Yahoo = Boohoo

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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by infinity » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:58 am

Etidorhpa was an awesome reading recommendation. Got anything else like that to recommend? Even on a different topic?

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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by Djchrismac » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:00 pm

infinity wrote:Etidorhpa was an awesome reading recommendation. Got anything else like that to recommend? Even on a different topic?
Yeah funnily enough I found another good Inner Earth book, it even mentions Etidorhpa and has a lot of truths from various sources. Can't believe I didn't realize it was APHRODITE backwards!:

Rainbow City and the Inner Earth People by Michael X

Here are a few samples I liked:
Modern findings show an area inside the earth which they term the "outer core". It is thought to be a liquid layer. The ancients say it contains air and that air acts like a fluid under certain tests. The "inner core" could very well be the small "central sun" within the earth
I can assure you that the men who came before modern history was recorded... knew more about the matter and light, about the ether and its properties, than the scientists of the twentieth century can ever know or imagine!
You can read the Smoky God, Bruce's childhood favourite, here. I've not got round to it yet unfortunately: ... %20God.pdf

On a different topic, three other books I really enjoyed you can get free online, Karla Turner's books on Alien Abduction:

And lastly I recently bought The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations: The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock and The Secret History of The World: As laid down by the Secret Societies by Mark Booth which i'm looking forward to. You can read chapter 26 free online and it has the contents on the pdf too:

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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by PHIon » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:44 am

Djchrismac wrote:
Can't believe I didn't realize it was APHRODITE backwards!
I was not even looking for that, Chris. Great catch.

I am giving the original Jules Verne "Journey to the Center of the Earth" a read. Let's see, it has only been about 40 (some ...) years since I have seen the original movie. You can't see that one on the tele anymore.
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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by Djchrismac » Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:24 pm

PHIon wrote:I was not even looking for that, Chris. Great catch.

I am giving the original Jules Verne "Journey to the Center of the Earth" a read. Let's see, it has only been about 40 (some ...) years since I have seen the original movie. You can't see that one on the tele anymore.
Cool I might do the same, when I was a kid I went through a phase of watching all the Journey to the Center of the Earth type films, mainly for the Dinosaurs I have to say haha! I think it is time to get re-aquianted with them, i'm sure one of them was on tv here not too long ago...
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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by PHIon » Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:54 am

I have to recommend the book over any movie for two main reasons. Verne was such a master storyteller, and a paper bound version saves one from the EM hits an ebook radiates.

I am pro technology but of the LM variety. I use EM obviously, but I try to recover by getting as much away-time from it in Nature as I can.

In the chapter where Harry (Henry), the nephew, is parched in dire need for water while the travelers were backtracking a wrong turn in the "bowels of the earth", I felt it like it was happening to me. Reading the book, I am really in those tunnels and caverns with the characters exploring the geological wonders myself. When Hans, the eider duck hunter, used his pick axe on the granite walls to tap into the boiling torrent, I was as happy as if I were tasting that life-sustaining jet of mineral water, too.

I am trying to make comparisons between the book and the RS as well. Verne's use of the word "jet" made me think of the 1D jets as one descends into the different speed zones.
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Post by daniel » Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:51 pm

Evansville64 wrote:Yes. Where is Danial? (!) There are rumors that he has been CAPTURED.. Him as a leaker, dwarfing Edward Snowden on many levels. That said, who is in charge here? Please comfort us, and explain his disappearance.. Thanks
I'm back. Only captured by my own curiosity... discovered that the Ute "indians" (they are not from India) are quite a fascinating people, once you get past that "Christianized" part and back to their original selves. They've been well-aware of the LMs for centuries, and according to their legends, used to be rather good friends with the Puk Wudgies (Shoshoni Nimerigar or the European trolls), until the gaiyari (white man) showed up and screwed it all up.

I can't name names or places, because I respect their privacy, but it was really nice spending some time with some peaceful, intelligent people, that don't use our SM-based technology. Some of these Elders have achieved some remarkable "conscious" abilities that are all based in rapport, that concept of Nei Kung where you connect and interact with bioenergy, rather than attempt to combat it. I learned quite a bit and am going to try to put it in practice in my life. It was just so refreshing to talk with folks that were interesting in learning and sharing knowledge, rather than trying to sell you something.

And yes, I did get to meet our local trolls... and not the Internet variety. They are smaller than the Nokk; about half the size, and not the best looking folk around. They reminded me a bit of little Easter Island heads, with those large, flat noses. And they are not exactly friendly towards mankind; I was getting more than a little concerned that I may never see daylight again. Not sure I'd go back. The elite have certainly given mankind a reputation in this part of the galaxy... either as dumb slaves or power-mad warmongers. It's a bit disheartening.

Though I did find out some interesting things. LM technology is an offshoot of discoveries made in Aztlan, which is this hemisphere's version of Atlantis. The heart of Aztlan was the "village" of Az (pronounced more like Abz, as in the Sumerian Abzu), which was from another world--a flying village, just like the city of Atlantis on Stargate Atlantis... makes one wonder where they got the idea. Az does not appear to have been city-sized, though, as it was described like a large temple, from which a civilization spawned around it. It was also parked on the ocean, not the land, and bridges were built to it, which is reminiscent of the rings-and-bridges structure described in the old Greek documents about Atlantis.

Interesting thing is, is that the Aztec (the people of Az) were described as a peaceful people--not the reputation the later-day Aztec had, so I have to wonder about Cortez's reports. As a matter of fact, the legends from this side of the globe have the stories backwards--what a surprise--it was the people of Aztlan that were peaceful and working together, whereas the war-mongers were those of Mu, the Sumerian Motherland--and the original SM colony on Earth.

I'm going to update my papers with what I've learned; it's tough to write when your information keeps getting yanked inside-out!
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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by PHIon » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:13 pm

Welcome back, Daniel. Glad you had a meaningful good time.

I wonder if the Earth could have floating cities due to a different speed zone being on the surface? I keep thinking of this idea lately, that some antigravity on the surface could keep cities upwardly mobile.

I am not surprised at all that Cortez would villianize his perceived enemy. Doesn't that happen all the time in propaganda wars?

I always thought of Mu as short for Lemuria in the Pacific.
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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by daniel » Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:53 pm

PHIon wrote:I wonder if the Earth could have floating cities due to a different speed zone being on the surface? I keep thinking of this idea lately, that some antigravity on the surface could keep cities upwardly mobile.
The LMs have antigravity down to an art... but I have no idea as to how it actually works. It appears to be some kind of standing resonance in a fibrous material, that can be woven like cloth (hence, the "flying carpet" legends of Arabia). I did some checking on the Arabian myths, to see if I could get an idea of the process, and the best info I found was here: Secret History of the Flying Carpet.

It really distresses me at times that we can have all this great stuff, literally right under our feet, but not have access to any of it--courtesy of the NWO and their quest for destruction and domination.
I am not surprised at all that Cortez would villianize his perceived enemy. Doesn't that happen all the time in propaganda wars?
Yes, it does. I guess that's why everything you know is backwards.
I always thought of Mu as short for Lemuria in the Pacific.
What I've found was that when the world was physically smaller (less ocean), there were two, great continents: Mu (simplification of Sumer), which was the site of the original Annunaki colony of Eridu, and Aztlan (Atlantis), which was the Americas and Antarctica, mushed together. Enlil ruled over Mu, and his brother, Enki, over Aztlan. Lemuria referred to the "lands" of the LMs, not from "Lemur" but from "La Mer", a reference to the people of the Sea--and the origin of the term, "LM."

With that knowledge, mythology starts to make more sense... Enki was the god of the deep oceans, and his temple, Abzu, floated on the ocean (or beneath it). This is how Atlantis got associated with the ocean, and the sunken continent stuff. Enki is also the Greek/Roman Poseidon/Neptune (or if you prefer comic book heros, Aquaman). Atlantis and Lemuria are often associated, because Enki was amphibious and on good terms with the Nokk, the aquatic LMs. If you look at the old sculptures of Poseidon, you'll often see him surrounded by "water nymphs" riding dolphins. All indications are that Enki is the friend of humanity; he gave mankind the ability to procreate, got them out of the guarded enclosure of E-DIN to start their own civilization, and even helped man survive Enlil's deluge and continue on. (I was rather glad to see that crop circle that said, "Enki Returns." Just hope it isn't Enlil pretending to be Enki.)

Enlil ruled Sumer/Mu as Zeus/Jupiter/Odin, and being a military commander type, gave rise to the doctrines that demanded worship of a "god" (or gods--his staff). Their father, An, Ea or El, seemed to take a back seat after the colonies got going, and would only "come down from heaven" (orbital station) on special occasions, leaving the day-to-day stuff to his sons. Enki was the eldest, and more responsible, son, and Enlil was the jealous, younger brother, so eventually, that rivalry took the shape of a war, which got recorded in mythology as the war between the AEsir (Enlil's gang) and Vanir (Enki and the LMs), or if you prefer the Vedic, the Asura and Vanara.

That's the basis for most of our mythology.
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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by PHIon » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:47 am

Thanks for that summary and the flying carpet link. More and more pieces are coming together now.

A gradual increase of relearning history has been the best course for me.

I just saw the Stargate SG-1 episode where an Ancient takes human form as a young boy to help humanity fight a virus attack initiated by the Ori. He lost his knowledge because his brain could not handle all the genetic information he brought with him. He made this sacrifice willingly. In a weak comparison, I don’t want my neural nets rewired all at once with corrected information. A steep learning curve is OK, though.

I wonder if the Ancient could have kept the information in the temporal realm and then accessed what he needed by going into a meditative state?

I am giving thoughts on disclosure another look. New information needs to be trickled out instead of poured out, I think. I need to give this more thought, but I know all too well the feeling of being overwhelmed when learning something new and if deeply held beliefs are being challenged, some sensitivity is required. I do not have a strict religious background, for which I am grateful so Biblical anomalies do not bother me too much, but finding out our link to unfriendlies from space is still unsettling.

A quick thought on An, Ea, El and Enki… I think of the Annunaki as being almost or exactly machine-like. Could it be they have a genetic problem of their own and this is why Enlil is jealous of Enki and possibly his father? Where does Enki’s compassion come from if he is part of the Annunaki group mind? Do Enki and Enlil have different mothers? Could it be that An is part Annunaki and also part Ancient One? Did Enki receive the DNA which has a link to temporality, charge and photons and Enlil just got the “made in Orion” factory built machine parts? In this case, healing this genetic defect may make the Annunaki less volatile. Is this a galactic project in which we are playing a part?

Funny, we are the mortals but are also the envied ones. Is it because we can phone home?

This course of thinking comes from a book I heard about from an author whose last name is Morningsong, I believe. The book discusses an arranged marriage involving An and a warlike queen mag Draco to keep a semblance of peace in the galactic wars.
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Re: Yahoo = Boohoo

Post by JohnConner » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:36 am

Daniel, do you think that this fibrous (anti-gravity) material would be similar in construction to what David talked about in The Source Field Investigations pertaining to the geometric patterns in the wings of certain insects?

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