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Post by Djchrismac » Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:23 pm

Pilot: "You're not just pretending to be a pilot to drink are you?"

Homer: "Yes."

Pilot: "Ha-ha. You fly boys crack me up."

Homer: "I keep telling you, I'm not a pilot!"

Pilot: "And I keep telling you, you fly boys crack me up!"


Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Post by daniel » Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:18 pm

Yes, I was joking about the L-M shaped ships in lunar orbit, though I would not put it past Thor and the Nokk to pull something like that, just to see how gullible humans are.

But just think about it from an engineering perspective--an L-shaped craft will not have a good resonant structure, it's got a bad center-of-gravity and is really nothing more than a giant, flying symbol of the famed "L" shape that is promoted by the New Age for ascension (the 90-degree turn). If you wanted a ship to arrive for "mass ascension," wouldn't that L-shape be the symbol of choice?

The LMs have been colonizing the moon for over 500 years now. And if we weren't slaves to the Nobility, we'd be there with them.
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Post by Lozion » Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:41 pm

daniel wrote:Yes, I was joking about the L-M shaped ships in lunar orbit, though I would not put it past Thor and the Nokk to pull something like that, just to see how gullible humans are.

But just think about it from an engineering perspective--an L-shaped craft will not have a good resonant structure, it's got a bad center-of-gravity and is really nothing more than a giant, flying symbol of the famed "L" shape that is promoted by the New Age for ascension (the 90-degree turn). If you wanted a ship to arrive for "mass ascension," wouldn't that L-shape be the symbol of choice?

The LMs have been colonizing the moon for over 500 years now. And if we weren't slaves to the Nobility, we'd be there with them.
So the Ark brought by the Annunaki of old has been a LM playground for 500 years. Can you tell us how that came to be?
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Post by daniel » Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:15 pm

Lozion wrote:So the Ark brought by the Annunaki of old has been a LM playground for 500 years. Can you tell us how that came to be?
Part of the SM surrender to the LMs; not a trophy, but a requirement to keep the ecosystem stable.
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Post by Aaron » Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:37 pm

daniel wrote:
Lozion wrote:So the Ark brought by the Annunaki of old has been a LM playground for 500 years. Can you tell us how that came to be?
Part of the SM surrender to the LMs; not a trophy, but a requirement to keep the ecosystem stable.
daniel, is this because the moon was placed into orbit by the SM's as part of their Terra-forming of the planet, and defaulted expansion of ecosystems that occurred as a result thereafter?

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Post by daniel » Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:51 pm

Aaron wrote:daniel, is this because the moon was placed into orbit by the SM's as part of their Terra-forming of the planet, and defaulted expansion of ecosystems that occurred as a result thereafter?
How is a planet with a large moon(s) different from one with no moons? Not just a magnetic personality!
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Post by Lozion » Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:18 pm

Daniel, I've just read this thread of yours from the Antiquatis forum:
On December 10th, I received some information from the scientific underground that indicates that the "Gods" are returning to our solar system. The exact meaning of "gods" is unclear by my source, but the inference is the pantheon gods of ancient times. No details are available as to why they are heading this way, or even if Earth is their destination. The information states that something was detected about 14 light years distant, near Gliese 234B, that is large and heading this way very quickly. The estimated arrival in the solar system is early March.
Any updates or insight on this? Can it be releated to ISON?

Also I quoted the last post of the thread for fellow members as its a great summary of the "Plan", so to speak:
A lot of the claims people make concerning the New World Order don't make much sense to me, as the Illuminati aren't idiots... they have been running the planet for the last 800 years or so, and been very successful at manipulating everything to their needs. So I took a look at the data, and knowing what I know about the "gods of old," formulated a hypothesis on what the actual agenda is these days.

Anyone has studied the global situation knows that wars and conflicts are all fabricated for specific needs, and usually the needs of multinational corporations. As are most things these days... "false flags" to influence public opinion and control the masses. There is no "cold war," no "drug war"... all staged for specific goals. So I got to wondering about all the deadly weapons we have stockpiled, all over the world. There's no actual use for them, as there is no real conflict between countries. It's all an act.

First, riddle me this... since we haven't actually had a "conflict" between countries since the 13th century when the Annunaki lost the SM-LM war, pulled out, and the Illuminati took over, why are there 27,000 nuclear missiles on this planet? Considering the area they destroy, about 37 square miles, all of them, together, would only destroy 0.5% of the land area of Earth.

We also know from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that a mere 40 years later the cities now have over a million people living in them again--and cancer rates are some of the lowest in the world, as it seems the low-level radiation destroys cancer cells. From that data, one can conclude that a damaged area from a nuclear exchange only lasts about 20 years before habitation can start again.

According to Alex Jones, D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) have enough resources to last 30 years, which not only includes all the stuff people need (royalty along with their slaves to do the work), but a stockpile of army equipment, naval ships and aircraft... enough to take control of the land, sea and skies, should the facilities not be available to construct new equipment when they decide to come out of their holes.

The estimated cost of a DUMB is about 20 billion dollars (James Casbolt), which would be rather difficult to hide from the public, no matter how much you lied about it being for public schools. There is only one activity that produces that level of "black" money--the drug trade. Therefore, the large corporations behind these constructions are also the people promoting drug use, and pushing the "war on drugs" to keep the prices high. (It also makes for some nice, free experimental data on mind control, as many psychoactive drugs were developed for MK Ultra.)

There are approximately 1500 of these DUMB bases, worldwide, deep enough in the ground to be in the SIMA layer of Earth--the hard basalt, not the surface dirt that is subject to the destructive forces of the majority of Earthquakes. The stuff you see on YouTube with bases on the surface is just a staging area, or a place for those folks that THINK they are buying protection.

Each base is theorized to house 50,000 people, approximately. That's a total of 7.5 million "selected" folks to ride out whatever is going to happen.

I have still found no indication that they are aware of the geophysics of Earth, nor the planetary expansion. There is enough info out there that I'm sure it was considered, but rejected by their "experts," and they do listen to their experts.

In essence, they have everything they need to survive a nuclear war and repopulate the Earth, the way they want it. EVERYTHING on the surface is expendable.

So what about us surface dwellers...

SDI is a directed-energy weapon and was probably used to destroy the world trade centers (see Judy Wood)--and no idea how many orbital platforms they may actually have equipped with this. That "international treaty" disallowing the weaponizing of space is a crock; these people are working together. Like the drug war, it is only there to keep the "little guys" out of the big picture. We have a running joke out here in the boondocks, in that you can't go to bed until you see a satellite go by... OK, time to go to bed. They are almost non-stop in the sky. Folks in cities don't see them because of the light pollution.

All missiles are projectile weapons, that work best when directed precisely at a target--they are very inefficient for a wide area. They are "intercontinental," which means they can also reach orbit and target anything in near Earth orbit. I don't think the stockpile is here so two guys in the Bilderberg club can play war on each others countries... that kind of firepower needs to be aimed at something, and that something is tough to destroy.

In order for DUMB bases to function optimally, they need compact food, or food that grows in adverse conditions and has significantly higher yields than "natural" foods. Enter GMO foods, and experiment on the public to find out what works best, what kind of side-effects they have, and what to do to optimize it. Not like our government has every experimented on the public before!

GMO also has a secondary purpose, as the bad stuff is left in the general population and weakens the species that consumes it, whether it be cattle or sheeple. It also tends to make the host infertile. May be part of a depopulation agenda, but more likely they are doing the same thing the Russians did to the Germans when Hitler invaded--poison the wells and food stuffs, and retreat. Leave an unhealthy, poor-quality slave on the surface for someone to find--that may actually be toxic to them. Recall the Stargate Atlantis episode with the Hoffans, and their drug that killed the Wraith? And how did the Wraith respond to that? Oh... they wiped out every planet where contaminated people were found. We only have one planet here. And guess who survives? The Genii in their underground bunkers.

Another thing that has been turning up are "manimals," mutants that have some human characteristics mixed with other mammals, like what is seen in the old, Egyptian hieroglyphs. Top of this list is the "Humanzee," a cross between a human and chimpanzee that has the brains of a human and the strength of a great ape--about 5x as strong as a Cro-Magnon, along the old Neanderthal lines. Now why would anyone need to create such critters? Jesse Ventura looked at it and concluded it was for a slave army to fight the civilian population, as humanzees were easy to mind control and he did not think the Army would turn on their families, regardless of orders. Does not make a lot of sense to me; they have the technology to destroy large populations already, if they wanted to. But... suppose an army of 15-foot tall lizards showed up on the planet, like they did 6000 years ago, that were highly resistant to conventional weapons and could crush a soldier with one hand? Some super-soldiers would come in really handy then, like Anubis' kull warriors. An equal match to land-based attack.

Now what about all the surveillance that is going on? I'm sure they love listening in on people all over the globe making phone sex calls, but as a deterrent to anti-NWO, not very effective. The sample size is just too large for the data to make any sense. However, what if they were monitoring for specific changes in behavior? As you may recall in Sumerian research, the Annunaki had these things called MEs, or "Tablets of Destiny," that granted amazing power to the one that possessed it--including mind control of a slave population. And we have our own offshoot of that technology with MK Ultra and followup projects. If "visitors" arrived and initiated a situation similar to the "V" blessing (global mind control)... talk about your battle for people's minds. A bunch of pawns on the board, as it takes some spirit to resist the "Voice of God." (Which, BTW, is the name for the technology that allows a person to send a voice into another person's brain through modulated microwaves--"channeling.")

It is all pointing to a scenario where the Annunaki return to harvest their crop and their descendents--the NWO royalty--aren't too happy about that. It appears they have several lines of defense, starting with the SDI system, nuclear strikes, and armies of mind-control slaves that they will have to go through to get to them. But it gives them enough time to climb into their DUMB holes and lock the doors, while Obama fiddles and the world burns.

And I believe they have known about this since the early 1930s, when the first scouts landed on Earth to talk with FDR. Up until then, they were having quite a nice time with their Illuminati NWO. And something else happened during the 1980s that triggered SDI--and I suspect that is Montauk. Reagan was President then, and some strange stuff was going on that may have attracted the attention of the Annunaki, telling them the crop is ripe.

Time for Harvest, "To Serve Man."

WAIT... it's a cookbook!
So the Annunaki are returning to harvest their crop as "ascension" occurs? Sounds like a reference to LoO...
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Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:16 pm

Apologies for being dim but what is "LoO"?

And yeah, I've experienced that bloody voice in the head.
I thought I was being attacked by the cabal psychics but that could well have been mere technology.
Damn scumbags!
They were trying to convince me to kill myself.
They should all be strung up by their gonads.
I had to explain very nicely that I couldn't possibly comply because I had not yet completed my tax return.
And the thing about tax returns is that there's always another yet to be completed. LOL!

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Post by Lozion » Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:34 pm

soldierhugsmember wrote:Apologies for being dim but what is "LoO"?
Acronym for the Law of One.
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Post by daniel » Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:52 pm

Lozion wrote:Any updates or insight on this? Can it be releated to ISON?
What was it that kid said in Poltergeist? ... They're heeerrreeee... though they are having to "play nice" because the LMs have gotten a LOT more powerful and established across the solar system these days. I've still not seen anything regarding ISON that says it isn't just a plain, old comet.
Lozion wrote:Also I quoted the last post of the thread for fellow members as its a great summary of the "Plan", so to speak:
So the Annunaki are returning to harvest their crop as "ascension" occurs? Sounds like a reference to LoO...
I had forgotten I wrote that summary... maybe something Aaron wants to put on the blog.

There is something else going on. As mentioned elsewhere, "Obamacare" has nothing to do with health--it's just massive, data mining on the health OF the population. If I were conducting a genetic experiment on a population of ants or something, I'd want to collect data from all over the colony, to see how transmission went, how well the changes took hold, and specifically if there was any resistance to my modifications. I think that may be what is going on--they've done something and are wanting to monitor the results to "refine" it. And given the "witch hunt" they have against ethical people, I'll bet they want to find where that resistance has set in--and why.

Regarding "Harvest"... it's great if you're the farmer, but hell if you're the crop!
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