King of the World in Shamballa

Revealing how history was hidden in the past, and the origins of man are a lot different than what is taught.


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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by trippingthelight » Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:20 pm

I have been digging around finding ancient maps after daniel's maps, and i'm amazed, as I have always thought that they all looked odd due to lack of knowledge and/or tools back in those times to draw a correct map with correct shaped continents, but in fact they were right! As ever we have just been taught wrong. I can't believe I never noticed India shaped like that in the past, essentially as one big island. South East Asia also pretty much as one big land mass, that after the expansion split up into the mass of islands we now know. So the Indian subcontinent never did hit the asian mainland 50 million years ago to create the Himalayas :shock: :shock: I have just found some information on this on Antiquatis, regarding the bombardment and they are the edges of craters, very interesting read. Wow is anything what they say it is.
The Hall of Records, located in Egypt, was a library left by the ANNUNAKI during their stay here that was constructed after the Cyclopeans ascended to the Theta octave.
Ahh, I have heard this, something about under the left paw of the Sphinx? Wikipedia says it doesn't exist :lol: :lol:
However, our NWO drilling machines have been running full-bore, so to speak, putting in thousands of miles of new tunnels for their own use.
Yep I've seen the images of some of these huge tunnels, also the giant underground Svalbard Seed Vault. Speaking of underground, I recently discovered that the MOD have a base under Manchester (UK) city centre, using the old Victorian tunnel systems as access. I can't find any info yet though online, just got told from someone who opened a manhole cover and triggered an underground alarm and got swiftly taken away!

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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by daniel » Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:29 am

Lozion wrote:daniel, any insight or comments regarding the recent increase of visits and activity in Antarctica? I know Kerry was down there on election day among other prominent figures..
I think we all know that going there to look at penguins and examine climate change is just a cover story for something.

As to what... with any luck, the forces of Hell are about to emerge from the southern polar opening and exterminate all of humanity, as a courtesy to the rest of the known Universe. But if that were the case, you would not find any politicians going anywhere near Antarctica. Politicians only show up for "negotiations" as they are professional liars, so he is probably there to assess a situation that will require negotiation. I have not yet heard anything as to what that is.
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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by MrTwig » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:07 pm

daniel wrote:
Lozion wrote:daniel, any insight or comments regarding the recent increase of visits and activity in Antarctica? I know Kerry was down there on election day among other prominent figures..
I think we all know that going there to look at penguins and examine climate change is just a cover story for something.

As to what... with any luck, the forces of Hell are about to emerge from the southern polar opening and exterminate all of humanity, as a courtesy to the rest of the known Universe. But if that were the case, you would not find any politicians going anywhere near Antarctica. Politicians only show up for "negotiations" as they are professional liars, so he is probably there to assess a situation that will require negotiation. I have not yet heard anything as to what that is.
Well I have kept an eye/ear to the different theories going on and some believe the Annunaki home planet is due back through our area. There has been a lot of prep. work to get ready for the return. Some believe that we lost the war the the nazis and they rule from the Antarctica. So, there could be a lot of upsetting stuff coming our way.
daniel wrote:I believe the concept is derived from the social memory complex of humanity, the long-term memory of mankind buried in the unconscious. However, I would not expect that there is a lot of detail in the Akashic records for most people, other than entries like "mostly harmless," since people actually do very little with their lives.

The Akashic records I believe are real and just as you say a "social memory complex" kept up a few level of reality. Those that enter it are prepared to handle what they see. I found out most of this because of out-of-body experiences. The details are the lifetimes of each person. If this is a hoax then we really are in the Matrix. If there is an inner Earth than why not Akashic records? You know worlds with in worlds.
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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by daniel » Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:42 am

MrTwig wrote:Well I have kept an eye/ear to the different theories going on and some believe the Annunaki home planet is due back through our area. There has been a lot of prep. work to get ready for the return.
The last thing the NWO wants are more gods around to steal their slaves and resources--look at mythology. It is full of stories about the children of the gods killing off their parents. That is exactly what the NWO would do to the Annuna if they tried to return. I would think the "gods" had more sense then to want to fight that fight.
MrTwig wrote:Some believe that we lost the war the the nazis and they rule from the Antarctica. So, there could be a lot of upsetting stuff coming our way.
There have been rumors about that since the 1960s, aka "Rainbow City." The only place were they are known to have presence is southern Brazil.
MrTwig wrote:If this is a hoax then we really are in the Matrix.
If we are in the Matrix, then the akashic records are just the "log files" of the running programs.
MrTwig wrote:If there is an inner Earth than why not Akashic records? You know worlds with in worlds.
I believe it is a misidentification. In Larson's Beyond Space and Time, he speaks of a difference between the brain and mind, the brain being spatial and related to thought, whereas the mind is temporal and related to memory (akin to Odin's birds). As such, your memory can span multiple, bodily incarnations--but due to the nature of 3-dimensional time, it really isn't "memory," but just tapping the thoughts and activities of that lifetime. To those that do not understand the reciprocal nature of body/brain and soul/mind, it would appear that there is some "recording device" that is keeping track of memories beyond the death of the body.

Accessing the "akashic" records of another would just be entering their soul memory, which spans multiple body incarnations, telepathically, and blurting out what is seen.

Personally, with this understanding, I see no "natural consequence" for akashic records to exist as some kind of external apparatus, when those memories already exist as part of the structure of life.
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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by trippingthelight » Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:17 am

MrTwig wrote:There has been a lot of prep. work to get ready for the return. Some believe that we lost the war the the nazis and they rule from the Antarctica. So, there could be a lot of upsetting stuff coming our way.
Few things I've found connects Antarctica, Shamballa, Hall of Records, Tibet and the secret Nazi societies.
daniel wrote:The Hall of Records, located in Egypt, was a library left by the ANNUNAKI during their stay here that was constructed after the Cyclopeans ascended to the Theta octave. From what I have heard, it concerns the colonization effort here and on a prior world, and some basic understanding of the S-M technology on which our "science" is based.
I have found some details which describes these Hall of Records and suggests there are more, one in Baghdad and one in the Bucegi Mountains ( ... ucegi.html) in Romania. This one in Romania was found in 2003 and was possible used as a the reason why Romania was 'fast-tracked' into the EU in 2007.
Bullet points form the page:
There are 4 primary tunnels and further sub tunnels that lead to deep underground places which you would have heard of.
In these tunnels you will find rooms, huge rooms, with huge tables and stone chairs for people much, much taller than us.
The projection room contains all our history and can be replayed visually.
A table where you can perform holographic experiments with DNA, mix and match anything you wish and see what the results would be.
These rooms were created at least 50,000 years ago and each is connected to each other, protected by a energy source which actives all as one is activated.
The locations are; Near the Sphinx in Egypt, Baghdad, Mount Kailash in Tibet and the Bucegi Mountains in Romania. The inner tunnels lead to a secret World under the Gobi Plateau in Mongolia and, most importantly, to Antarctica.
This connects to WWII and the German Tibet expedition, Romania being fast-tracked into NATO, hollow earth, the eye above the pyramid and more.
The eye above the pyramid is referencing that Mount Kailash lookslike a pyramid and glows re/orange at the top in certain lights.

The Nazi secret society Vril-Gesellschaft comprised these groups - The Lords of the Black Stone, (Teutonic Order), The Black Knights, of the Thule Society, The Black Sun, the elite branch of the SS. It seems these societies gained information from a medium (Maria Orisc) who told them 'In the Sumeran empire were said to exist two classes of people - the Aryan or original "pure" race, and a subservient race which had devolved, or developed in a negative fashion, as a result of mutation from climatic changes likely due to nuclear fallout.' The Aryans original home was supposedly in Thule in the far north which was the captial of Hyperborea and portal to the hollow earth. Pytheas wrote about Thule and to me it sounds like the 'Sphere of Rest',
Thule, those regions in which there was no longer any proper land nor sea nor air, but a sort of mixture of all three of the consistency of a jellyfish in which one can neither walk nor sail, holding everything together, so to speak.
. I know Aryan could also be an Atlantean race, maybe just a blurring of information?

In 1938 the Ahnenerbe society was set up to trace the origins of the 'master race' and in 1938 went to Tibet and Mount Kailash which is described as
It is a very religious pyramid-looking mountain to a number of religions but less than a thousand go there each year. It is one of only a handful of mountains in the World you cannot legally climb it and it is very difficult to get too. There is a certain secret society that hold this place as one of vital importance. It is rumoured that when the ice finally melts it will reveal THE eye. This place alone is worth a LOT of research! The WWII German expedition to Tibet uncovered something so huge that Hitler took it VERY seriously!

Thule is an Airbase in Greenland where Operation Nanook happened at the same time as Operation High Jump in Antarctica in 1946, shamans apparently lived on the land and were driven off by the Americans, this link has some comments about a Shaman in Greenland who was shown how the knowledge about this planet before the insanity set in is frozen in time in the ice cap of Greenland - and once it melts it comes back as an awakened memory with instant communication to all waters on the planet. Also comments about 'men who went crazy' at Thule Air Base and the red-haired Giants of Greenland.
On the surface, a branch of the descendants of this seminal ‘Mother Aryan race’ were the proto-Indo-Europeans/Iranians who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out, colonizing various northern areas of the planet after the Deluge, spreading their agricultural civilization and universally recognized symbol (卐) .

Scots, (original) Basques, Scandinavians, (original) Guanches, (original) Berbers, Icelanders, (original) Ainu of Japan, (original) Iranian/Indian ruling class, (original) Chinese of the Gobi desert, (original) Tibetans, Caucasoid Pharaohs of Egypt, proto-Greeks, certain native American, Mesoamerican, and South American tribes; the nobility that established and governed all of these civilizations were of Aryan origin.

These disparate nationalities share linguistic patterns, have mythological similarities, and poses at least one common genetic trait; a large percentage of RH-negative blood types. According to the beliefs of the Thule society, a blood characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their extraterrestrial associates.
I know Micahel Tsarion talks about the Irish Origins of Civilisation and Ireland is called the 'Land of the Pharoes'. Could the Sumerian civilisation have originated from peoples from the far north in Thule? The bloodtype is interesting, I know if a mother is carrying a baby form a RH positive Man, she needs drugs as the body would reject the baby. Would be interesting to know what the bloodtypes of the 1000s of missing children are, as RH negative seems to be highly prized.

The Germans set up a base in Antarctica called 'Base 211', this is the base that Admiral Byrd went to destroy after WW2. The mission was cut severely short as German saucer craft were destroying ships. Karl Donitz, leader of the German U-Boat fleet said in 1943 that the German submarine fleet had rebuilt “in another part of the world a Shangri-La land – an impregnable fortress.” ... ciety.html

There are also maps that have directions on the underground base on the link above. Also Thule Islands near Antarctica and the Falklands war are all connected surely. check this forum out also, supposed accounts of British secret involvement in the Antarctica base, ... ntarctica/

EDIT: Oh and there is a movie called 'Nazis at the centre of the earth' so it must be true :lol: :lol: :lol:

Right I best get back to work!, here's a poem I found in the links I've used above:

There Lies a World Hidden,
Mysterious, unknown, and forbidden.
Where dwell entities with technologies
beyond our comprehension,
And knowledge kept hidden from us, in this
other dimension.
Will the truth ever be revealed?
Earthly forces of power and greed forever
Forbidden knowledge for warfare to wield.
When humankind understands,
To use the knowledge acquired from these
strange lands.For the benefit of humankind,
Then entrance into their world we will find.

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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by daniel » Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:20 pm

Wow, I haven't seen this stuff in 30 years... and YES, it is the SAME, old information--apparently being resurrected because the younger generations have not heard about it yet and it makes a good story.

Sorry to tell you that most of it is a psy-op campaign from the Tavistock Institute, those folks that brought you the New Age.
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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by trippingthelight » Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:49 am

sorry daniel, which bit are you saying is fabricated? Psy-ops need fiction AND truth.

Is it not well documented that the Nazi had links to the occult and went to Tibet and to Antarctica and wanted an Aryan race? I understand how the Hyperborea tale could have been twisted but were they not searching for something? Didn't Hitler steal the Spear of Destiny when he annexed Austria?

Thule is featured in ancient text from Polybius in 140BCE, Strabo in 30CE and Pliny the Elder in 77CE so has a long standing of being a 'mythical' place much like Atlantis.

In his biography of Liebenfels ("Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab", Munich 1985), the Viennese psychologist and author Dr Wilhelm Dahm wrote:
The Thule Gesellschaft name originated from mythical Thule, a Nordic equivalent of the vanished culture of Atlantis. A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century. This knowledge was to be put to use to save the Fatherland and create a new race of Nordic Aryan Atlanteans. A new Messiah would come forward to lead the people to this goal
WW2 just seems to be full of disinformation. Holocaust/Holohoax, Hiter good (ridding the world of the NWO)/Hitler bad(working for the cabal and Jesuits), it seems like A LOT hinges around that period. Other wars too come into question like the Falklands, Southern Thule Islands (off the coast of Antarctica) were captured in 1982 after the Argentines originally claimed it in 1948. Popular reasons being this was for the 'Black Goo'. The Iraq war, didn't the US raid the Museums as a priority in the first few days? In Afghanistan, weren't Giants skeletons found? To me it would question the whole oil/money reasons as being secondary to a search for something and a destruction of sacred knowledge or artefacts or securing of secret tech, similar to what is happening in Syria, a destruction of history.

What is your take on the holographic room in the Bucegi Mountains? It seems to fit quite well into the information on here regarding the Hall of Records.

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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by daniel » Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:34 pm

trippingthelight wrote:sorry daniel, which bit are you saying is fabricated? Psy-ops need fiction AND truth.
To quote Dewey Larson, "complexity is entertaining; simplicity is not."

Yes, there is some truth--but not much. I read some of the links you provided and things have definitely gotten more "fabricated" over the last 30 years since I first looked at it. This is what the "New Age" was designed to do--information overload you with inconsequential data. It is entertaining, but not very informative.

Yes, the Nazi's went to Antarctica, because they knew it was Jötunheimr, the "land of the giants" and were searching for Útgarðar (New Age'd to "Rainbow City"). Germanic, Teutonic and Norse share a great deal of mythos, and Hitler was "in" to that stuff--he wanted the ANNUNAKI tech.

Let's look at some quotes:
The name Thule, or ‘Ultima Thule’, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea, which also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’. Traditionally, the Hyperboreans were in contact with extraterrestrials or ‘alien cultures’, and participated in interbreeding.
Look at the mythos around this and you find that Hyperborea is the Germanic name for the Bargos Islands at the North Pole and Thule was Santa's workshop there. :D Of course, Santa is an anagram for Satan, ENKI, working with the very industrious dwarves of the region. And yes, in those days there was a portal to the inner world, as documented on the ancient maps. That went away when an expansion event opened up and created the Arctic ocean and slid Hyperborea south, merging with Groenlandt.

Of course, none of these authors know any of this, because they believe the Earth has never changed--and was, exactly the way it is now. Any enlightened person knows that in the Universe, "the only constant is change."

Case in point was this paragraph, earlier on:
The messages supposedly came from the star sytem of Aldebaran, an orange giant located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, which they believed has two planets which form the ’Sumeran Empire’.
Which uses conventional, astronomical thought--which I've shown in my papers to be somewhat "bloated"... if you "do the math," you find that Aldebaran isn't 44x the size of the sun, it's a gas giant about the size of Jupiter, 1/10th the size of the sun, and has a single, visible moon to us (the 14th magnitude "companion star"). And it is only about 9300 AU away... not 65 light years... just a 2-month trip at Warp 1.

So there is some "truth" to it, in that there are probably multiple, habitable moons around this gas giant, and the ANNUNA may have visited them as well.
trippingthelight wrote:Is it not well documented that the Nazi had links to the occult and went to Tibet and to Antarctica and wanted an Aryan race? I understand how the Hyperborea tale could have been twisted but were they not searching for something? Didn't Hitler steal the Spear of Destiny when he annexed Austria?
Hitler was after a lot of Christian artifacts, because the Christians were the soldiers of Jehovah, ENLIL, the military commander of the ANNUNA. If anyone had advanced weapons of war it would be those guys and he probably figured that the relics may have had clues as to where they were stashed.
trippingthelight wrote:A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century. This knowledge was to be put to use to save the Fatherland and create a new race of Nordic Aryan Atlanteans. A new Messiah would come forward to lead the people to this goal
That's a bit of a stretch, since Hyperboria was inhabited by "pygmies." ENKI and his gang were the giants with "magical powers" (the MEs), and he and NINHURSAG were out to try to fix up the human race, as Adamu was just a quick-and-dirty genetic patch to get some slaves, fast. The "new messiah" was just ENKI wanting to kick out ENLIL and take over has head honcho. This is why the Nazi's were "Satan" (or Santa) worshipers--since ENKI was the accuser, "the Satan."
trippingthelight wrote:What is your take on the holographic room in the Bucegi Mountains? It seems to fit quite well into the information on here regarding the Hall of Records.
There are a number of terminus to the Archive of the Ancients around the planet, most decayed to the point of unusable, but they are not based on SM technology (electronic), and holograms ARE SM technology. The terminus are Cyclopean/LM tech, a type of "harmonic" physics that resonates with the consciousness of the "user." The imagery is formed inside your head using the mind's natural ability to visualize--it is not external. So again, some bits of truth with New Age coverup.
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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by Lozion » Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:25 am

The trap of the " return" of the Messiah/Madi/Moshiach is an old script implanted by ENliL when his Adamu acolytes where trained for the management of the slaves that got passed down through generations and became various worship versions of it so they would toil.And wait..

Interestingly enough Angel Gabriel (Toth/Mercury/Hermes, etc) is seen as the messenger and provider of the script. He is a middle-man that I havent clearly defined yet in ENLIL's camp as EnLil would almost never reveal himself and and thus use this intermediate. He could be Nergal (Haddad/Adad/MLK/Moloch/Baal) still revered by descendants of the original administration who believe to be the "chosen" (due to purported higher percentage of Annuna DNA stock-a probable fallacy) but am not sure.. I'd have to recheck the Enuma Elish..
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Re: King of the World in Shamballa

Post by Andrew » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:01 pm

Can you shed some light on this picture, daniel? It was supposedly taken in Antarctica. I thought water comes out of Antarctica and gets sucked back in the Arctic.
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