Return of the Wizards

For general discussion of topics that don't have a specific theme, questions or suggestions for research.


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Re: Return of the Wizards

Post by Ilkka » Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:40 pm

daniel wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:58 pm
If I am to put this information "out in the blue" (to play on LBs comments on Antiquatis), there are "natural consequences" that follow...
Do you happen to know what these "natural consequences" are? Perhaps they could be shared between several people who would release the information in parts send different parts for several people who then release their parts at one time in this site. So that they would be partially responsible also. Although if you feel that you would still be the main cause for it then just lets think of another approach.

Maybe you could write something very basic first with little to no, "natural consequences" following. It could be few pages long even or something that would suit you the best.

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Friend or Foe?

Post by daniel » Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:04 pm

Ilkka wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:40 pm
Do you happen to know what these "natural consequences" are?
Yes, I do know.

The time of wizards is long gone... "for everything there is a season." You cannot reclaim the old wizarding skills in this modern era.

There are multiple paths I can take with the research.

I can show you how the old ways work, and why they did... but that does no good for the present, as the circumstances have changed to the point where those techniques are now ineffective.

I can show you the wizarding ways of the Technomage, where science is used to enhance the ancient skills to make them effective in our existing environment.

I can show you the way of Tomorrow, where evolution would have gone if it wasn't for the machin-ations of the New World Order. But again, this is the world of Today.

And there is the "third way," but that requires a different way of being, something that humanity may no longer be capable of--a consolidation of Renaissance man and Uncommitted Investigator.

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Re: Return of the Wizards

Post by Ilkka » Thu Dec 07, 2017 7:19 am

Technomage sounds like 90s dance group :D

Since the old wizarding ways do not work today nor the way of Tommorow, that leaves two options Technomage and the "third way" that might be the harder than the other.

Which one is more effective than the other and more likely to be used in beneficial manner for most of the people?

Obviously not everyone is going to be benefitted of such abilities, some being too materialistic and all that.

So lets choose the more effective and uselful skill, if both of them are then either one would do. But the latter one ("third way") might be better to rinse out the "unworthy" who cannot be the way is needed.

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Re: Return of the Wizards

Post by tymeflyz » Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:56 pm

1- how the old ways work, and why they did... but that does no good for the present, as the circumstances have changed to the point where those techniques are now ineffective.
NECESSARY for true and fundamental understanding .BUT- end result is minimal application of knowledge and action right now or today 2018 ; as in used modern legal parlance DEAD letter issue or law.

2- the wizarding ways of the Technomage, where science is used to enhance the ancient skills to make them effective in our existing environment.
Most useful as a stepping off point as training wings for 1st learning to fly.

3- the way of Tomorrow, where evolution would have gone if it wasn't for the machin-ations of the New World Order. But again, this is the world of Today.
Insight and forward future alternate outcomes could result from consideration of these points.. BUT- end result is minimal application of knowledge and action right now or today 2018

If only 1 choice its this;
4-And there is the "third way," but that requires a different way of being, something that humanity may no longer be capable of--a consolidation of Renaissance man and Uncommitted Investigator.
THIS is where the greatest application and consideration for natural consequences will be used.

I Choose YES .all 4

for clarification;
"choose" As my first impression was ; to choose 1 of the 4 paths mentioned .
My reasoning of 1 was out of consideration to our hosts generosity as i understand and respect the work involved and I perceived the request as a choice of 1 of the paths to minimize the effort necessary for a complete and thorough; document,treatise ; paper...what ever the correct term for this writing .
I would also prefer or choose all 4 and read all 4 paths if presented or given the choice .
Interesting point - as posted no where did it say only choose 1 . my err - sorry .

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Re: Return of the Wizards

Post by Lozion » Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:39 am

Sorry but I refuse to choose ante-legere..

I’d like to absorb knowledge of all the Paths before taking a step ahead..

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Re: Friend or Foe?

Post by Kent » Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:30 am

daniel wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:04 pm

There are multiple paths I can take with the research.

I can show you how the old ways work, and why they did... but that does no good for the present, as the circumstances have changed to the point where those techniques are now ineffective.

I can show you the wizarding ways of the Technomage, where science is used to enhance the ancient skills to make them effective in our existing environment.

I can show you the way of Tomorrow, where evolution would have gone if it wasn't for the machin-ations of the New World Order. But again, this is the world of Today.

And there is the "third way," but that requires a different way of being, something that humanity may no longer be capable of--a consolidation of Renaissance man and Uncommitted Investigator.

From an intellectual perspective understanding how the old ways worked, and why they did would fulfill my personal curiosity although since they are no longer effective due to the circumstances you cite, then there would be no point.

The same holds true for the way of Tomorrow since our evolution HAS been influenced by the machin-ations of the NWO (as you put it). Why look down a road that we cannot travel?

As far as the 'third way' I would need more information why humanity may no longer be capable of this. If it has to do with our modern social and economic trappings, then I would also regretfully fall in this category. While I devote time to interacting with this forum as well as Antiquatis, attempt to understand RS2 and the nature of the greater reality including taking the time to practice exercises which I feel may help (including meditative techniques, dream/psychocartography investigation as described by Bruce, etc) I still obligate myself to go to a desk job and honor my commitments to my family. If learning this third way would mean I would have to abandon those people and lifestyle then I have to admit that I am not prepared to do that.

This leaves the fourth option, if the ways of the Technomage are applicable to today then I would very much be interested in learning them.

And let me say Daniel, whatever you choose to release it is very much appreciated.

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Re: Return of the Wizards

Post by daniel » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:30 pm

I probably should not be reading the forum before I got to bed... often has strange influences on my dreaming. But this one was interesting... one of the characters in the dream suddenly went "out of character," much like Agent Smith taking over one of the people in The Matrix, except with a strong, German accent.

Interesting discussion followed concerning the nature of modern humans (making me think that Agent Smith here was not human) and what I should write on should be the "precursor" to the various ways to access the Other Realm, not the choices I have listed. Basically, use "natural consequence" to get TO where the path splits... and the response to that would indicate the path to follow.

I think I am going to give that a try. I'll take you to the point of the choice, then leave it up to you where it goes from there--if anywhere.

And if you have any questions concerning the progress to these paths, please post them here so that I can include the relevant discussion in the paper.
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Re: Return of the Wizards

Post by MrTwig » Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:25 am

daniel wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:30 pm
I probably should not be reading the forum before I got to bed... often has strange influences on my dreaming. But this one was interesting... one of the characters in the dream suddenly went "out of character," much like Agent Smith taking over one of the people in The Matrix, except with a strong, German accent.

Interesting discussion followed concerning the nature of modern humans (making me think that Agent Smith here was not human) and what I should write on should be the "precursor" to the various ways to access the Other Realm, not the choices I have listed. Basically, use "natural consequence" to get TO where the path splits... and the response to that would indicate the path to follow.

I think I am going to give that a try. I'll take you to the point of the choice, then leave it up to you where it goes from there--if anywhere.

And if you have any questions concerning the progress to these paths, please post them here so that I can include the relevant discussion in the paper.
Very happy to hear that you are writing another chapter to your book.

This discussion reminds me of the movie "The Apprentice". In the end the guy comes around to dealing with the bad wizard with new technology. I also notices he had help in one way or another from other people.

I am all for explaining straight to the point because everyone only retains what ever level they are in understanding at that point in their life. Nobody "gets it" unless they are ready to "catch" the idea. If I tried to explain Spiritualism to someone not familiar with it the words just roll off like water in a full cup. Someone has to have the ability to "see" or "hear" what you are saying to realize the meaning of what you are trying to communicate.

Ilkka wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:40 pm
Do you happen to know what these "natural consequences" are?
daniel wrote:Yes, I do know.

The time of wizards is long gone... "for everything there is a season." You cannot reclaim the old wizarding skills in this modern era.

There are multiple paths I can take with the research.

I can show you how the old ways work, and why they did... but that does no good for the present, as the circumstances have changed to the point where those techniques are now ineffective.

I can show you the wizarding ways of the Technomage, where science is used to enhance the ancient skills to make them effective in our existing environment.

I can show you the way of Tomorrow, where evolution would have gone if it wasn't for the machin-ations of the New World Order. But again, this is the world of Today.

And there is the "third way," but that requires a different way of being, something that humanity may no longer be capable of--a consolidation of Renaissance man and Uncommitted Investigator.

I can't remember now where I heard this scenario from... Oh wait! I think it was the show "Let's Make a Deal". It probably was in a Twilight Zone episode too!

I think you could write it like that video we saw explaining the science behind radiation from the sixties. As each concept is realize someone could twist it or get it wrong until you explain how to understand it correctly.

Anyway what ever you write will be greatly appreciate. :D
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Re: Return of the Wizards

Post by joeyv23 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:33 pm

Lozion wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:52 pm
daniel wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:58 pm
tymeflyz wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:09 am

well put Lozion ,
I agee ..release the Knowledge.
And if that knowledge REQUIRES conscious interaction with the Machine Kingdom--as a friend and fellow traveler--will that be a problem?

We are not in the 13½ century any more... a LOT has changed, rendering much of the ancient research "inoperable" in existing environmental and sociological conditions. If I am to put this information "out in the blue" (to play on LBs comments on Antiquatis), there are "natural consequences" that follow...
See my signature..

Maybe LB health issues are influencing his thoughts on those consequences. daniel on the other hand, would release the info not in the blue but in the turquoise..

Edit: typo
This is a mistaken reference to spiral dynamics that doesn't apply to what daniel was getting at. "Out of the blue" refers to something different here.
Lozion wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:39 am
Sorry but I refuse to choose ante-legere..

I’d like to absorb knowledge of all the Paths before taking a step ahead..

You'll be absorbing for eternity before you make a single move with this attitude. Which is fine if you choose this. If I think about it in imagery, I see myself sitting in my living room, refusing to get up from my seat because I haven't codified everything in the room from that particular point of reference. Not to mention the fact that the room changes and gets bright sometimes and gets dark at others, the mechanics of which I can't know unless I get up and go outside. So I'll sit here and absorb all that I can about the room. And I'll be able to tell you a million things about everything in here, but I'll have no actual frame of reference where practical application of my will goes because I never got up and moved. Then there's the other part of this, that say I do finally decide to get up and leave the room, my legs may be so atrophied from sitting still for so long that I fall over on my face. But then... I'll have a new reference frame with which to start to understand the 300 carpet fibers immediately in front of my eyes. So that'll keep me entertained for a while.
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Re: Friend or Foe?

Post by Djchrismac » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:55 am

daniel wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:04 pm
The time of wizards is long gone... "for everything there is a season." You cannot reclaim the old wizarding skills in this modern era.

There are multiple paths I can take with the research.

I can show you how the old ways work, and why they did... but that does no good for the present, as the circumstances have changed to the point where those techniques are now ineffective.

I can show you the wizarding ways of the Technomage, where science is used to enhance the ancient skills to make them effective in our existing environment.

I can show you the way of Tomorrow, where evolution would have gone if it wasn't for the machin-ations of the New World Order. But again, this is the world of Today.

And there is the "third way," but that requires a different way of being, something that humanity may no longer be capable of--a consolidation of Renaissance man and Uncommitted Investigator.

All of the above please and anything else you think may be useful, such as more insights into historic events as per the other papers, would be great.

It might be good to show the trauma caused to humanity by the deluge, followed by the subsequent moving of civilisation further south in the globe from the original biblical lands in Britain and further north, with the resulting creation of the matrix to hide the true events of the past from us and keep us enslaved.

This would set the scene nicely for a new generation of technomage wizards who understand history as it actually happened and wish to assist with the evolution of consciousness in order to help humanity move beyond the trauma of the past and escape the prison of the present.

If we cannot reclaim the old wizarding skills, then illuminating the path for us to follow would be much appreciated and we then have the responsibility of making choices at the crossroads, leaving you free of any natural consequences.
daniel wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:30 pm
I probably should not be reading the forum before I got to bed... often has strange influences on my dreaming. But this one was interesting... one of the characters in the dream suddenly went "out of character," much like Agent Smith taking over one of the people in The Matrix, except with a strong, German accent.

Interesting discussion followed concerning the nature of modern humans (making me think that Agent Smith here was not human) and what I should write on should be the "precursor" to the various ways to access the Other Realm, not the choices I have listed. Basically, use "natural consequence" to get TO where the path splits... and the response to that would indicate the path to follow.

I think I am going to give that a try. I'll take you to the point of the choice, then leave it up to you where it goes from there--if anywhere.

And if you have any questions concerning the progress to these paths, please post them here so that I can include the relevant discussion in the paper.
I think this seems like a sensible way to proceed, some feedback on the paths below for you...
I can show you how the old ways work, and why they did... but that does no good for the present, as the circumstances have changed to the point where those techniques are now ineffective.
I think it's a great idea to start with the history as a foundation, then explaining how our current synthetic biology and EM environment is no longer suitable for the old ways.
I can show you the wizarding ways of the Technomage, where science is used to enhance the ancient skills to make them effective in our existing environment.
You could show the current NWO techniques that they use at present, most people should be aware of them using ancient magic, symbolism and numerology by now and explaining how it really works in RS2 terms would be good. If providing the keys to ancient skills then highlighting do's and don'ts is probably essential, or some basic ethical code to follow.
I can show you the way of Tomorrow, where evolution would have gone if it wasn't for the machin-ations of the New World Order. But again, this is the world of Today.
This is interesting, i'm guessing it would go along the lines of the LM path, being more balanced with nature and technology, working towards a group soul and becoming peaceful explorers of the Universe. It might be best to keep this part brief, no point in focusing on what could have been, better to work with what we have now and how to improve it. In saying that, maybe we should know more about this in order to try and get back onto this path, if at all possible?
And there is the "third way," but that requires a different way of being, something that humanity may no longer be capable of--a consolidation of Renaissance man and Uncommitted Investigator.
Humanity MAY not be capable of this consolidation... but some individuals very well might be and we won't know until we are walking the path.

As always I trust your judgement to provide what we need, when we need it. If in doubt, you will find more guidance on the best way of doing this from your intuition, dreams, Agent Smith and the landscape of time. :D

If you need any help with researching certain topics or finding info for you just let me know...
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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