the effect fields have upon space.)
Several years ago, I had an interesting experience out on the plains of Wyoming, in the Shirley Basin area... I encountered what I called an "invisible whirly thing". Curiously, it coincided at a point where I thought I finally figured out the Reciprocal System, and understood the Universe. So the dang Universe threw something at me that I could not explain, or even comprehend--the invisible, whirly thing.
It was evening, during a full moon in May. I was walking back to my house, and paused to notice how bright the moon was--so bright, it was like daylight. In the middle of nowhere, it is REALLY quiet, like you can hear a pin drop--5 miles away. And I heard a whooshing sound, coming at me from the south. It reminded me of the sound of a boomerang. I was looking right at the source of the sound... and it came right at me, and flew about 3 feet (1 meter) over my head, and continued on. Yet, I SAW NOTHING! Just heard it. But I was looking right at it, and it wasn't there. Only the sound, with nothing I could perceive to make that sound.
When I encountered the idea of "negative space" through the use of complex numbers to represent motion in the Reciprocal System, it hit me... that "thing" had its dimensions in negative space--it could still AFFECT space, and hence make noise, but was INVISIBLE to human perception, as we cannot perceive (nor conceive) negative lengths.
The descriptions of invisibility in the Varo annotations cinched it for me... they were describing a technique to move into negative space, to become invisible--yet retain the ability to affect physical objects, like ghosts.
Which brings up the second concept, which must exist if negative space does... negative time. Atomic structures are positive time displacements, and produce "gravity". A negative time displacement would have the opposite effect--ANTIGRAVITY, but retaining atomic structure. (One of the problems is, if atoms are gravitating, and you expose them to an anti-gravity field, the atoms will come apart and disintegrate. The idea of negative time overcomes this problem.)
Another method of antigravity comes from the post on Mount Lassen... the levitating sleds in the tunnel systems. It was noted that it had a copper base. Copper is diamagnetic--in other words, when exposed to a magnetic field, copper tends to produce its own magnetic field with North and South poles matching up, and hence opposing the magnetic field it is exposed to. If an adequate diamagnetic material could be found that could oppose the Earth's magnetic field, then the material would just "float" on the magnetic lines of force, requiring NO ENERGY to maintain its levitation.
So, those are some of my thoughts. I know I'm a bit "technical", but I'd love to hear your thoughts, even if symbolic. Ever little piece of the puzzle helps to see what the big picture is.