Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

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Re: Something is happening is the Cosmic Sector

Post by daniel » Thu May 22, 2014 4:41 pm

Ilkka wrote:Since I am not familiar with psychology could you point out some info (books etc.) to get the idea of the "Jungian sense". I may already have that kind of thinking and feeling, but doesnt hurt to know more about those things. Thank you in advance.
Jung's method is known as typology. Found a link here describing it. (Jung wrote 20+ volumes on psychology, so not an easy read. My particular favorite is #8, the Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche).

Basically, you have two "rational" valuing systems, thinking (3D space) and feeling (3D time). We call "thinking in time", feelings. But feelings do not refer to emotions, which are something else. Feeding these two systems are the two irrational functions of sensation (your physical senses) and intuition (the corresponding senses, but in 3D time).

Sensation is rationalized by thinking, and intuition is rationalized by feeling. Essentially, sensation/thinking is what your body does, and intuition/feeling is what your soul does, and they couple together to make a person's valuing choices.
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Re: Something is happening is the Cosmic Sector

Post by PHIon » Fri May 23, 2014 12:28 pm

daniel wrote: Knowing that they want you to be an idiot, DO THE OPPOSITE--if they won't teach you, then teach yourself. I did it. Get back in school and MAKE USE of the resources that are there
I have been trying an approach like this and it is really working for me. Back in school, we all had to make a mental shift each class period and switch subjects. I never liked having to switch gears like that. Now, I am revisiting that approach to learning because I want to spend time on a number of things, but when the subjects are important to you then it gets pretty easy to move from one thing to another. If you can find a common denominator between the subjects you are studying, all the better.

Similar to how we spent our school days, I also find that I like to study certain subjects at particular times. The mind gets used to it. I work on musical ideas (creative side) in the evening, but music theory, harmonics or the RS (intellectual side) is best approached during the day when I am sharper. I am reading some Prof. Nehru right now, but once evening comes, I pretty much put it away until the next day. These general guidelines are free to change sometimes, too, if inspiration strikes. Sometimes I only get through a few paragraphs per day. I read daniel's papers that way, too, with no sense of rushing at all -- leaving plenty of time for integration or creative incubation. This approach is slower (frowned upon by society) but I retain more.
daniel wrote: Find it--and you'll have to find it yourself, because no one is going tell you. And when you do find it, then you'll have something truly unique, that others will see and it will set you apart.
In my life, I am not finding this to be the case yet. If I offer an alternative view that is not dictated by the information machine, I feel a hard resistance which is OK, not everyone will be receptive, but maybe there is a lesson here for me. Maybe a part of me is still resisting as well.
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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by Lozion » Sun May 25, 2014 3:07 pm

Sorry my computer is in the repair shop so will post back in a few days but txs daniel that was great insight.
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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by Evansville64 » Tue May 27, 2014 3:08 pm

I do believe the world mind has influence on these "gully" timewindows of mine.
Or rifts as I first called them.
I feel quite reactive to the collective mind of the earth. It makes sense, because I have strengthened my connection to the earth through this journey.
I have believed in this concept for quite awhile now.
There have been no other factors.
I tend to feel depressed for no real reason, in these intervals,
aside from my botched completion of school,
which required days of electronic feed and "schooling" on my computer.
I finished it.
I am not welcome there, now.
But nor do I need to be there.
I do have conventional plans.
I restore railroad signal/locomotive parts ,and have a "future planned" .
The musical types are rejected around here, but thats a whole 'nother story.
I can only keep the music to myself, unless I leave town.
That Said,
I will continue though this VERY sketchy space-time..
Something is indeed happening.

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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by Evansville64 » Tue May 27, 2014 3:54 pm

The school issues were not a catalyst for the gully, but the result .
One of them , any way.

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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by Evansville64 » Tue May 27, 2014 4:02 pm

I have a few friends...
All of them, are having simultaneous hardships .

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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by joeyv23 » Thu May 29, 2014 4:04 am

daniel wrote:Shen manifests as agápē, which is normally associated with a "spiritual calling" or "life devoted to God" type of stuff. If you get rid of the religious connotations, agápē is essentially the physical expression of shen bioenergy under intelligent direction, which leads to the growth and expansion of consciousness--for yourself and everything around you. When that happens, you become connected to the Universe (rapport) and the Universe "helps out" through synchronicity and serendipity. Once you are in rapport with life, then you don't require partners (as you become internally balanced) and things just happen to keep moving along. You no longer worry about "financial security" or stuff like that, because it becomes unimportant, since the Universe is a far better provider than governments acting as surrogate parents. And I speak from experience, here.
!!! THIS!!! I haven't had any frame of reference for what manifested Shen is like until now. I know what qi feels like, and have on occasion been able to pull it out from the lower dantien, which left me walking around, feeling almost weightless, less physical, as though somehow, I was more aware of the space between particles, than the particles themselves.. (feet on the floor felt less like feet on the floor, and more like an air hockey puck on the table). Now, with this, I can look back and realize the collection and manifestation of Shen that I was creating/undergoing while my focus was primarily in the Green vMeme. I was living for something bigger than myself, it was my job to wake others up, and it was all for a larger script that I wasn't privvy to. Now, I'm writing my own part of the script into the larger drama being played out. I'd had moments of synchronicity and serendipity before, but since ascending my consciousness from green to yellow, and letting go of the need to help others as a calling, things have fallen into place like never before, as directed by my desire and intentions for my life. I still help others, but because I want to, not because I have to. I'm right there, not worrying about financial security, much to the dismay of many people in my life. "How can you not worry about money?" which I respond "Easy! It's like this, *deep*. See??"

Even though I'm utilizing Shen energy in my life to create what I want as my personal reality, I do see and feel the hopelessness of the masses. In the past two to three weeks specifically, it seems that everyone in my life who is working towards bettering themselves in one area of life or another, is being hit with curve ball after curve ball. I've wondered if perhaps the 'systems' are designed to see just how far a person can be pushed before they snap. It's been a rough few weeks for my friends and family, but I'm doing my very best to help keep everyone's spirits up. It isn't always easy, and I'm glad to have a new release for the 'negative' energy that I take on while dealing with others to be replaced with something less stressful. I recently bought/am paying for a motorcycle... there's nothing like going 65 mph down a back road and screaming at the top of my lungs, just because I can :)

What gets me with this, is that it seems that the matrix reality is rewarding those that are comfortable with it, and continue on unabated, as though nothing is happening around us that's outside of what we're used to. This also has me keeping a sharper eye on the law enforcement. They, above all others have power to push individuals to their breaking point. (I'm thinking of the kid that has recently been sentenced to life in prison for pot brownies, among other things) Recently a new task force has been added to my area, black Chargers with only 'Police" written on the side to take care of "problem" areas. Well they've decided that my small town of <3,000 is a problem area. My sister and father went around the block a few days ago to work in a friends garden (we get half the produce for doing the work) and my dad wasn't wearing a seatbelt. One of these special task force cars pulled them over, feet away from the garden, wouldn't let my dad get out to help my mom work, even going so far as to physically stand next to his car door so that he couldn't get out, and according to the driver side officer it's "standard procedure now" and walked the K-9 unit around my sisters car... for a seat belt violation?! Ol' Smokey's out for blood! My dad, who's been a ghost for most of my life, not having an ID or non cash paying job, was hard for them to look up in their system. After about 10 minutes and lots of digging they were finally able to pull his name up in some database, wrote him a warning for the seatbelt and then were ready to be on their way. Pops made sure to get his dig in at the end, since the big bears didn't find what they wanted to find, and as they were walking back to their car my dad called back to them "Sorry for messing up your day!". The officer who had been standing next to his door looked at him, smiled, and said "It's ok". Without fear, these men are powerless. I wish I could show that as a fact to some of the people in my life who live in a near constant state of fear because of the (not-so) NWO that's upon us.

Joey's quick bit of inspiration/reminder: Take a few breathes. Know that everything is working towards the benefit/growth/evolution of our personal and collective consciousness(es), and find that knowing deep inside that tells you that we'll get through this. Also, if you have no reason to smile, smile for no reason :) It helps!
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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by daniel » Thu May 29, 2014 2:32 pm

joeyv23 wrote:In the past two to three weeks specifically, it seems that everyone in my life who is working towards bettering themselves in one area of life or another, is being hit with curve ball after curve ball. I've wondered if perhaps the 'systems' are designed to see just how far a person can be pushed before they snap. It's been a rough few weeks for my friends and family, but I'm doing my very best to help keep everyone's spirits up.
LoneBear was mentioning that the other day, as to how "bad luck" seems to be defying probability. Randomness should result in a 50/50 split between good and bad fortune, but lately, most people that have any kind of spiritual drive seem to be experiencing 99 44/100% bad luck, whereas the muggles go blindly on without problem. Something has changed, but I have not yet figured out what. But it does appear to be associated with shen bioenergy.
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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by Djchrismac » Thu May 29, 2014 4:44 pm

daniel wrote:
joeyv23 wrote:In the past two to three weeks specifically, it seems that everyone in my life who is working towards bettering themselves in one area of life or another, is being hit with curve ball after curve ball. I've wondered if perhaps the 'systems' are designed to see just how far a person can be pushed before they snap. It's been a rough few weeks for my friends and family, but I'm doing my very best to help keep everyone's spirits up.
LoneBear was mentioning that the other day, as to how "bad luck" seems to be defying probability. Randomness should result in a 50/50 split between good and bad fortune, but lately, most people that have any kind of spiritual drive seem to be experiencing 99 44/100% bad luck, whereas the muggles go blindly on without problem. Something has changed, but I have not yet figured out what. But it does appear to be associated with shen bioenergy.
I think it must have something to do with minimal sunlight reaching earth. We're at 100% cloud and haze cover again, people are moaning about the weather and are quite down about it, without seeing the HAARP effects in the clouds or questioning anything.

I've also been feeling a bit down recently, not from bad fortune but more a frustration at people just not taking weather modification seriously and I reckon the collective bioenergy of both humanity nature is taking a big hit from lack of solar radiation reaching us.

I'm still hearing lots of ringing and hissing tones every day too, maybe all the EM radiation from all the technology surrounding us is also starting to affect us more.
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Re: Something is happening in the Cosmic Sector

Post by Evansville64 » Thu May 29, 2014 5:02 pm

I agree , Djchrismac.
Though, you idea may be broadened, to include a certain solar effect.
Everything around us is "business as usual" , while for us, it clearly is not.
I see this connecting to a very specific Law Of One concept.
Ra was asked to list the pre-cursors of the 4D shift.
"Realizing the sorrows of 3rd density" was to happen as a gradual , descent to grief, followed by climax, and resolution. It was to occur energetically.
If there are any Law Of One scholors who know this exact passage, it could totally be applied here.
I only happen to remember Ra mentioning it.
Now, exactly what is causing this, I think is nestled in the cosmic sector. (right under our nose)
It seems likely , that this is a solar effect, and is part of our graduation

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