Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

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Re: Something is happening is the Cosmic Sector

Post by Andrew » Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:50 pm

My mother brought home some "homework" material about food and consumption-pace today from work and was discussing it over dinner. It was entitled "Mindful Consumption in a Fast Pace Era" or something to that effect. I'll correct the title when I see it again. It suggests that to improve one's nutritional absorption and overall health that 1.) chew your food for somewhere between 30sec and a minute. This eases the digestion process in two ways. One, its easier for the acids to extract the calories from the vitamins and minerals. Two, chewing and respecting the time for nourishment leads to a more satisfactory feeling in digestion. It also says, spend at least 20 minutes eating your full course meal. In this fast paced society where we can go from hungry to full in 10 minutes or less, the body doesn't even have enough time to recognize just how "full" it really is. One is far less likely to overindulge while being conscious of these guidelines, rather than drift into that feeling that daniel, I think, described in a paper as... that feeling where you are tired after eating "is actually your body using jing" to convert the food into jing. I spent a good 30 minutes tonight meticulously chewing my food to a mush, smelling the food before I indulged, paid mind to the texture and tastes in my mouth, where it came from, and it had a great effect to my consciousness and my stomach. I did not go from 1 to 10, per se on the hunger scale, but 1 to 6, and I was completely content. Although I did have a small dessert 30 minutes later. There was a much more peaceful feeling regarding food and digestion in this mindful manner.
daniel wrote:
Wed May 21, 2014 9:53 am
Lozion wrote:Interesting, since I've been back from Africa and started eating better and doing lapses, I've noticed a steady increase in Shen bio-energy that has good and bad side-effects. I feel great but I'm understanding that the lack of direction of this bioenergy I accumulate is giving me insomnia and very vivid dreams. I also have no partner right now so cant get release from the Kundalini side of things...
If I understand you correctly, that's a "jing thing." Good food and exercise builds jing, which is easily converted into qi bioenergy. Thinking and feeling (in the Jungian sense) convert qi to shen (kundalini). LoneBear's post on Artificial Intelligence on Antiquatis discussing the neocortex is an interesting connection; when you concentrate on a problem, you stimulate the neocortex and it produces high levels of energy, both electric, magnetic and bio--and it is located right at the top of the skull, where the crown chakra is.
This resonates as true to me.
Lozion wrote:I'm also reflecting alot on where to focus that Shen. I feel divided, part of me is tired of the freelance game I'm in with its financial insecurity while I have a hard time seeing myself going back 'into the Matrix'. The path of Kheb shouldnt lead back to the herd...
Shen manifests as agápē, which is normally associated with a "spiritual calling" or "life devoted to God" type of stuff. If you get rid of the religious connotations, agápē is essentially the physical expression of shen bioenergy under intelligent direction, which leads to the growth and expansion of consciousness--for yourself and everything around you. When that happens, you become connected to the Universe (rapport) and the Universe "helps out" through synchronicity and serendipity. Once you are in rapport with life, then you don't require partners (as you become internally balanced) and things just happen to keep moving along. You no longer worry about "financial security" or stuff like that, because it becomes unimportant, since the Universe is a far better provider than governments acting as surrogate parents. And I speak from experience, here.
Agápē is the highest form of love. If one loves solely in this manner, yes they may not require a physical partner, but by definition their partner would be God or Spirit or the Universe or whatever their highest affection is towards. But since the nonphysical partner can provide "financial security" if one just asks for financial security, what if one desires a physical partner that has an understanding of agápē? So the relationship is based on God. A marriage between two people that know God's power. That would be like the highest outcome of love, with a capital L. It just reminds me of a quote from the movie The Departed:
Ellerby wrote:Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. It lets people know you're not a homo. A married guy seems more stable. People see the ring, they think, "At least somebody can stand the son of a bitch."
No offense to those who are single, boys. ;) I'm making a connection here.
Lozion wrote:So contemplating a possible relocation to NY or SF 'in the Matrix' but surrounded by other free thinkers or maybe going back to Africa/SA (or Panama) back on the Path.
There is a very true saying by Lennier on Babylon 5, in the "Dust to Dust" episode, "A darkness in the heart cannot be cured by moving the body from one place to another." So you may want to investing what is going on, internally, before doing something, externally. And all that takes is some active imagination... if you were to remove all your chains and constraints of physical commitment, money, work, shelter, etc., and could do the ONE THING that you really love doing, what would it be?
Indeed. To cure a heart one must work from within. That's why amalgamation exercises are so important to releasing not just past trauma, but all of the unconscious connections and experiences tied to them.
That's one of the reasons for a physical place to Kheb, so that there are resources and others there to help people find the path that is right for them. This is nothing new... if you look at old, alchemical paintings, you'll see people walking around with blindfolds on (the caecus--the blind, or in Harry Potter words, muggles). So you need to get out of the dark.

"Let's hope that many hands can make the lights work!" --Doctor Who, Tom Baker, "Meglos."
(It is a word play on the old saying, "Many hands make light work.")
Just like how the digestion tips I started this post with are nothing new, it helps to have these points reinforced and solidified by people that have a functioning, reciprocal relationship with natural law and the universe, known as agápē. "Kheb" is like the house of the highest love. Built on relationships with the universe.

I'm gonna point out some synchronicity to you all. The post that I'm replying to, at the bottom of page 1 of this thread, Illka responded to right afterward at 11:11 am -- the mark in clock time that represents twin souls reuniting and the dualistic parts in oneself uniting. In love, in agápē. (Also home of some of the amalgamation exercises I do almost everyday. For the better and with results.)
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.

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Re: Something is happening is the Cosmic Sector

Post by Ilkka » Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:17 am

Andrew wrote:
Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:50 pm
I'm gonna point out some synchronicity to you all. The post that I'm replying to, Illka responded to right afterward at 11:11 am -- the mark in clock time that represents twin souls reuniting and the dualistic parts in oneself uniting. In love, in agápē. (Also home of some of the amalgamation exercises I do almost everyday. For the better and with results.)
Well how about that syncronicity. As it happens I was reading this and went back to try and find that post you are mentioning the time in the forum says 11:11. I guess I need to find the post you are talking about then.

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Re: Something is happening is the Cosmic Sector

Post by Andrew » Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:53 am

Ilkka wrote:
Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:17 am
Andrew wrote:
Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:50 pm
I'm gonna point out some synchronicity to you all. The post that I'm replying to, Illka responded to right afterward at 11:11 am -- the mark in clock time that represents twin souls reuniting and the dualistic parts in oneself uniting. In love, in agápē. (Also home of some of the amalgamation exercises I do almost everyday. For the better and with results.)
Well how about that syncronicity. As it happens I was reading this and went back to try and find that post you are mentioning the time in the forum says 11:11. I guess I need to find the post you are talking about then.
:o :D Super cool. And the post I'm referring to is at the bottom of page 1 of this thread. See for yourself. Awesome to hear about the double synchronicity.
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.

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Re: Something is happening is the Cosmic Sector

Post by Ilkka » Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:50 pm

Andrew wrote:
Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:53 am
:o :D Super cool. And the post I'm referring to is at the bottom of page 1 of this thread. See for yourself. Awesome to hear about the double synchronicity.
I gotta read more about that Jungian typology then perhaps, or re-read it.

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Re: Something is happening is the Cosmic Sector

Post by Lozion » Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:14 pm

Ilkka wrote:
Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:17 am
Andrew wrote:
Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:50 pm
I'm gonna point out some synchronicity to you all. The post that I'm replying to, Illka responded to right afterward at 11:11 am -- the mark in clock time that represents twin souls reuniting and the dualistic parts in oneself uniting. In love, in agápē. (Also home of some of the amalgamation exercises I do almost everyday. For the better and with results.)
Well how about that syncronicity. As it happens I was reading this and went back to try and find that post you are mentioning the time in the forum says 11:11. I guess I need to find the post you are talking about then.
Wow, just chequed this unread post at smack 11:11 pm tonite!
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.

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