Situation in the Ukraine

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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by deepfsh » Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:32 am

-OM- wrote:A) It was Penny and the Dog that solved all the cases.....
Gadget was too impressed, and consequently dumbed down with his "Gadgets"/technology, to be useful....
Thank you for clarifying this, I forgot about their importance, it's been a while. You raised some good questions in your posts.
-OM- wrote:the purpose of Kheb-type environments is to FOCUS on what will get you out of the DUALITY game and on to playing different games and adventures of your own choosing.
To me, such "study groups", communities, or whatever you like to call them, represent a place where you simply develop your consciousness etc. in harmony with others - like kids playing together - with the duality or without it. And bruce's concept of a "persona non grata" also comes to my mind.
-OM- wrote:Figuring out which thief is stealing from the other thieves and who backstabbed whom becomes a waste of time and uninteresting at a certain point

I understand. For me, it's only important to start seeing the brushes of the bigger picture and hopefully learn something from it, such as "not to go twice on a very thin ice".
-OM- wrote:C) "Kheb"-type enivornments already exists. They exist because of the people involved, not because of a physical location. One could have a monastery in one's own home if the people involved are ready for it. A physical location is the least amount of concern involved in such matters.
-OM- wrote:B) Sorry, but my point about location was directed for those WAITING to start living "in rapport" and would rather continually talk about which thieves are less evil and more honorable than the other thieves.
If one wouldn't be "in rapport" with the ideas and "mission" of a monastery located in the Isolated Jungles/Mountaintop/Island, does it even MATTER where it's located?
I understand, you made a good point.
-OM- wrote:And while location is important, again waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to do your work, so you can "start", also has a long disappointing history that anyone can point to.
2 or 3 people in rapport can find a property literally anywhere and start embodying what they "think" life would be like in the actual Kheb monastary.
Those little 2-3 person communities can move to where the "Kheb" monastery is when the time comes or vice versa if so aligned
Waiting for you or anyone else before taking action is headed down that same slippery slope of needing a "leader" and contrary to what your concepts of rapport are about...
I totally agree.
-OM- wrote:no matter how covered the path is you/we are walking, there have been those rare few that have walked it before and have left unnoticed-by-the-masses signposts for future travelers.
you don't realize others HAVE left a pre-existing trail that's near impossible to see
You've blazed a path and others will use your signposts -- choosing to follow along exactly or weave in and out of the path to explore other things on the way...

You seem like the type that wants to create a completely new trail thru the forest.
or because your hard-wired to do things the "hard"/totally "unique" way

But I think we both agree, there are OTHER adventures out there than the one most people are entrained to.
I assume these "OTHER" adventures are as unique as your perception of bruce's "new trail through the forest". Can you be more precise about those other adventures?
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by deepfsh » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:28 pm

JC Collins wrote:And the BRICS association that economists were wringing their hands over in previous years as a major threat to American-led western economic neoliberalism? It was actually created by Goldman Sachs, an outgrowth of a research paper that was convincing enough that it actually caused the four nations (of the then-”BRIC” grouping) to start a political process that made the paper into reality. [1]
Global Economics Paper No: 66 - Building Better Global Economic BRICs (Goldman Sachs, 30 Nov 2001)
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by deepfsh » Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:30 pm

aaron wrote:The reason this section of Ken’s article really stood out for me, is because during communications with –daniel, and the extensive research he has put into his informative papers; I mentioned this “10 Kingdoms” reference to him today, and asked if he recalled any corroborating biblical or ancient texts references to this. And sure enough, he did!
Here is some interesting information daniel passed along to me about this during my discussion with him.
daniel’s quotes and references in blue italics:
daniel wrote:The reference is probably 10 kings. Of course, kings have dominion over king-doms.

“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” (Rev. 17:12-13)

You should read that section of the Bible, with what you now know. It goes on…

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.”

Note that the beast has 10 horns–the 10 kings/kingdoms growing off the beast, that will eventually HEAL the beast.

BTW, “whore” doesn’t translate to that… it’s more like peasant/barbarian.
Of course, these various 10 horned beast cabals sure do hate us muggles! Apparently they only want us to cook and clean for them, and they want fewer and fewer around! So we’ve got the 10-horned beast that is devouring the world, and the only sickness it really has is “indigestion“, from glutinous greed–that will go away, once the feast is over!
daniel wrote:I don’t know if you noticed the “Rome” reference in the last paper, which is used to name the domain of the NWO… it comes from the Roman name for the empire, Orbis Terrarum–which does not mean Italy, but the “Circle of the Earth” — the entire planet! [+ catholic = universal]

You can find similar references in all the cultural mythos, from the:
- 10 Kingdoms of China,
- 10 Lost Tribes of Israel,
- the 10 Tribes of South America, etc.

Everybody wants to build 10 kingdoms… even the US is divided into 10 FEMA regions, and the first digit of your SSN is a region designator (0-9 = 10 regions).
To follow in their masters foot steps, these Noble/Elitist/Cabal types are all following the same playbook, handed down from their “crowned” masters of milenia ago. The “Beast” is the paper on the map that covers the world; the 10 horns are the regions/sectors.

Anybody ever notice the symbolism of “crowns” that elite royalty wear? This is to mimic their noble Saurian antecedent gods who had a crest of “horns” capping their heads.

So, its extremely relevant here that regardless of how this new “Beast” financial system is being peddled to the muggles! Ken is hitting the nail on the head in his warnings that this whole thing is part of their plan, and the “Good East”, is just another 10 horned Beast stepping up to the trough!

Its all there as they say- “the Writing’s on the Wall“…

On p. 449 [1] in William Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse, there is an appendix of a report entitled Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System - Report on the Progress in the Strategy for Survival Project of the Club of Rome. [2] It was published in 1973 by the Club of Rome [3] and the authors divided the world into “Kingdoms - Club of Rome’s Ten Global Groups”: G1 - North America, G2 - Western Europe, G3 - Japan, G4 - Rest of the Developed Market Economies, G5 - Eastern Europe, G6 - Latin America, G7 - North Africa and the Middle East, G8 - Main Africa, G9 - South and South-East Asia, G10 - Centrally Planned Asia.
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by deepfsh » Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:17 pm

Since the people at the Club of Rome - among others - are concerned about the "population bomb", [1][2][3][4][5] a few quotes from the entertainment industry came to my mind:
Torchwood - Children of Earth: Day Four (BBC, 2009) wrote: DENISE RILEY: No, the first responsibility is to protect the best interests of this country, right? Then let’s say it. In a national emergency, a country must plan for the future, and must discriminate between those who are vital to continued stability and those who are not. And now that we’ve established that our ["management" class] kids are exempt, the whole principle of random selection is dead in the water anyway [...]


DENISE RILEY: Let me finish. Now look, on the one hand, you’ve got the schools, and I don’t just mean those producing graduates. I mean the pupils that will go on to staff our hospitals, our offices, our factories; the workforce of the future. We need them. Accepted, yes? So, set against that, you’ve got the failing schools - full of the less able, the less socially useful. Those destined to spend a lifetime on benefits, occupying places on the dole queue, and, frankly, the prisons. Now, look, should we treat them equally? God knows we’ve tried and we’ve failed, and now the time comes to choose. And if we can’t identify the lowest achieving ten percent of this country’s children, then what are the school league tables for?


PRIME MINISTER GREEN: Then there we have it. John, you have your criteria. We’ve selected the ten percent.


FROBISHER: We need a cover story to explain why the operation is happening, and to encourage participation. So the suggestion is we announce the children will be given some sort of inoculation; a jab to stop them speaking in unison. We stress that there’s no immediate danger, that everyone will be seen in due course. Then when it goes wrong and the children disappear, we blame the aliens. Claiming innocence, we face the music. [6][7]

[If you remember, there was a hype for vaccination in 2009 against the bird flu, which is supposedly as lethal as the Spanish flu. The latter was mentioned by Captain Jack Harkness in the series - in it, the aliens gave us the cure in 1964 in exchange for 12 children.]
Torchwood - Children of Earth: Day Five (BBC, 2009) wrote: JOHNSON: He'll be fine. The nice kids are safe. If you're gonna get rid of ten percent, then take the ten percent you don't want. All those kids on street corners, we've finally got rid of them. [8]
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by deepfsh » Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:17 pm

On 16 March 2014, a "referendum" was held regarding the integration of Crimea into the Russian Federation. The "referendum" was condemned as illegitimate by the Ukrainian Government, the EU, the US, and the UN General Assembly. Russian forces now occupy Crimea and Russian authorities claim it as Russian territory. The Ukrainian Government asserts that Crimea remains part of Ukraine. Source
This is what a (brilliant) journalist from our country wrote on Sept 24 2008:
[...] it is the same generous stupidity that the Russians are currently dealing with, after Nikita Khrushchev - carried by the communist generosity of the Soviet Union - donated to Ukraine the Crimean Peninsula, the most important strategic point in the Black Sea region, which has been causing a painful political headache to Vladimir Putin. That is why many political analysts consider the intervention in Georgia and the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhasia as a preliminary step for the main event, which will unfold in Crimea, where the majority of the population is of Russian ethnicity.
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