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Clarity on Maya Calculations

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:40 pm
by JTreeze
Hello! Thank you daniel for compiling your findings in a publicly accessible domain (: As I have since the first paper, I eagerly await the ones to come. I must say however, I think my favourite part of them all so far was the shoutout to Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright! Hahaha. Immediately made me smile. daniel, you are such a pimp.

I'd very much appreciate, if time permits, some clarification on the dates you came up with regarding the end of the 3rd/4th baktuns. I ran some quick numbers and came up with 648 extra years puttingthe starting point to 3761BCE...I guess what I'm asking is why isn't each of the first four baktuns ~562 years? If they are, then my math puts the 3rd baktun's end at ~1686BCE (30 years off of the Hebrew account). Being a 22 year old nutjob with no real footing in society, I'm sure I've erred in some way and would love if you had time to relate the mathematical playground of such wonderous historical synchronocities as you've come to know and calculate them.

Thanks to all here that created and contribute to this wonderful virtual environment I get to take part in, as well as the others like me who visited since its creation and just lurk around. Keep your minds open (:

Re: Clarity on Maya Calculations

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:40 am
by daniel
JTreeze wrote:I'd very much appreciate, if time permits, some clarification on the dates you came up with regarding the end of the 3rd/4th baktuns.
This is the table I am using to correlate dates. It comes from a PHP script, since I got tired of banging on the calculator. You can use this for comparison. I did not cover the 750 BC era in this last paper, where the year changed slightly again. That may be throwing your calculations off.

Code: Select all

 Day Ct 	  AM 	  BCE	 Long Count	Day/Event
      0 	   0 	-3761 	4 Ajaw 8 Kumk'u Atlantis: 1st Breakup (50,700 BC)
 144000 	 554 	-3207 	3 Ajaw 13 Ch'en 	
 288000 	1108 	-2653 	2 Ajaw 3 Wayeb 	
 430301 	1656 	-2105 	5 Imix' 14 Pax 	Biblical Deluge
 432000 	1662 	-2099	1 Ajaw 8 Yax 	Mayan Deluge
 573500 	2207 	-1554 	9 Ajaw 8 Sotz' 	Year changes from 260 d/y to 360 d/y
 576000 	2213 	-1548 	13 Ajaw 13 Pop 	Atlantis: Final destruction (9,600 BC)
 596161 	2270 	-1491 	11 Imix' 19 Sek
 720000 	2613 	-1148 	12 Ajaw 3 Sak' 
 863281 	3012 	 -749 	7 Imix' 19 Wo' Sodom and Gomorrah
 864000 	3013 	 -748 	11 Ajaw 8 Wo' Year changes from 360 d/y to 365 d/y
1008000 	3407 	 -354 	10 Ajaw 18 Sak' 	
1137341 	3762 	    1 	1 Imix' 9 Kumk'u
1152000 	3802 	   41 	9 Ajaw 3 Sip 	
1296000 	4196 	  435 	8 Ajaw 13 Keh 	
1440000 	4591 	  830 	7 Ajaw 18 Sip 	
1584000 	4985 	 1224 	6 Ajaw 8 Mak 	
1728000 	5380 	 1619 	5 Ajaw 13 Sotz' 	
1872000 	5774 	 2013 	4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in
One of the things on my "to do" list is to adjust the year transitions over a period of years; the Hopi say that the 260-360 day transition took 20 years to complete; my calculations are an instantaneous jump so I could estimate the new calendar, so my values here are +/- 10 years.