A sad departure

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Re: A sad departure

Post by deepfsh » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:38 am

For those who are interested in the "Snowden case", I suggest you read an interview with a notorious hacker from Italy, Fabio Ghioni (an "acclaimed expert in the field of security and non-conventional technologies, and strategic adviser to various governmental and international bodies"), which was originally published in Italian: "The NSA scandal? A crazy farce." [1][2][3]

As for Wikileaks, there is an interesting article and an excerpt from a book presentation about Assange and the "Family".[4][5]
Julian Assange's childhood photo.jpg
Julian Assange's childhood photo.jpg (25.86KiB)Viewed 17112 times
Village of the Damned (1995 remake).jpg
Village of the Damned (1995 remake).jpg (43.1KiB)Viewed 17112 times
So, this goes back to what I wrote in a previous post in this thread:
In regard with what I and MrGreen wrote about the Snowden case (potentially) appearing in movies years before it actually happened, and with the above quotes, it's interesting to hear that Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt said for CBS that "Snowden was helpful in alerting everybody what the government was up to," while the director of Google Ideas Jared Cohen stated that "first it was Manning, then it was Snowden; the reality is we're going to keep seeing more and more of these individuals." [6]
I was also asking myself why Bradley Manning in the end changed his personality to Chelsea Manning:
After being sentenced to 35 years in prison, the 26-year-old army private formerly known as Bradley Manning told the world that she will live the rest of her life as Chelsea Manning.[7]
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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:34 am

It was a general challenge, to anyone. The point was to illustrate the danger and futility of labeling every single thing as some ruse by the powers that be. The point was that just because its possible to interpret everything like that, does not mean everything IS that, and the follow-up of that would be - so what. So what if there's all these things happening where the bad guys are trying to take over the world? By our very basic understanding of reality, time-space is a 3D landscape, and by implication there are alternatives to the "cause-and-effect" flow of events. Even if every single thing in the world goes wrong and the bad guys get every single thing they want to happen - it doesn't mean you or I need to be in that world. We could be in another parallel reality of our own making - not a fake one, a real one, just not the one the bad guys affect us at all.

But what do you think will happen if ALL we do is focus on "oh the bad guys this and the bad guys that"? What have we learnt about the flow of energy, the power of attention/intention and the effect that concentration and focused thoughts have on reality? Are we discarding all the evidence warning us about the consequences of focusing on the things we DON'T want? Are we now all materialists believing only what we are seeing, creating our own version of fear-porn and an anti-concept subculture that just shoots down everyone else's perspectives that doesn't fit with our own? How are we better then that the media moguls and the banksters, if we are just propagating focus and attention on their agenda?

What happened to looking at creating a world we WANT? What happened to cooperation, to creating, to increasing our understanding, our knowledge, our consciousness? Its all good and well to be aware of what the state of the world is in - but awareness and persevering focus are 2 different things. The one is simply observation - the other is an act of creation. It is not conjecture to say that, we are all aware of the integrated reality between the "mental world" and the "physical world" and how they both are platforms for creation in the vice versa.

If you take it personally that I'm confused on why you are answering a challenge by listing examples that simply proves my point, then I'm not sure you understood the point of the challenge.

No one so far has answered it, and until someone does, my response to posts that just keep listing what the cabal is up to, will be the same.

You, and others posting similar info consistently, are promoting their agenda by posts like those. If you disagree, you will need to have some kind of reasonable response to the challenge. And that counts for others as well. As I pointed out, there's a difference between awareness (observation), and consistent focused attention (an act of creation).

To help illustrate: In as far as I read daniel's papers, he provides information that makes it possible to practically adjust my worldview and understanding of things in order to make better choices going forward. That is a contribution to the world. In contrast, I don't see how its a contribution to the world to keep propagating these posts about what the cabal is up to. I may be wrong, and that is why I posted the challenge. The challenge addresses this point. If the challenge is answered, and I'm shown that I'm wrong, then we can move on. Until then, why should I, or others here, pay attention to such posts?

It is a genuinely sincere question. It is not a personal attack. I'm trying to understand the value of such posts and I'm giving my personal analysis of how I assess their value so that I can get feedback on whether I'm missing it completely or whether I actually do have a valid point that contributes to a better direction of our focus to create a better world.

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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:50 am

deepfsh wrote:
infinity wrote:Basically, no matter what happens, or how, its not that hard to arrive at a conclusion (through suspicion), that its another ruse of the powers that be. Where will that get us?
According to me, it depends on the situation - also, I am aware that any kind of power is still exercised in the current 'competitive' system, so anything that happens (be it locally/regionally/planetary), it is decided on a 'hierarchical' basis - whoever is on top has much more influence than those below them. I would agree with J. Maxwell that TPTB are just gangs in war with each other.
You're implying powerlessness. I will never buy into that. Ever heard of Enoch, Elijah, and others that excelled at their journey and never even saw death? How exactly would TPTB stop that? What about the LMs, are you saying they are under the power of the "current competitive system"? And what about the "Thirteen" better known by their creation of the 13 crystal skulls who are doing quite a bit for the benefit of their kin, the human race? Some might call them the original Elders of our race. We can go on and on with examples of how TPTB does not have the power you are ascribing to them. The point is this. If anyone focuses on them, that's what we'll see. What they can do. Of course they can do a lot, but why does that make them any more powerful than you or me? Or anyone else?

Forcefulness was never a measure of power, in fact - it is a measure of weakness. So why are we focusing on that so much?

Is it more helpful for me to keep hearing what the cabal is up to, or more helpful to hear of how one of us here have discovered something interesting and useful and sharing it with each other? Is there another way that this question should be put if it is unfair? Or is that actually the bottom-line indeed?

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Re: A sad departure

Post by maeghan » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:56 am

infinity wrote: You're implying powerlessness.
I don't think he's implying powerlessness. I think what he's saying is that if we focus our attention on the bad guys even if if it's for good intentions we are inadvertently giving energy to them.

I used to spend hours a day looking into things, attempting to predict their next move I found that it was pointless because it was taking the time away from what I need to do with my life. I don't spend as much time anymore looking and searching for more info. This doesn't mean that I am oblivious to what's going on, I'm just living my life and putting my energy into that which is good and which could potentially help us .
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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:45 am

I understood it more in the sense that its nearly impossible to trust anything made so visible to us, since TPTB control media so well and are so good at manipulating masses. And that is a good perspective to maintain for the purpose of awareness.

Unfortunately, I found it a bit too easy to focus on "what they are up to" at the cost of "what am I doing with my life?". And I've seen the effects of it in others, and in myself. I don't like the result it creates. I've seen the most intelligent and wonderful people turn into the most bitter and angry individuals (usually takes years though) by forgetting why they were paying attention to what's going on in the world. There was never anything wrong with paying attention. But if we can't answer the question "now what?" or "so what?" and do both the awareness and the response in integrity (i.e. we don't feel like we're on either the extreme of being paranoid nor ignorant, and we're not getting either new agey nor fundamentalist, but can take both awareness and response in each hand, and work with both, as a synergy) - if we can't do that, then we are getting distracted from the point of it.

I like the analogy of a current in an ocean or the wind in a ship's sails. Used right, it can accelerate the journey. But it has inherent danger, as it can entrap, and lead into rocks, storms, sandbanks, or maelstroms. The current must be the servant to a purpose. The ship captain the master. Not as easy when winds take you in one direction, the current in another, and your destination might differ from both. Interesting analogy if you understand ancient symbolism of water and air. Understanding the map isn't good enough, despite its importance. The ship must be tamed and aligned to harness the water and the wind. If overdone, the ship may fall over, or its sails torn. If nothing is done at all, its at the mercy of the elements - and the elements do not care for the welfare of the ship.

Some like to focus on mastery of the maps (awareness of events + how to navigate it). Some like to focus on the importance of steering the ship (aligning and harnessing the forces around and under the ship, for the benefit of the ship). Both are key to bring the ship into harbor. Men on the ropes, men in the crows nest, men on the steering wheel, men on the maps. None more important than the other. All accountable to each other for doing their job. But each job has context.

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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:08 am

deepfsh, I feel that I was too harsh towards what you've posted here.

It is what I see in the "pattern" that gets my juices flowing, and in my response posts it seems like I'm taking you on personally. Please believe me when I say that the purpose is to use your posts as a platform for raising concerns I've seen throughout the forum. I do not mean to criticize you, but I DO mean to criticize the pattern.

I do not know how to emphasize it without it coming across as directed towards you. Please have grace with me. Please allow me this opportunity. Were I in your position, I would feel like I'm being alienated. But it can't be further from the intention. Will you forgive me for using those 2 posts here for such a purpose? You would be a better person than me.

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