Aaron wrote:You know, I came across the Azurite Press materials back in 2010, and for a long time I was convinced that this group was on to something. But after many months of looking into their materials, and trying to understand their "Keylontic Science", it became clear to me that this group is a very elaborate "New Age" cult group, and the very epitome of promoting a NWR, just as daniel writes about in his last paper.
One thing about this group that really seems to impress a lot of people, is the absolute and shear enormity of the information they put out. There is so much information, and yes very expensive workshops that are never ending in order for any cult follower of the group to "keep up".
I could go on and on about this group, and all the red flags that pop up for me about this cult, but something that daniel and I have discussed several times is:
The Azurite Press materials is the most complex body of information I have ever come across with regards to any "New Age- Love and Light" New World Religion group. The galactic dramas they teach about are so complex, that to me it seems clear that this is intentional because of its "bliss like distractions", and the fact that nobody can ever make heads or tails of the information. Now of course, if you continue to seek Ashayanna's and other key "contract members" divine guidance, then of course you just might ascend before its too late! What a load of crap.Complexity is entertaining, Simplicity is not
This NWR group comes complete with every element of an elite priestly caste to surrender your sovereignty to, and of you act now, they'll also throw in a personal "merkeba" vehicle that you can use to transverse the many universes at the speed of thought.
Just like the Pied Piper led rats through the streets, dancing like the marionettes, swaying to the symphony of destruction....
Txs for your input Aaron, what you say pretty much sums up my impression of their material and intent. Now I want to ask this. If you look at the little knowledge we have about the Illuminati/Family/Cabal type groups, these must base their beliefs on an organised system of dogmas and rituals which somehow must detain elements of truth/universal law for it to work, otherwise the followers would not perceive it as real. So how come we never came accross a body of information complete enough to understand these beliefs systems and more importantly the motivations behind? I have no doubts Annunaki or similar ETs toyed with our genetics and implanted God like beliefs in our primitive cultures. Where the Azurite Press is interesting is in presenting theories about the reasons why this happenned, ie Fallen angel Races, Luciferean covenant, etc. Is it true? Your guess is as good as mine...
So Aaron, any material in your opinion I should consult about a TOA?