mirror experiments
Daniel…could you go deeper into the mirror experiments you were talking about in your timelines report. If an average person were to get their hands on a pair of silver mirrors, one with full reflection and one with partial, how would you create a charged state for the the mirrors and how would you position them and what would you experience or should i say what exactly could such a contraption be used for ?
- Evansville64
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- Joined:Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:02 am
Re: mirror experiments
You ask yourself, "what color is a mirror?" Mind-boggling inst it? This is the way to find out, as it allows the interior surface(s) to multiply and focus photic activity, relative to the position of the viewer; a ghost lazer. This is a temporal window, is it not?
Re: mirror experiments
There are four metals that are highly responsive to bioenergy, the "fields" of a life unit (as Larson defines it). They are, using Larson's atomic notation:Daniel…could you go deeper into the mirror experiments you were talking about in your timelines report. If an average person were to get their hands on a pair of silver mirrors, one with full reflection and one with partial, how would you create a charged state for the the mirrors and how would you position them and what would you experience or should i say what exactly could such a contraption be used for ?
3-3-(7) Copper
4-3-(7) Silver
4-4-(7) Gold
5-4-(7) Roentgenium (radioactive, so not much use)
When you use Larson's atomic notation for magnetic and electric displacements, you may see a pattern to these elements... something completely missed if you use the conventional, atomic notation of: 29, 47, 79, and 111. Of the set, silver is the most reflective of the series, and all are excellent electrical conductors. To use mirrors, you need to understand a bit about the concept of "reflection." You can get the regular, magick explanation, or go with Prof. Nehru's version about how reflection, refraction and diffraction are changing the speed of photons by using coordinate time. Temporal structures exist as faster-than-light objects, which is what gives these old, silver mirrors some of their unusual characteristics--like the ability to "see the unseen," because the reflections can slow the FTL structures of the cosmic sector sufficiently to make them appear in a sub-light, spatial frame of reference.
The trick to it is orienting the mirrors at specific angles, depending on the incidence and reflection of the frequency of light in the area. I don't have a specific formula, though I would bet one could be derived. What you want to do is to maximize the temporal shift caused by reflection, so you want to look at the mirrors at a sharp angle, just at the point where reflection turns to refraction. That would be a starting point.
Yes, you are building a ghost "laser" but you don't want to amplify by putting light into the same phase, you want to create that temporal window by taking the photons that are just over the unit speed boundary, and induce enough spatial displacement through reflection to slow those FTL photons just under unit speed, so they can be perceived in the visible spectrum.You ask yourself, "what color is a mirror?" Mind-boggling inst it? This is the way to find out, as it allows the interior surface(s) to multiply and focus photic activity, relative to the position of the viewer; a ghost lazer. This is a temporal window, is it not?
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: mirror experiments
Very interesting to discover yet another thing "demonized" by a certain religion which is actually another gateway to understanding and interaction. We used to get taught how using mirrors in the occult to communicate with spooky stuff is common and its a good idea to stay away from mirrors for any other use than avoiding cutting yourself shaving or whatever. This sheds some more light (pun intended) on why mirrors are one of the preferred mediums used, even if for unhealthy purposes by certain individuals.
Re: mirror experiments
I think mirrors are another developed external technology to enhance a certain ability that does not seem to activate without a NDE. It is some optical geometry in the visual field, although involving all senses. I wonder if the magnetite gets a little focused on the sideway periphery, seems to work in all life forms, migration memory, seeing in the dark, ect.
It seems very normal, just hard to frame the reference for sharing. Now that is maybe something to think about. There really is an optical quality to the far seeing, I do not think Faraday, and Maxwell, and Einstein were dead long enough to apprehend it beyond equations, and intellectual understanding. Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Lao Tzu, well, it is different to be alive in it, before, and after the fact.
It seems very normal, just hard to frame the reference for sharing. Now that is maybe something to think about. There really is an optical quality to the far seeing, I do not think Faraday, and Maxwell, and Einstein were dead long enough to apprehend it beyond equations, and intellectual understanding. Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Lao Tzu, well, it is different to be alive in it, before, and after the fact.
Re: mirror experiments
Thanks pgolde for the you tube link. Got me to thinking about chemtrails. One of the Russian experiments involved aluminum. Could it be that chemtrails are being used for involuntary mind control of the masses.Concave atmosphere. With the expense that must be involved with having a fleet of airplanes, there must be a bigger prize than controlling the food supply through aluminum-resistant monsanto seeds. Although a big prize, human robots seems more profitable.
Re: mirror experiments
On the topic of mirrors, I've had some very interesting results with meditations using a regular bathroom mirror. I've been able to see my face change into different embodiments: past selves, simultaneous selves, etc. I've only been able to do this once. Other times, I'm able to make my image fade out and disappear when tuning into a certain meditative frequency. This vanishing is only subjective, however, and doesn't show up on film or for other people. Apparently, it is possible to visually dematerialize in way that other people can see (or rather, can't see) by grounding this subjective mental level dematerialization into the physical. Haven't been able to do that yet, but I'm working on it. 

Re: mirror experiments
It is actually a form of psychological camouflage, which you can develop and use. The LMs use it all the time to keep themselves hidden without having to risk the phase transition to go invisible. What you do is to inhibit your "projection" system, so you stop broadcasting bioenergy. As a result, you become "less interesting" than the background your are in. You can be standing right in front of someone and they won't even see you. Our senses are conditioned to look where the energy is. Everyone "sees" it, though we've been trained to shield it out of conscious memory. If you remember back when you were very young, you saw the world differently... things were a lot more "alive" back then, compared to similar experiences when an adult.T11 wrote:Apparently, it is possible to visually dematerialize in way that other people can see (or rather, can't see) by grounding this subjective mental level dematerialization into the physical. Haven't been able to do that yet, but I'm working on it.
In the old days, broadcasting bioenergy was called "charisma." People use it to get attention, and your social training is designed to make sure you seek attention, so you're always broadcasting all this free bioenergy. Those that understand how the projective psychological system works can stop that broadcast and for all practical purposes, walking through a crowd and never be seen except by electronic cameras. When they are played back, you show up as most tech does not record the bioenergy signature. Then people wonder, "how did I miss that?"
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: mirror experiments
Hi, Daniel et al,
The "less interesting" concept reminds me of the not my problem field" the aliens used in a spoofy sci-fi novel I read, I think by Kurt Vonnegut. Or maybe it was the Hitchhikers Guide, can't remember which. Because the ET's, who resembled plumber's helpers, stayed in that field, no earthling was able to see them! Neat way of going incognito.
The "less interesting" concept reminds me of the not my problem field" the aliens used in a spoofy sci-fi novel I read, I think by Kurt Vonnegut. Or maybe it was the Hitchhikers Guide, can't remember which. Because the ET's, who resembled plumber's helpers, stayed in that field, no earthling was able to see them! Neat way of going incognito.