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Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:17 pm
by daniel
I was doing some followup research on Native American legends regarding the Thunderbird (or Firebird in other cultures). I found this interesting story from the Passamaquoddy, that tells of the origins of the thunderbirds. Knowing what you now do about the SMs, their technology and the sibling rivalry of Enki and Enlil... I am curious to see if someone could translate this story to provide a modern, scientific interpretation. I know what it means; just curious to see if others can "see"...
A Passamaquoddy Legend (from ... uoddy.html)

This is a legend of long, long ago times. Two Indians desired to find the origin of thunder. They traveled north and came to a high mountain. These mountains performed magically. They drew apart, back and forth, then closed together very quickly.

One Indian said, "I will leap through the cleft before it closes. If I am caught, you continue to find the origin of thunder." The first one succeeded in going through the cleft before it closed, but the second one was caught and squashed.

On the other side, the first Indian saw a large plain with a group of wigwams, and a number of Indians playing a ball game. After a little while, these players said to each other, "It is time to go." They disappeared into their wigwams to put on wings, and came out with their bows and arrows and flew away over the mountains to the south. This was how the Passamaquoddy Indian discovered the homes of the Thunderbirds.

The remaining old men of that tribe asked the Passamaquoddy Indian, "What do you want? Who are you?" He replied with the story of his mission. The old men deliberated how they could help him.

They decided to put the lone Indian into a large mortar, and they pounded him until all of his bones were broken. They moulded him into a new body with wings like thunderbird, and gave him a bow and some arrows and sent him away in flight. They warned him not to fly close to trees, as he would fly so fast he could not stop in time to avoid them, and he would be killed.

The lone Indian could not reach his home because the huge enemy bird, Wochowsen, at that time made such a damaging wind. Thunderbird is an Indian and he or his lightning would never harm another Indian. But Wochowsen, great bird from the south, tried hard to rival Thunderbird. So Passamaquoddies feared Wochowsen, whose wings Glooscap once had broken, because he used too much power.

A result was that for a long time air became stagnant, the sea was full of slime, and all of the fish died. But Glooscap saw what was happening to his people and repaired the wings of Wochowsen to the extent of controlling and alternating strong winds with calm.

Legend tells us this is how the new Passamaquoddy thunderbird, the lone Indian who passed through the cleft, in time became the great and powerful Thunderbird, who always has kept a watchful eye upon the good Indians.
Looking forward to your ideas.

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:33 pm
by Lotus
I would guess that Wochowsen would be Enlil. Would that make Glooscap Enki? The struggle between the two causing planetary disruption that Enki later tried to correct?
The cleft in the mountains is some kind of passage to time/space, but I'm not sure of it's nature.

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:45 pm
by Sponge
Wochowsen would be Enlil, Glooscap Enki, and Thunderbird modern humans or demi-gods?. The trees are forbidden knowledge. The bows and arrows are some kind of lasers, the wings are bombs. Enil had nuclear ones and later only had regular bombs. Am I hot or cold?

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:48 pm
by -OM-
On the other side, the first Indian saw a large plain with a group of wigwams, and a number of Indians playing a ball game. After a little while, these players said to each other, "It is time to go." They disappeared into their wigwams to put on wings, and came out with their bows and arrows and flew away over the mountains to the south. This was how the Passamaquoddy Indian discovered the homes of the Thunderbirds.
Sounds like the Cyclopeans?

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:44 am
by SpaceMan
The moving mountains are obviously some form of high technology. I’m not sure what but it would seem that they preform some sort of protection to an Atlantean airfield more or less where the “Thunderbirds” are kept. The moving mountains might be for some larger affect though, and the death of the Indian just a unfortunate byproduct of its true purpose. The Indians on the plain after the cleft in the “moving mountains” left south to fight Wochowsen most likely, whom I would identify as the aircraft from Mu. Mu would be south because it is a time before a reorientation of the crust so the combined continents of South America, North America, and Antarctica (Atlantis) would be mostly in the Northern Hemisphere while the Motherland (Mu), Enlil’s domain would be in the Southern Hemisphere. The bows and arrows are the weapons of the airships. The arrows of the Thunderbirds seem to be energy weapons of some sort and that being the origin of the “thunder” they are looking for, thunder also coming from the Thunderbirds breaking the sound barrier (maybe not though as the motion of the Thunderbirds would be caused through vibrational physics if i’m not mistaken.) The Mu aircraft create wind because they use jet like and rocket propulsion (SM tech) instead of vibrational systems (LM tech/Enki). It seems that this story that could possibly be around the time mentioned in your the first Hidden Origins of Humanity paper as the third fall of Atlantis, and the Exodus from Egypt. There is the connection between the sea full of slime, and the mass death of marine life to the waters turning red in the Egyptian plagues during the same time period. The slime potentially being an algal bloom of some kind deoxygenating the water killing of a lot of fish and other animals. I’m guessing that Wochowsen using to much power and Glooscap (Enki) breaking his wings and then restoring them correspond in some way to the battle between the two sides and the still air and slime being an unfortunate byproduct of the conflicts, or maybe even deliberate pawns in biological warfare from Mu.

There is a possible connection mentioned between Hraesvelg (a Jötun or giant) in the Norse Eddas and Wochowsen in the native american legends so I tried to follow that up since some of that deciphering of the Eddas has been touched on in the Antiquatis forums. It opened up a whole slew of avenues of thought so much so that its dizzying. The mythologies seem to be extremely “knotted” up. The Cylopeans being mixed up with the Titans, the Titans being mixed up with the SMs ect.

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:52 am
by daniel
SpaceMan is extremely close--and even thought of a few things I had not considered. Though I did think my subject line was a kind of give-away, for anyone around in the 1960s and watched the BBC series, "Thunderbirds." Got the geography right... it is a story concerning Atlantis (Americas), and the legends of the Americas consider the Thunderbirds to be protectors of man, like Thor. So that brings us to Enki as the leader of the Thunderbirds, and Enki was the first to arrive here with his colony mothership, Abzu--a ship the size of a mountain, so you could imagine how big the hanger deck doors would be, which would open and close at regular intervals to land/take off aircraft on patrol.

If you look at the American artifacts of the time...

What you see is what the Annunaki descendents still use for military applications--fuel powered aircraft. And if you've ever been around and F-16 when it takes off, you'll know it roars like thunder, particularly if the pilot kicks in the afterburners.

And do you know where fuel tanks are kept in an aircraft? In the wings. And if you broke a wing, all that fuel would spill out and contaminate the environment (even more in those days, with radioactive fuel systems). Unless someone came along and fixed the wing, to keep it from leaking... it might fly again, but not all too well.

To me, it reads as a story of a couple of Indians breaking in to the hanger deck of Enki's colony ship, watching aircraft. When he gets caught and they "break his bones," that indicates a genetic reconfiguration of the body--something the Annunaki were experts at--to make this guy into a pilot (it does say the pilots were other Indians). Recruiting by abduction was common among both the SMs and LMs (who would take seamen from ships, in the old days).

Now I do have to wonder if Enki's Abzu is still around somewhere, buried under thousands of years of dirt and vegetation, looking like a mountain.

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:58 pm
by MrTwig
daniel wrote:
Now I do have to wonder if Enki's Abzu is still around somewhere, buried under thousands of years of dirt and vegetation, looking like a mountain.
Well, I have two possibilities that I have heard of, one in Greenland and one under the ice in the Antarctic. The first was said to cause the ice age with its shielding system and the second was determined by the use of some kind of radar to be at the edge of a fresh water lake beneath 2 miles of ice. Either way with the Earth heating up and the ice melting more and more something is bound to show up soon!

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:26 pm
by daniel
MrTwig wrote:one in Greenland ... The first was said to cause the ice age with its shielding system
I heard about that, too. Ice ages were caused by pole shifts reorienting the globe, so that tends to be a natural cause.
MrTwig wrote:one under the ice in the Antarctic. ... and the second was determined by the use of some kind of radar to be at the edge of a fresh water lake beneath 2 miles of ice.
Yeah, that incident at Lake Vostok. I heard that they found something there, important enough to fake a nuclear incident to get all the "civies" out of the area. Since Antarctica was part of Atlantis, it would be possible.
MrTwig wrote:Either way with the Earth heating up and the ice melting more and more something is bound to show up soon!
I just looked at some climate data, since we seemed to skip from summer directly to winter, and found the opposite situation: the poles are freezing over to greater extents than before, and earlier in the season. The arctic ice pack is at record highs.

I've seen this situation before in Nature, where a normal cycle becomes chaotic before it "breaks" and finds a new, cyclic pattern. These extremes of temperature may be that chaotic situation with the weather, courtesy of chemtrails. Anyone want to take a bet that Argentina, where BushCo and company bought all that land, will end up a paradise?

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:10 pm
by MrTwig
daniel wrote:Anyone want to take a bet that Argentina, where BushCo and company bought all that land, will end up a paradise?
I'll bet your right!
Can't remember where I heard it but the magnetic pole are shifting too. Might even have two south pole and two north poles. Could be I heard it on the NASA channel before NASA went black. Could it be they were talking too much lately?

Re: Thunderbirds Are Go

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:02 am
by infinity
I'm guessing everyone already knows about the bible references to et craft e.g. chariots of fire (combustion engines?) and wheels turning within wheels (turbines) and 'living creatures with 4 faces' like a bird, ox, human, and lion covered with eyes (if viewed from a certain angle, the cockpit of an aircraft would look like the face of a bird, the vertical fins on the top of the aircraft would look like an ox's horns, decoration or design on one of the sides may impress a humanoid face's shape somewhat, etc)