The Day of Changes Has Already Happened!

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Re: The Day of Changes Has Already Happened!

Post by Ilkka » Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:13 am

For Ian MacLeod

This video is from Bashar the channeler is Darryl Anka and Bashar speaks of Believing is seeing and not the other way around, however for me believing has been seeing also many years and it takes time to believe to know something is true and when you have the utmost conviction then you are able to see that truth, maybe, I still in progress myself tho. All I suggest is to keep an (very) open mind. I've also listened to other channels from youtube such as "The Nine"/"The White Winged Collective Conscioussness of Nine"- from "MagentaPixie2012" user.

I dont know how well you believe the channelers or the channeled material, but its always educational to listen various sources to put together the same symbolic messages. I also suggest that neither one of you should stop believing in "miracles" since if you believe in them they will happen... eventually maybe even in your death bed, but when is somewhat irrelevant in higher perspective.

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