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Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:43 pm
by Camdoc
I found Daniel's material fascinating. One thing that caught my eye was the statement that 3D space and 3D time are 90 degrees out of phase. That sounded rather similar to the statement by David Hawkins, MD in Power vs Force that the causal plane exists perpendicular to our reality. Hawkins was one of those guys who, like Gautama Sakyamuni and Eckardt Tolle, was suddenly enlightened, and then spent months trying to figure out how what they now understood applies to this reality. Duh! Could it be that they stepped into the 3D Temporal realm, with full consciousness? And then had to understand how it related to this realm?

To expand on Hawkins' observations a bit more:

Things which occur in this plane are not caused by other things in this plane. Rather, both that which we consider to be the causes and the result are attracted together by an "attractor", which is located not in this plane of reality, but in the causal plane. (Attractors are described by chaos theory, which I will not get into here. Just think of them as a concept or thought form acting sort of like a little gravity well which sucks in other things, rather like described by the Law of Attraction.)

As an example, slums are not "caused" by poverty, poor housing, poor education, violence, absence of a father figure, crime, drugs, promiscuity, etc. Governments and charities have tried to address all of these causes, and slums do not go away. Rather, Hawkins says, all of these attributes of slums, and slums themselves, are all attracted together [a la "Law of Attraction"] by an idea or concept or thought form which he calls "Slumness". Slumness exists not in our reality, but in a causal plane which exists perpendicular to our reality. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to address it in the causal plane, not in this reality.

The more I think about this, the more it sounds exactly like what Daniel wrote about passing from the 3D Space realm into the 3D Time realm. And the reason that the Law of Attraction works, when it is applied correctly, is that we are spiritually, with intention, entering and affecting the causal realms (3D Time realms), and affecting the causes of what we wish to have changed, on that side, thereby changing the result that we experience in this realm. I find that this is very exciting, and gives us all sorts of interesting possibilities as to changing the reality which we choose to experience, our lives, and the world.
I would love to hear feedback on this.

Re: Causality

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:30 pm
by Realized
There is indeed a causal plane as well as a subtle plane and finally, a physical plane. But the best of all is consciousness. It trumps the whole deal, and it is what we all are.

The 3 ropes of creation exist in the causal plane. Everything from that point is composed of a combination of these 3 principals: rajas or activity; sattva or the idea; and tamas or the matter. These 3 principals project out all of creation. First, there is an idea, then that idea has to be materialized and this is done with activity.

The other important thing to know about in the causal plane is that is where the vasannas exist. Vasannas dictate all natures. There are helpful vasannas such as the survival instinct, an ant's instinct, a tiger's instinct, but when it comes to humans we have many, many more unhelpful vasannas. Alcoholism, lust, altruism, paranoia are some of the millions of kinds of vasannas.

The subtle body consists of things we all know of but can't find in the material realm. Things like thoughts, feelings, dreams, the ego. Science would say these things originate in the brain, but they've always had the whole thing backwards.

Beyond, yet within the physical, subtle and causal realms is the subtlest of all: Consciousness. All of creation exists within the scope of consciousness, so it is the source of all creation. It goes from the most subtle down to the least subtle or our physical realm. The brain, indeed the whole body and world has no life without consciousness or awareness. So the brain receives this consciousness and appears to be autonomous, but this it would not exist or function (nor would anything else) without an originating consciousness.

Re: Causality

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:28 am
by admin
Camdoc and Realized,

Both of your posts here are excellent! We really have some great intellectual people here.

Thank you both for your contributions.

Re: Causality

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:07 pm
by Kano
So the brain receives this consciousness and appears to be autonomous, but this it would not exist or function (nor would anything else) without an originating consciousness.
Great insights indeed! Thanks for the great read!

Realized, please say more about the "originating consciousness". Consciousness is certainly the key that gives rise to the planes of existence discussed in this thread. But what fries my noodle is who thought of it? See what I mean?


Re: Causality

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:35 pm
by Realized
Kano wrote:
So the brain receives this consciousness and appears to be autonomous, but this it would not exist or function (nor would anything else) without an originating consciousness.
Great insights indeed! Thanks for the great read!

Realized, please say more about the "originating consciousness". Consciousness is certainly the key that gives rise to the planes of existence discussed in this thread. But what fries my noodle is who thought of it? See what I mean?

Before all of creation (and after, for all eternity) was (and still is) undivided, pure consciousness. It used itself to appear as the creator, god or source because in its undivided form it does nothing. It is BLISSFUL BEINGNESS. Undivided is not a good word because it indicates an eventual division, but these terms are only for the mind as the actuality of it is beyond the mind's understanding. Consciousness never loses a thing in the creation process because it IS NO THING AT ALL. So, from there the creator now becomes something and nothing at the same time, just like everything it creates, including us. All the time, all down the line, consciousness lends itself to become the maya of creation. the maya is an odd power that is neither real nor is it unreal, it just depends from which point of view one is seeing it. To a human the maya appears to be very real, with dire consequences and fantastic rewards, while for the source Consciousness there is no maya and no creation at all. The incredible chance self-aware beings like humans have is the potential to see WE ARE 1 WITH THE ORIGINATING CONSCIOUSNESS, and as such have never been anything less.

So, a person has this self-awareness, and it (the human being) thinks it created it with its mind. It does not realize it is experienceing a REFLECTED consciousness, that its mind is the receiver of this awareness. Even though everything in essence is consciousness, the consciousness is forever free of the maya and is not any thing in particular.

Re: Causality

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:53 pm
by Camdoc
Realized wrote:Before all of creation (and after, for all eternity) was (and still is) undivided, pure consciousness.
I don't disagree with any of this, but I am wondering how you think this fits in with the physics of What Is?

Re: Causality

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:21 pm
by Realized
Camdoc wrote:
Realized wrote:Before all of creation (and after, for all eternity) was (and still is) undivided, pure consciousness.
I don't disagree with any of this, but I am wondering how you think this fits in with the physics of What Is?
It doesn't fit in with anything. It (the true "us") is of a different order of reality. Everything is IT, but IT is not any thing in the maya at all. This is why god is said to be in the world but not of it. This is why we too are god. This is why all is god. But as self-aware humans we have the greatest potential in all of creation: the chance to know ourselves as the one and only consciousness. Even though everything else is also consciousness (thus a non-dual reality), we are the only creature that can reflect upon this.