So here's the question: do you know of any or think any artists in particular are trying to relay the truth to their fans? Maybe even musicians who plant the seed of becoming one's own un-committed investigator?
I believe there is an artist in particular who's been doing precisely this since his 1989 debute album 'Pretty Hate Machine'; Nine Inch Nails helped me remain true to myself and that's one of the first things you learn when you actively pursue 'knowing thyself'.
Many people will not give the band a chance because they think it's negative music. I've always considered the music of Nine In Nails to be positive. The lyrics are filled with metaphors and there's always seemed to be a 'coded' message in his music. in 2007 he launched an elaborate ARG (alternate reality game) which coincided with a surpise to the fans, a new record with a release date in the very near future. ARG started in feb and the album was released in april i think.
Taken from the wiki page on NIN, here's the gist of the story of the ARG:
I feel like I have to add this observation I've noticed lately; Trent Reznor/NIN, has been doing a whole bunch of firsts lately.The story takes place in the United States in 2022, which has been termed "Year 0", by the government, being the year America was reborn.[121] It had suffered several major terrorist attacks, apparently by Islamic fundamentalists, including attacks on Los Angeles and Seattle, and in response, the government seized absolute control on the country. The Government of the United States is now a Christian fundamentalist theocracy, maintaining control of the populace through institutions like the Bureau of Morality and the First Evangelical Church of Plano.[122] The government corporation Cedocore distributes the drug Parepin through water supply, making Americans who drink water apathetic and carefree.[123] There are several underground rebel groups, mainly operating online, most notably Art is Resistance and Solutions Backwards Initiative.[119] In response to the increasing oppression of the government, several corporate, government, and subversive websites were transported back in time to the present by a group of scientists working clandestinely against the authoritarian government. The websites-from-the-future were sent to the year 2007 to warn American people of the impending dystopian future and to prevent it from ever forming in the first place.[124]
He's been making appearances on TV ... the first one was last fall. For a band that has sold over 20 million records, last year he made his National Network debut by playing on Jimmy Kimmel. Then he surprised all of his fans by playing the Grammy's. In the past he called the Grammy's out for being irrelevant, and shortly after the grammy' performance, which marked the end of the show, he quickly posted to twitter ... tweet tweet said the bird
Just last night, PBS aired an hour show of NIN ... Austin City Limits ... so it seems to me that he wants his music to be heard by many.
Here's a video of one of the two songs he performed for jimmy kimmel that were posted on the Kimmel site.
I don't share this with many, but I think he's awesome in so many ways and it's so appropriate ... being American and the hypocrisy of religion ... nine inch nails ... christ crucifixion ... Trent's a man of principle, just go read the entire Wikipedia page and you'll understand why .. that is if you are curious.
Oh there many other little cool things that he does like how he catalogs all of his releases with Halo's
So here's everyone else's turn ...
Do you now of a band/musician that is inspired by truth? That has a positive role in helping you along the path to evolving into homo-sapian ethicus?
I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say about what I've written here and what you post.