Foxfire wrote: When people talk about how "everybody" has to feel the changes going on or they're brain dead, but to me it's just another day at the office, it makes me feel inadequate. Maybe left behind the wrong door or just brain dead like they imply.
Some of the folks here seem so far ahead that I wonder if we'd even relate if we met face to face. So... I lurk.
That is probably because it appears like the stuff that we share is something we are very sure of. That is one of the problems with the printed/typed word, and also sometimes the English language, that in stating something it tends to give the impression that things are very clear and precise, well known, fully thought out, established, etc. And that can be darn intimidating, like looking at an iron wall. On the other hand, we ARE living in the era of social media, where the most trivial of occurrences appears to merit a post and a discussion and counter discussion... in our heart of hearts, those of us who are looking for something real very often have a desire to resist trivializing something by saying it out or typing it out. That's understandable... and those are the two extremes you will learn to traverse.
And as for being so far ahead that one cannot relate... if that really happens, then that is a signature of a highly refined arrogance, as no genuine seeker would ever put down another person. If that is done, why, one hasn't really learned anything at all, no matter what it might appear to be.
In any case... forget external criteria of being knowledgeable or cool or having many experiences or any of that. None of that matters... but if you do develop honesty of soul, and improve upon it, you can get to the bottom of many discussions without fear. Please do not hesitate to ask... and if anyone attempts intimidation or holier-than-thou attitudes, do not hesitate to call them out on it! If the exchanges do not foster independence and questions... then it is hogwash. There is nothing to feel intimidated about.