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Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:42 pm
by Evansville64
Been attempting to explore the cosmic sector for over a year now, with minimal success. Dont get me wrong, AP is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT at first. Anybody share this intrest?

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:16 am
by Ilkka
I'm also interested in Astral Projection however no success at all, cant seem to even go to FTL in meditative state, maybe I wasnt trying hard enough then. I get bored very easily and move on to doing something else than those kind of "mystical" things. Haven't been trying to do those things in a while now, but yesterday I made it clear to myself that I believe in such things and I will have such abilities (relatively) soon. Maybe this "AP" is a good starting point then, since I checked this thread today and remembered my beliefs. This is the synchronicity key for me obviously. So I thank thee for reminding me of this and also at the same time I'm thanking myself since you are me and I'm you and all is one.

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:22 am
by Evansville64
It [was] a major source of frustration for me, as I could not bear the just-plain-torturous itch signals. They are what drive me to failure. Id spend several hours on my back, only to "give up". I wouId always smile to my self and say "you failed"..(once I punched a hole in my wall :mrgreen: ) I know the cognitive state to be achieved, and have tried various compounds, diphenhydramine, THC, deliriants, but also clear-minded. Im almost to the point of just going witch-doctor, creating eastern shamanic Dimethyltryptamine-containing potions.. Just to experience what some gifted people can achieve in a matter of minutes.. :cry: Ive been "trying" for over a year

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:15 pm
by daniel
Evansville64 wrote:Been attempting to explore the cosmic sector for over a year now, with minimal success. Dont get me wrong, AP is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT at first. Anybody share this intrest?
Astral projection does not explore the cosmic sector, as consciousness remains in the material sector. It just allows you to have an "out of the body experience" (using the nonlocality of the astral body to move, rather than the localized, physical body).

If you want to explore the cosmic sector, you would have to do a "corporeal projection" in a dream state, to nonlocalize your dream self to move freely in 3D time, while keeping consciousness there.

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:11 am
by Ilkka
Evansville64 wrote:creating eastern shamanic Dimethyltryptamine-containing potions.. Just to experience what some gifted people can achieve in a matter of minutes.
I've never tried Ayahuasca or "Pharmahuasca" where the the other or both parts are not naturally created, but from some medical drugs, such as MAO-Inhibitor from depression medicine and not from for example Vine plants that grows in South America. DMT is the other plant matter such as "Mimosa Hostilis"s root bark. I've found out much of DMT and some other drugs :D
daniel wrote:If you want to explore the cosmic sector, you would have to do a "corporeal projection" in a dream state, to nonlocalize your dream self to move freely in 3D time, while keeping consciousness there.
So this "corporeal projection" ummm... How one does that then? Does it mean that I have to be in dream state and make an conscious effort to - lets say start to fly off the planet or something like that?

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:10 am
by infinity
This is a very cool topic but can also be broad. Regarding Astral Projection, what do you guys think of the Monroe Institute's work in exploring consciousness?

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:53 pm
by daniel
Ilkka wrote:So this "corporeal projection" ummm... How one does that then? Does it mean that I have to be in dream state and make an conscious effort to - lets say start to fly off the planet or something like that?
Yes. Whatever technique you use from the waking state to astral project, can be done by the dream self to corporeally project. Just don't be surprised if everything appears to be underwater, as consciousness sees time as a solid, not a vacuum. Everything will appear inside-out.

The corporeal (3D space) and astral (3D time) are conjugates of each other, so when you enter a dream state, locality and nonlocality flip around. In the dream, your astral body is localized in 3D time. You cannot "corporeal project" in the waking state, because the waking state is also corporeal, and space-to-space is not motion. By the same token, you cannot "astral project" from an astral body, as time-to-time is not motion. So you just have to flip everything around, and corporeally project from the astral body, because space is nonlocal in dreams.

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:30 pm
by Evansville64
We are in the midst of producing a psychic amplifier, my scaled down, non-metallic pyramid, mouned to the point, a brilliant, mesmerising, zildgan crash cymbal. An aperatus allows the adjustment or rare-earth magnets, for the perpose of adjusting the Hz. It is placed directly on ones head, as the pryamid is bottomless. A trustworthily freind will gently roll on it, only with soft-tipped mallets. The goal is to get the strong, ringing sensation in the ears, before attempting to project.

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:30 am
by Lozion
Evansville64 wrote:We are in the midst of producing a psychic amplifier, my scaled down, non-metallic pyramid, mouned to the point, a brilliant, mesmerising, zildgan crash cymbal. An aperatus allows the adjustment or rare-earth magnets, for the perpose of adjusting the Hz. It is placed directly on ones head, as the pryamid is bottomless. A trustworthily freind will gently roll on it, only with soft-tipped mallets. The goal is to get the strong, ringing sensation in the ears, before attempting to project.

Did it work?

Re: Astral Projection - Share Your Techniques Here

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:55 pm
by Evansville64
Yes, it did. The newest thread on high frequency tones describes the state it induced. AP could be taken off from an active pineal state, the gate half open, of you will. I had 2 successful travels, until the unit was stolen before we really took off with a remote viewing club. It was a synchronicity, the theft itself. My dreams since, have somewhat revealed it was completely necessary for the device to have been removed from my life. Some spun-off timeline could of had less-than-positive consequences, as we see it. Very, very vivid experience, without a doubt.