Andrew wrote:Since the death of a star in s/t creates a new star in t/s, and vice versa ad infinitum?
According to Larson:
Dewey Larson, [u]Beyond Space and Time[/u], pg. 41 wrote:[...] As brought out in Chapter 3, it has been definitely established that the physical universe is composed entirely of discrete units of motion. Further development of the consequences of the postulates that defi e the theoretical system reveal the large-scale action of the universe is cyclic, the magnitude of the cycles being determined by the finite life of the structures into which the units of motion aggregate. This means that the total number of units of motion existing in the physical universe is finite. Thus we may expand the previous statement about the content of the universe, and say that we have established that the sole constituent of the physical universe is a certain finite quantity of a particular kind of motion.
There is the likelihood that there are more universes than just our physical one, as is a major premise of the work done in
Beyond Space and Time, but within the parameter of our physical universe, according to the conclusions based on derivation from the fundamal postulates of the system, our universe consists of a finite quantity of motion in a steady-state. I think perhaps the idea of
ad infinitum may be more appropriately attached to the concept of the life/death cyclic nature of stars/c-stars in a steady-state system.
Did Carla really possess an intricate understanding of RS to accurately profess that a galaxy is really just a solar system?
Understanding of the RS is not necessary for that correction to be made as long as there was a distinction in her psyche between the scale of a solar system and the scale of what we commonly refer to as a galaxy. I personally don't think chanellings are simply a hypnotic regression of information held within the contents of an individual psyche, but are a) communication of an existence that makes use of the contents of the psyche of that individual acting as a conduit for the communication as the limiting context for what can be relayed and/or b) information buried within the collective unconscious which does have access to that type of information.
I would just think they would take the metaphysical consequences into account.
The metaphysical is bound to the physical. s/t, t/s
To take a page (or 2) from Larson's book:
Dewey Larson, [u]Beyond Space and Time[/u] pg. 41-43 wrote:In view of the firm standing of the "Whatever can exist does exist" principle in the physical universe, our next concern will be to lay the foundation for extrapolating it to existence in general. As brought out in chapter 3, it has been definitely established of the physical universe is composed entirely of discrete units of motion. Further development of the consequences of the postulates that define the theoretical system reveals that the large-scale action of the universe is cyclic, the magnitude of the Cycles being determined by the finite life of the structures into which the units of motion agregate. This means that the total number of units of motion existing in the physical universe is finite. Thus we may expand the previous statement about the content of the universe and say that we have established that the sole constituent of the physical universe is a
certain finite quantity of a particular kind of motion.
The conclusion is not assumption or speculation. The validity of the entire Reciprocal System including the first postulate in the foregoing extension has been established with physical certainty. The fact of the physical universe is composed entirely of a finite quantity of a particular kind of motion is therefore
scientific knowledge as defined in chapter 2. It then follows that there must be other existences--at least other motions. Ordinary common sense is sufficient to tell us that we cannot justify taking the stand that the only thing that can possibly exist is a specific quantity of a particular kind of motion. The process of inductive reasoning merely reaches the same conclusion in a more systematic way. It identifies the physical universe as a
special case of motion in general, and enables us to extrapolate the information of the unrestricted type that is available about this special case to the general situation. One the basis of the principle that what
can exist
does exist, which we can now extrapolate to motion in general, we arrive at these conclusions:
1. There are finite quantities of the same kind of motion existing as independent universes.
2. There are other universes based on motion that is multidimensional, or otherwise different from that which prevails in our physical universe.
3. There is a general form of existence free from some or all of the limitations that apply to the individual universes.
The possibility that there may be some other entities, distinct from motion, that are capable of generating systems such as the universes, also suggests itself. But when we examine the motion of which the physical universe is constituted, we find the nature of this motion is not defined, other than by the way it enters into the basic mathematical relation. This is a relationship between a quantity
x (which we identify as space) and its reciprocal 1/
x (which we identify as time). When the quotient
x) is 1, we say that it is one unit of motion; but in fact, it is one unit of a not otherwise identified quantity. We cannot substitute some identified quantity (that is, one which has properties other than those expressed in the equation) for motion, as those other properties would destroy the pure reciprocal relation that is the basis of the system that we call the physical universe. On the other hand if we substitute some quantity that does
not have any such additional properties, there is no way by which it could be distinguished from motion. It does not appear, therefore, that the concept of other entities capable of generating systems similar to universes of motion can be entertained.
In the subsequent discussion, we will continue to utilize the designation "metaphysical" and its etymological sense as referring to all that is beyond physics. On this basis, any existence outside our physical universe is
metaphysical existence, the region in which it exists is the
metaphysical region, and any universes other than our own that exists in this region are
metaphysical universes. When we have occasion to refer to existence in general, including that which is inside, as well as that which is outside, the various discrete universes, we will regard it as located in the
general metaphysical region. It should be understood that the term "outside," as used in this connection, means simply "not a part of", and has no spatial or temporal implications.
The possibility of the existence of other universes is an idea that has intrigued many thinkers. Even without the significant additional information that has led to the conclusions of this present work, many observers have realized that it is quite possible that the physical universe, as we know it, is not the sum total of all existence, as the term "universe" implies, but merely a portion of a larger system, an entity that, as has been suggested, we might well call a "multiverse."
With all our wide vision we may be looking at only a small part of a grand creation. Out universe with its billions of galaxies may he only one among many. (Vannevar Bush)
The advances in theoretical understanding that have been accomplished in the investigation being reported in this work have made the existence of these other universes probable, but definite verification is not possible because, so far as we know, there is no contact between our universe and any of the others. The reverse side of the picture is that, by reason of this lack of contact, the question as to the existence of other universes is purely academic so far as we are concerned. The metaphysical existences that have a bearing on human life are those of the general type, which, by reason of their freedom from the kind of limitations that apply to the separate universes, are located in the whole, of which the individual universes are separate and limited parts.
And now a page (+1/2) from a --daniel paper:
[quote="Daniel Phoenix III, "Homo Sapiens Ethicus Life, Death, Reincarnation and Ascension" pg. 16-18"]
Overview of the Mortal and Immortal Realms
mortal realms are the realms in which we have physical existence. In the
Reciprocal System, physical can be either spatial or temporal, so the mortal realms are
either existence in the material sector of 3D space or the cosmic sector of 3D time. When your consciousness is in one sector, the other sector has the appearance of the “afterlife.” Most theological conventions consider where your consciousness currently resides is the
mortal realm and its conjugate, the
afterlife, is the
other realm.
What many folks do not realize is that even when you die, you’re still “mortal”—just mortal in the afterlife realm and will, after a deathtime of experiences, get old, be born and come back to life, here. It is a symmetry of existence between the matter of 3D space and the ether of 3D time. The mortal and afterlife realms are just opposite faces of the same coin, so when you go around the edge of that coin, you die on one side to be born on the other. The primary difference is that physical existence is valued by space (sensation, thinking, distance, clock time) and the afterlife existence is valued by time (intuition, feeling, duration, clock space).
In the mortal realm, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”49 and one is valued (judged) by their
actions, not their intentions. The material realm (life) is based on spatial relationships—the purpose of our physical body is to sense and manipulate space. The cosmic realm (afterlife) is based on temporal relationships—the purpose there is to intuit and manipulate time. Both cases require interaction between consciousness and the environment.
immortal realms are reached by the
ascension process, breaking the cycle of reincarnation. To use the coin analogy, it is very difficult to jump off the face of a coin, but easy to do when you are making the transition around the edge. The most notable difference between the mortal and immortal realms is that the immortal realms exist
beyond space and time, and as such, the valuing systems that we are accustomed to are very different—they take on a reciprocal form. There is little difference between
thought and
manifestation, so valuing is done by a concept similar to intention.
However, in the immortal realm, “the path to
mortality is paved with
actions.” It is from this premise that we get the non-interference directives of higher beings, such as the ascended Ancients of
Stargate SG-1. Consider: once you have ascended, you did it because you no longer need to experience the physical interactions (sensation and intuition) present in the life and afterlife realms. In other words, you have graduated High School and have started attending College. But… if one continues to have an interest in interacting with the physical realms, then obviously you did not complete a lesson there, which is why you have the motivation to continue interacting with the physical. Once that link is formed it tends to get stronger, as an ascended being can greatly affect the affairs of the mortal realms due to the fact that their thoughts will manifest as structure and action, substance and force. Eventually, they get sucked back down into the reincarnation cycle to figure out, and finish off, the lesson that they failed to learn. So, when one gets “cast out” of the immortal realm, they return to mortal status with some knowledge of higher learning—but that knowledge is often misunderstood, as the mortal mind/brain does not have the mechanisms to comprehend non-corporeal lessons.50
Ascended Laws of Non-Interference
Do interactions between the mortal and immortal realms occur? Yes, frequently. But it is seldom a
physical interaction. It normally occurs during a
‘tween time (an in-between time, the edge of the coin, high noon, midnight, sunrise, sunset, birthdays, anniversaries, doorways, windows, bridges, shadows… any time a new cycle starts, or opposites become connected). And it is done at a
thought or
conceptual level that can provide some very insightful information, but is still up to
an individual to act on it, physically, since that is the dictate of mortal existence. It is from this interaction that we get the concept of spirit guides, ascended masters, avatars, guardians, et al.
There are times when the thoughts and intentions of someone in the
mortal realm pokes through to the
immortal realm and gets the attention of immortals. It is usually associated with a flash of insight about the nature of one’s purpose in life. It does not happen often but when it does, most choose to ignore it. (Remember that the immortal realm is valued by
intention: if a mortal does not
intend to follow through by indicating no interest, putting it on hold, or just denying it, the offer of interaction will be withdrawn—it is usually a one-shot deal.)
When an offer comes from the immortal realm, it indicates that the recipient has a quality of character that would allow them to do bigger things than what biological existence would have them do.
Something to note is that an immortal
guide will
never tell you to “do” anything nor act on their behalf. They have
no interest in the mortal realms, but do have an interest in the larger picture—of which you can make a difference, if you choose to do so. If you encounter a non-corporeal entity that wants you to perform or act on their behalf, you probably have another mortal inbetween lives that has used projection to gain access to this side. The immortals simply give you access to an enormous realm of knowledge and experience, and like a librarian, will assist you in finding what you are looking for—but you will still have to read the book and act on the knowledge.51
Interaction between the realms is a free-will choice, and hopefully an
informed choice.[/quote]
Does metaphysical interaction occur? Yes. Are metaphysical existences bonded to physical ones? Inasmuch as interaction with the
mortal realm and
immortal realm occurs, specifically when the rules of noninterference are not followed and beings "fall" back to the previous state of existence, perhaps, but I'm hard pressed to say that the experience bonds the realms together. I should know too, (or am coming to know rather) seeing as I'm fairly confident that this happened to me prior to (at least) this incarnation.
And they are "superior" species.
Technologically, maybe. Spiritually, I find the idea doubtful.