A sad departure

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Re: A sad departure

Post by MrGreen » Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:07 pm

deepfsh wrote:Very interesting, do you remember its exact or approximate timing? I agree, I don't think there are coincidences related to major movies (social / TV programming).
Oh yeah, the entire movie involves the NSA revealing all their little Bells & whistles in tracking technology abusing their granted power in tracking down the Rogue Mind Control agent. In fact, it's so blatantly obvious in what it's saying it borders on ridiculous.

I don't recall the exact timing, but the happening with the Reporter is surely towards the end. I'd recommend watching the feature in it's entirety.

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Re: A sad departure

Post by deepfsh » Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:19 pm

MrGreen wrote:In fact, it's so blatantly obvious in what it's saying it borders on ridiculous.
You were right. I watched the first three movies a few years ago, when I heard about them in an interview made by Project Camelot with Duncan O'Finioan - that's when I learned about the "super soldiers" -, so I was paying attention to this topic rather than on the surveillance etc. Here are some interesting articles related to Snowden & Co. and the trilogy: [*1], [2], [3].

There is another interesting part to the predictive programming made by the entertainment/news industry which has been going on for decades. I noticed that the relation between the years 2017/2019 and a fascist (corporate takeover) totalitarian or desolated, economically destroyed society was featured on TV:

1. The Name of the Game - L.A. 2017 (1971; see also this article)
2. The Running Man (1987; read the opening text)
3. Dollhouse (S1E13, at the beginning - "Los Angeles 2019"; the city is destroyed, there are street riots everywhere, the underground vs. the surface dwellers)
4. MSNBC's prediction about the usage of the RFID chip by 2017 (no chip, no job for you in the "matrix"; see also this article and MasoniChip.org)

This wouldn't be relevant to me if Leo Zagami's subtitle of his second volume of his Confessions wouldn't be "The Time of the Revelation (2012-2019)". In his last few interviews [1, 2, 3], which were done in English, he mentioned the following expressions: the coming of the Kingdom of God in 2020; the seven years of Tribulation; Project Lucifer; Project Messiah; the last Pope; Shickshinny Knights. You can google them up for more information.

In his book, there is another bizarre concept - that of the "illumined Tyrant", our future global master. Believe it or not, the author who wrote about this concept mentioned the word 'ethics (ethical)' on several occasions. I guess that the people "who are running the world" look at ethics from a slightly different angle than daniel, for example. It appears that we will have to decide whether we will participate in the Future of Politics or the Global Future of the "matrix", or we will find another way to live more in rapport with nature, as LoneBear and daniel use to say.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by maeghan » Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:39 pm

deepfsh wrote: I'm not sure if I understood this correctly. Did you want to say that they are increasingly being killed each day or that they are starting to wake up? According to me, the former is certainly true, while in relation to the latter, I can provide a few quotes: "Where are they? Inquiring minds want to know!" (daniel); "Well, yes, we are seeing people waking up every day. But that happens every day in the prison in San Quentin - everyone are waking up every morning, and they are waking up, but they're still in prison"; "I think too many people in our country today are like last Christmas lights - half of them don't work and the other half aren't that bright" (J. Maxwell, A&A 2013). It's not that hard to wake up, but it's also not that hard to fall back asleep. I love daniel's quote, because he used the adjective inquiring (--> inquiry/investigation/questioning/research).
Both now that you mention it, but i was referring to the amount of people waking up.

Yes it is hard to remain awake. Staying awake to big picture and seeing through the veil can kind of drive you a bit mad to a degree.

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Re: A sad departure

Post by daniel » Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:20 pm

deepfsh wrote:"Inquiring minds want to know!" (daniel);
Actually, that was the catch phrase from an American newspaper called the National Enquirer, one of those rags at the checkout counter, that I believe is similar to The Sun in the United Kingdom.
maeghan wrote:Earth is just one giant prison.
Or, "one giant opportunity," depending on how you look at it.

I probably should not be saying this, but the surge in "waking up" is not random, nor accidental. Nor is it ET/ED intervention, or ascended masters... I tried to infer that in my papers, with the discussion of ETs/solar systems and the non-interference directives from those that have advanced. And it's not some grand plan to "save humanity." All that is happening is an opportunity, to make a change. To quote part of the message that LoneBear received on his vision quest:

From a land beyond beyond,
From a world past hope and fear,
I call on the four winds,
To those who can hear.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by deepfsh » Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:56 pm

daniel wrote:Actually, that was the catch phrase from an American newspaper called the National Enquirer
Oh, than that explains the use of 'inquiring'. Anyway, I love the expression 'inquiring mind'.
maeghan wrote:Earth is just one giant prison.
With psychological bars - which makes the whole thing even more absurd.
daniel wrote:Or, "one giant opportunity," depending on how you look at it.
I agree.
And it's not some grand plan to "save humanity."
Yeah, not everything is conspiratorial by nature. :) How could anyone "save" us in the first place? Will an alien come down (or an illumined Tyrant show up) and say that we don't need the courts, police and banks in order to live our lives or survive in general? I heard a lot of times that we can't eliminate those institutions overnight, because its alternative would be the "law of the jungle". It's an interesting topic to spend some thinking on. BTW, I noticed that Larson wrote two books on the economy - has anyone read them? What does his theory say about the employment issues in the existing economic system?
daniel wrote: All that is happening is an opportunity, to make a change.
I agree. And I think that since the existence of the Internet, there are no excuses not to find the answers to our questions. You can use it or abuse it - to paraphrase what you said in a post long ago.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by Lozion » Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:00 am

daniel wrote:I probably should not be saying this,
Why not? More fuel to the debate and inquiring minds are open to new ideas.
daniel wrote:but the surge in "waking up" is not random, nor accidental. Nor is it ET/ED intervention, or ascended masters...

So it is a solar-transition based evolution?
daniel wrote:I tried to infer that in my papers, with the discussion of ETs/solar systems and the non-interference directives from those that have advanced.
Interesting, so you do agree with the concept of a Star Trek type Prime directive of non-intervention? I was under the impression this was a sham used by New Age pushers to justify ET inaction and keep the Hopium pumping.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by Aaron » Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:18 am

From my point of view, its not about intervention vs. non-intervention, as both are valid.

But I am speaking in the context of a person's choice with regards to his or her own intervention or non intervention to change things around them.

Look at this forum for example; we are all choosing to "intervene" to some degree in the evolving of our own conscious/awareness, or even potentially in others around us at the same level.

It makes sense that "Advanced" species (ET or not) would choose to sit on the sidelines, as this is the only true way to allow the organic "evolution" of the species still climbing the ladder. I think that the "advanced" species have graduated to the level of "seeing both sides" of the coin, and hence can understand and appreciate what this means in the overall macro picture.

As such, to "intervene or not to intervene", is not a linear "right or wrong", because each has a context that is completely relevant. Certainly intervention of species amongst itself is necessary to evolve, but other species to sit back and let the prior accomplish this is also necessary.

*a Kenny Rogers lyric comes to mind: "You gotta know when to Hold Em, and when to Fold Em"....LOL ;)

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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:52 am

I know its not really a favorite topic, but that is exactly why I appreciate the way certain ETs are involved. There doesn't need to be the extreme of non-intervention or intervention. There can also be the integration and balance of both in the form of PARTICIPATION in rapport. In that sense, we are still fully responsible for our own growth and solving our own problems, but there can be a reasonable degree of helpful insights that certain ETs can provide, that would neither hold us back or give us shortcuts - but provide us the opportunity to look at things differently and perhaps find more effective ways of taking responsibility and creating the results we want to create - through our own means.

Does anyone here know of examples of who I'm talking about? Just a yes or no would suffice. No need to mention names.

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Re: A sad departure

Post by Aaron » Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:39 am

infinity wrote:Does anyone here know of examples of who I'm talking about? Just a yes or no would suffice. No need to mention names.
I don't have any ET example, but daniel is one example in this context I believe of a non interfering guide, an he is right here on earth in the flesh.

I think one of the reasons so many are "obsessed" with ET's, is the engrained "kneejerk" tendency to externalize the idea of an "advanced" species, therefore a potential to "shortcut" or "cliff notes" about the climbing the latter.

I certainly think a "Guide vs.Teacher" dynamic is rapport based, as it would also seem that the "Guide" does not go out in search of "students", but rather makes himself, herself, itself available when sought out by the inquirer, and if the guide feels that the inquiry is valid or relevant, the choice becomes "intervene or not". (couldn't begin to assume or speculate any "intervention criteria",etc...)

But I also think the notion of ET's out there watching over us is distracting and counter productive to fiscal responsibility right here in our backyards. I also think it sets the tone for an easy "master/slave" narrative, simply by virtue of an unconscious "nudge" that their exists a "higher power/more advanced" species that is watching over their "flock", but of course in their best interest.... Its the same with religions. "Just know there is a higher benevolent higher power up here. Oh and by the way, don't forget to pray to me for guidance and intervention, and I'll think about it"

I ask myself, why would a true and benevolent ET species want to be known to humans at all? This would seem to be counter productive to the organic evolved course. But if you wanted a great way to shift your slaves over from the Old World religion to the New One, then go get a bunch of channelers and start letting everybody know there is new "white robe" in town!

There are so many so called ET species out there nowadays, and most are introduced through channelings. I also notice that the LM's species do NOT do this, and have done a great job of remaining oblivious to humans for centuries. (and they are not even ET's, but rather fellow Terrans)

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Re: A sad departure

Post by daniel » Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:06 am

deepfsh wrote:BTW, I noticed that Larson wrote two books on the economy - has anyone read them? What does his theory say about the employment issues in the existing economic system?
Those books were written from material and ideas he got in the 1920s-1930s, during the Great Depression. They predate the Reciprocal System and actually lay out some of the basic RS concepts, on an economic level. Larson treats economy as a mechanical and chemical system, analyzes it to see where the "machine is broken" and how to go about making repairs, so the economic machine runs smoothly. His techniques are still valid today, and if updated a bit and applied, would FIX the global economy, making everyone prosperous. And that's exactly why it will never happen--the world bankers don't want a healthy economy, because it transfers too much power to the slaves. Much easier to rob from a system that can't maintain itself.
Lozion wrote:Why not? More fuel to the debate and inquiring minds are open to new ideas.
Because it will be taken out of context by slave mentality. What is being done is nothing more than a courtesy, not assistance or saving. When a person is carrying armfuls of grocery bags, it is courteous to hold a door open for them to make their "path" a little easier. But when you hold the door open every time they go through, then it becomes expected, and that one time you don't hold it open, they'll walk right into it. There becomes a point at which easier becomes obstructive. In industrial society where everything is automated and people are lazy, you do a courtesy one time, and it's expected every time. There is no longer much of a dividing line, so if someone doesn't know that "bit of luck" was a courtesy provided by someone/something else, then it cannot become obstructive. Which is why I said that.
Lozion wrote:So it is a solar-transition based evolution?
That's part of it. Certain courtesies could not be extended without "more power."
Lozion wrote:Interesting, so you do agree with the concept of a Star Trek type Prime directive of non-intervention? I was under the impression this was a sham used by New Age pushers to justify ET inaction and keep the Hopium pumping.
The Star Trek non-interference directive applies to other physical entities, not the ascended. And based on the LMs, I don't believe there is a species out there that pays attention to non-intervention. Humanity is a consequence of direct intervention by the Annunaki on the native life; and I know the LMs have traveled to many other worlds. I think the Star Trek non-interference directive is a "Posted: NO TRESPASSING" sign on Earth, more than anything else.

Ascended beings CANNOT intervene, because they have completed the physical side of their evolution. If they do, then they are no longer ascended, so it becomes a moot point. It's not a rule, just a natural consequence of crossing that quantum boundary.
infinity wrote:Does anyone here know of examples of who I'm talking about? Just a yes or no would suffice. No need to mention names.
Kind of obvious, isn't it? Just remember that a channel IS NOT the entity, any more than the instrument is the musician. And since all you ever see is the "instrument," how can you tell, for sure, who is tooting that horn?
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