daniel wrote:Andrew wrote:Can you shed some light on this picture, daniel? It was supposedly taken in Antarctica. I thought water comes out of Antarctica and gets sucked back in the Arctic.
Source? (A lot of the Antarctic photos are fakes.)
If not fake, it could just be a sinkhole.
My first thought was that it is definitely a sinkhole due to the size and look of it, the polar opening would be much larger. Or that's the biggest helicopter on the planet...
daniel wrote:Though your question, itself, is interesting because the north polar opening has been closed up for centuries now, after Arctic ocean opened up and moved the Bargos Islands southward--then they froze over. That might cause the ocean levels to "back up" and rise. If you consider the continental shelf as the original outline of the continents, then water levels have risen substantially (600', 200m) in the last 500 years or so. And water does have a tendency to break through barriers when the pressure gets too great.
Looking at some of the old maps, the ratio of land to water changes... in the past, there was far more land--but the ocean seems to have traveled further inland. It may be that we get an increase in ocean level after an expansion event, and that excess water causes the polar caps to ice over to bind out some of the water, which after a time melts as the sun heats up (as it is doing now) and triggers another expansion cycle. (This may be an alternative explanation to the crust of the Earth sliding around the surface, explaining things like grass being in the stomachs of woolly mammoths in Arctic regions now covered in snow.)
I've been looking into this in some detail as i've found lots of info that links the great bombardment, expansion event, templars, masons and more. More to follow on this topic once I can put it together into something readable. A lot of ancient ruins can be found under the sea off the coast of Britain, Japan and many more places.
I was under the impression that the expansion event happened early after being forced by the deluge asteroid strike. Would that not set a new start point and the regular, scheduled expansion event wouldn't still happen at the same time it was due, it would be postponed until further down the timeline of planetary growth?
From what I have found so far, before the expansion event/deluge the planetary climate was much more settled and warm. The forced expansion of Earth tilted the axis by 23.5 degrees and resulted in the seasons, ice caps forming etc. and all of this around the 13th/14th century, a lot more recent than "advertised" by the mainstream historical chronology which is one massive fudge job to hide history in the past, as you say. That would explain the mammoths having grass in their stomach.
My feeling is that the expansion event was so recent that it is still settling down, so there would not be another "on schedule" expansion event any time soon. However, factor in climate collapse which has already happened and geoengineering attempting to cool down an increasingly hot planet... who knows how much that plays a part in the growth of the planet, maybe another growth spurt is what is required to rid Tiamat of her human pests.