Situation in the Ukraine

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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by Ilkka » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:47 pm

Lozion wrote:
infinity wrote:I think he can take care of himself, regardless.
I know, just that he's been really quiet these days...
Maybe he is taking a time off or perhaps doing the paper intensively.

Also maybe he hasnt responded to anything in here, because of the information on this site that has been of no interest to him and thats why he hasnt posted in awhile. When there is nothing to say about things then it is best not to say anything.

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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by Lozion » Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:35 pm

Ilkka wrote:
Lozion wrote:
infinity wrote:I think he can take care of himself, regardless.
I know, just that he's been really quiet these days...
Maybe he is taking a time off or perhaps doing the paper intensively.

Also maybe he hasnt responded to anything in here, because of the information on this site that has been of no interest to him and thats why he hasnt posted in awhile. When there is nothing to say about things then it is best not to say anything.

Yes Ilkka, agreed on all counts... Hope we'll get to read yet another fascinating paper soon...
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by PHIon » Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:43 am

Djchrismac wrote: Since when do they do an hour long programme speculating on where a vanished plane has gone?
This morning on WGN.FM, Jonathon Brandmeir was talking about the obsession many have about aviation media stories. He mentioned how CNN is running a feature on how to turn off a transponder in a Boeing 777. A pleasant distraction to many, indeed. I found this story on Before It's News: ... 05634.html

These entertaining distractions remind me of watching a TV drama, where the script purposefully drops false clues in order to misdirect the viewer away from the correct solution to the show's problem. As a viewer, we are entertained by this and enjoy either outsmarting the writers or being fooled. Both can be equally satisfying.

Looking at real (or staged) situations as if they were an entertaining TV show is a scary thing because one could be waiting for the plot twist in the last act only to discover that the surprise ending might actually turn out be an irreversible life situation. What, show's over? What's on next? Why are all the banks closing? Where did all these new leaders come from that nobody voted for?

I am not trying to be overly dramatic but from my limited view, I perceive most people are happily buying the MSM version of world events (just how a good writer would want an audience to be pulled along) without picking up on the clues that the twist will not be what was expected.
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by maeghan » Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:04 pm

PHIon wrote: I am not trying to be overly dramatic but from my limited view, I perceive most people are happily buying the MSM version of world events (just how a good writer would want an audience to be pulled along) without picking up on the clues that the twist will not be what was expected.
I agree, but I think those of us here won't be so surprised.

The missing 777 ... hmmm ... interesting numbers there.
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by Evansville64 » Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:27 pm

Almost two years ago, I said something I knew would be quite symbolic for a warning siren to kickoff disclosure: "On the brink of disclosure, Jets will fall from the sky" .
This jet story actually took a few days to catch my attention.. but it sure did.
It was a surge of goosebumps, a shivery feel, and it was like a video tape was wound up inside my head.
Quite an incredible tie to a past quote of mine, as it is referring to THIS JET

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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by Lozion » Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:50 pm

Interesting Cayce prophecy about Russia:

"Through Russia, comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -no! But freedom - freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world." - Edgar Cayce (1930)

Food for thought?
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by deepfsh » Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:26 pm

Lozion wrote:Interesting Cayce prophecy about Russia
Yeah, it came to my mind when I was reading Ken's past blogs. I just saw he posted a new one, I felt there must have been sth. which kept him away from writing, namely his "bullsh*t saturation point" - I understand him.

I wanted to write a long post with comments on his old blogs. I found out about him a while back, when some of you mentioned him a few times, so I decided I'll take a look. He's well awake, and he's good at pattern recognition, if I can use that term. In his last post about Putin and Wilcock, he mentioned Svali's words on Russia, China, and 2020 - well, that's exactly what I wanted to include in my post here on CH in relation to his older blogs.

It's really interesting that David's new blog about the "Alliance" will coincide with the IMF's conference in Washington. Well, believe it or not, after a long long time I woke up at 2 am from a bad dream last night and couldn't fall asleep until 7am! I couldn't make any sense of it, since I was in a crowd of people and there was also a guy who was supposedly working in the higher echelons of the US gov. He said that it's true we're the offspring of the SMs and that they plan to kill us - another guy then said that this isn't something new, since we've already been doing such things to ourselves for millennia. The "insider" then said that there is an underground base below Washington. I saw an old map of a village which later became a big city called Washington.
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by Lozion » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:15 pm

deepfsh wrote:
Lozion wrote:Interesting Cayce prophecy about Russia
Yeah, it came to my mind when I was reading Ken's past blogs. I just saw he posted a new one, I felt there must have been sth. which kept him away from writing, namely his "bullsh*t saturation point" - I understand him.

I wanted to write a long post with comments on his old blogs. I found out about him a while back, when some of you mentioned him a few times, so I decided I'll take a look. He's well awake, and he's good at pattern recognition, if I can use that term. In his last post about Putin and Wilcock, he mentioned Svali's words on Russia, China, and 2020 - well, that's exactly what I wanted to include in my post here on CH in relation to his older blogs.
Funny you write this. Here's a excerpt of the mail I just shot Ken in response to his last blog:

"While I agree in principle that we are in the middle of Hegelian type dialectic game, I’m not so sure about your conclusions. I think you actually are giving the enemy too much credit! The waters are murky & grey, nothing is black or white and this Svali source admits herself being only a low level participant. Also, I believe that interview goes back to 2006, much has changed since and the collective consciousness continues to influence futur outcomes… Keep the Faith!

In other news: This is important:

Unraveling of the Fed in the making?"
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by Lozion » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:19 pm

It's really interesting that David's new blog about the "Alliance" will coincide with the IMF's conference in Washington. Well, believe it or not, after a long long time I woke up at 2 am from a bad dream last night and couldn't fall asleep until 7am! I couldn't make any sense of it, since I was in a crowd of people and there was also a guy who was supposedly working in the higher echelons of the US gov. He said that it's true we're the offspring of the SMs and that they plan to kill us - another guy then said that this isn't something new, since we've already been doing such things to ourselves for millennia. The "insider" then said that there is an underground base below Washington. I saw an old map of a village which later became a big city called Washington.
Now you understand better my concern with this Ebola pandemic in the making.
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Re: Situation in the Ukraine

Post by deepfsh » Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:16 am

Lozion wrote:"While I agree in principle that we are in the middle of Hegelian type dialectic game, I’m not so sure about your conclusions. I think you actually are giving the enemy too much credit! The waters are murky & grey, nothing is black or white and this Svali source admits herself being only a low level participant. Also, I believe that interview goes back to 2006, much has changed since
I amassed a lot of references with regard to my (yet unreleased) post, and based on them, I believe Ken is not looking at it through a black and white point of view. Obviously, he nailed it with the IMF - it definitely plays a big role. People are too much concentrated on the FED. Here are a couple of quick quotes:
Conflicts require money and cooperation. World conflicts require world banks and international monetary funds. (p. 3)
FDR, according to his own son-in-law, was manipulated from day one. Curtis Dall wrote a book called My Exploited Father-in-Law. In it, he stated, "For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition" in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.... The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."
Franklin Roosevelt, as history tells us, instituted a plan that was called "The New Deal." The New Deal ultimately revealed that we used to be America, but that "our enterprise was now a success." (This is based on this new money at the time - stated to this day on the back of the one dollar bill, in Latin.) In effect, they were saying, "We have changed America from being a free enterprise system and have now brought into world banking the IMF, The International Monetary Fund. And we have total success over the American people, over the American economy and the American people never even knew what happened to their rights." That's why many of the cults and movements across America are promoting a New World Order. They are all welcoming the new Millennium, and attempting to position themselves should changes occur. (p. 62)
Let's first go back to April, 1994, and look at part of a full-page advertisement run by the government of Morocco in The New York Times. In it, it announced the formation of the World Trade Organization by stating:
The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation of our century, will give birth - in Morocco - to the World Trade Organization, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. (p. 66)
Do you remember the television show called Mission Impossible? If you ever see a rerun, watch the opening of the show very closely. What will come up on the screen will be the insignia IMF - supposedly standing for the "Impossible Mission Force." The impossible mission force, the IMF, the International Monetary Fund. What were they always doing on the show? They were always tricking leaders out of positions of authority, assassinating somebody, helping people escape, or doing some other dirty deal, all in a war for power. Whose power? Of course, they were always working for some government, but the agents are not supposed to know who that is for sure. They just do their jobs, not knowing who's really hired them. The "IMF" just sends them out on as mission that they must perform, at all costs. And if anyone should find out who's really pulling the strings, then the agents are told that "we are going to disavow any connection to you." Well, that is the IMF. The International Monetary Fund, which is the power behind the Federal Reserve System, which is raping our country and destroying our economy. And these guys are doing it right in front of you, telling you what they are doing, but we just don't see it, even after they spell it out for us on television. They are even making comedies about it, like Get Smart. On one side you have Chaos, and the other side you have Control. And when you watch the show closely, and ignore the foolishness, it is easy to see that the same operation is running both sides. Creating chaos, then rushing in to "control" it, in order to accomplish an agenda. That is how it has always been done. GET SMART! They are telling you something.
Freemasonry's symbol and motto is Ordo Ab Chao, meaning "Order out of Chaos." It's found in any reference book. So I am saying that there is a world movement that is financing, organizing, and directing world chaos. (p. 68)

I'll make a post when I make some "ordo ab chao" out of those references and notes I collected in the last month.
Lozion wrote:Also, I believe that interview goes back to 2006, much has changed since and the collective consciousness continues to influence futur outcomes… Keep the Faith!
I agree, of course we decide how we're going to live our lives, but most people just don't care or are afraid to face any issues - an elderly family friend jokingly told me just a few days ago that "we don't discuss politics in our home". Unfortunatelly, in our system of living, when you don't care somebody else decides instead of you.
Lozion wrote:Now you understand better my concern with this Ebola pandemic in the making.
Yes, and if I remember it correctly, some scientific research presented by Wilcock suggests that such massive things can occur when there is something massive going on with the human psyche. Plus, maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the beginning of April (around the 15th perhaps) the period when the US citizens have to file in their taxes or sth. similar with relation to the IRS? Usually, sth. "shocking" occurs in those days. I believe last year it was the Boston Marathon thing.
Lozion wrote:As for the allusion to brother, I meant that in jest as with all your references to Masonic material, it sounded as if you are part of a Lodge...
Since I haven't answered you the last time, I'll do it now: "Seriously, man ..." :) But apparently Sean Stone (the son of the film director Oliver Stone) is.
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket

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