1st post

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Re: 1st post

Post by Djchrismac » Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:05 pm

Hi Vorith, I checked out your blog and i'm curious, how can you be sure that these spirits or souls that you say you are communicating with are exactly who they propose to be? Do you recognise them visiually or do they state who they are and if you haven't heard of them do you then look them up later?

From your blog passage below:
In general I’ve now had encounters with Rudy, Inge, a zealous nazi soldier who’s name was perhaps Johann, Jehanne d Arc, Yolanda of Aragon, Rene of Anjou, Pierre Cauchon, Robert Monroe, Nikola Tesla, a very weak session with Stalin, Reinhard Heydrich, General von Paulus and a few of his friends, Sarah Goode, and family members of course… I once tried to bring Himmler through and although I did see him he seemed to have wanted to keep his distance. Last but not least, relatively speaking, I had brief encounters with two apparent masters. One being, as far as I could tell, Sri Aurobindo and another Tibetan master who’s name I do not know. This latter encounter was due to someone beaming me a picture of the deceased which I tuned into.
That's quite a selection of people... some famous names but many of whom I haven't heard of and certainly wouldn't be able to recognise. There also seems to be a fair bit of Nazi communications with you, do you have a theory on why this may be?

You link to and discuss Templar related information a fair bit, what are your thoughts on them?
Vorith wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:21 am
I still think something may be going on over there... Spiritual figures (incarnated) come through on occasion and say not to worry about it. But all these souls beam impression of their environs in which they dwelt. Some are AWARE > ENOUGH to be able to Change their surroundings to a more pleasant setting. It appears not all can do that - likely due to trauma and the whole gamut of negative experience and belief. I'd like to help these souls and if my senses haven't deceive me, about 100 souls have had a bit of a wake up call, as it were, thanks to a bright lad names Rudy (who was a Hitler Youth).
Why are these spiritual figures so insistent on coming through to you and telling you not to worry about what is going on over in their realm? From this alone I would be weary that your senses are perhaps being deceived by someone or something... I actually find it quite disturbing that you say you have made contact with John Dee. Are you aware of the Macrobe at all?
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Re: 1st post

Post by Vorith » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:41 am

Hi Vorith, I checked out your blog and i'm curious, how can you be sure that these spirits or souls that you say you are communicating with are exactly who they propose to be? Do you recognize them visually or do they state who they are and if you haven't heard of them do you then look them up later?

>> Golly. Perhaps I am wrong in assuming most anyone can do this. Did you read through it as I tried to be clear? The contact events were unambiguous. All persons looked as they did when incarnated. All person beamed imagery reflecting the times and places in which they existed (and scenes from their perspective which is quite convincing). Many shared info about themselves or circumstances. For example Pierre Cauchon told me, "My hands were tied". This regarding the railroading of Jehanne d Arc. I've not seen mention of that in any book or video yet it rings true. I've seen scenes, beamed from German soldiers, of the Russian countryside. One of von Paulus' friends showed me a WWI front. Robert Monroe showed my a lab at TMI or maybe it's precursor. Etc. There's no ambiguity in generalities. I'm trying to hone my ability to pick up details however and it ain't easy.

"That's quite a selection of people... some famous names but many of whom I haven't heard of and certainly wouldn't be able to recognize. There also seems to be a fair bit of Nazi communications with you, do you have a theory on why this may be?"

>> No mystery there. I asked, having been a WWII buff. I've read tons about the battle of Stalingrad where Paulus' 6th Army was encircled. He even offered a silent yell about having been written off... What happens is that, sometimes, when you talk to one soul they'll reach down for another friend or acquaintance. I've had a couple of Hitler Youth standing around the piano on two occasions. Now this degree of bleed through has slacked off and it's likely for the best.

You link to and discuss Templar related information a fair bit, what are your thoughts on them?

>> Romantic. The page, and likely much of that site's material is sensational. Emphasis is on the Gnostic Tradition. It's incredible the masters who were burned chose that over violating their vows to the church......
Jehanne, too, was a relapsed heretic. One major reason I started the blog and I should go there after this to make that clear. It's the fact these people chose that end. Seems inconceivable. I've held the notion that these people might have learned something Other than the standard religious fare. I'm not sure what to make of their banking practices and how they amassed so much wealth. Much was given to them.

"Why are these spiritual figures so insistent on coming through to you and telling you not to worry about what is going on over in their realm? From this alone I would be weary that your senses are perhaps being deceived by someone or something... I actually find it quite disturbing that you say you have made contact with John Dee. Are you aware of the Macrobe at all?"

>> Believe me I am Mr. Paranoid and hence the frigging Reason for the blog so you must have skimmed through it. No, I've learned that people are people no matter how high. There was nothing about Dee which gave me pause...but for him not sharing anything about Enochian say. As I tried to explain, none of these folks really get into what they were doing while incarnated. They'll beam memories of events but it appears they more appreciate you talk about them personally. I remain respectful. No, these spiritual men see my over concern and they're obviously not as paranoid or heavily read in conspiracy. I still kinda think there may be some form of manipulation going on which souls, themselves, for some reason can't um, put their astral finger on.

I think everything is utterly whacked out down here. So much amazing stuff out there yet the masses are given over to keeping up and or getting on. One can go their whole lives and not experience anything out of the ordinary. I myself go through dry seasons where absolutely nothing happens.

Macrobe...what, a modern term for demon? Do tell. What Is interesting is that Edward Kelly is much harder to bring in. I've seen his image but we haven't shared thoughts yet. I'm likely one of the few these day to have seen his image. He didn't look like a cheat or fraudster. But then I wonder what Dee's first medium looked like. Bartholomew or something.

Could you do me a favor? Put despitethem.wordpress.com in your search to see if it comes up. Thanks. Google won't list it anymore - at least on my end. Macrobes! Kinda funny I saw that word today, whatever it means to you, as just last night I watch the movie 2010 with the strange et's with a signature of chlorophyll.

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Re: 1st post

Post by MrTwig » Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:55 pm

daniel wrote:
Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:45 pm
MrTwig wrote:
Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:00 pm
"Dave? Don't turn me off! Hal won't like that..., Dave? Daniel?" ;)
Actually, I was playing on ST-TNG, the Data/Sherlock Holmes episodes.
Got it! I tend to be hard to understand when trying to be funny. Most people don't get it.

Try this, imagine that "you" or what is your essential being never moves. But whatever you experience gives you the feelings we move. Kinda like a virtual reality. Maybe like a dream. That is what I believe happens. You might call it reality but if you know how it works, maybe someone can mess with it or hijack. If I remember correctly you said that LM can do that. Is not that what Montauk was about?
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Montauk and the Macrobe

Post by joeyv23 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:08 pm

Some new consideration is being given to what the Montauk Project actually is, where rather than a black project geared towards developing and reverse engineering "foreign" technology, it is a psyop whereby false memories are implanted through hypnosis, aimed at folks who are spiritually inclined that made their way to certain places within the military/intelligence complex. There's no telling how many people out there remember being part of that project.

The macrobe is the inverse of a microbe. It's something whose existence is at a scale that makes it nearly impossible to identify without extrasensory ability. As the story goes, John Dee stuck his his mind into it and set up an agreement between it and the royals who Dee served. The macrobe feeds on the energy and blood of our species. It came into the picture as there was a void left by the SM god types when they departed in/around the 1500-1600 time period. The macrobe feeds on a species while anesthetizing it with a matrix reality. Blue Beam is it's primary mode of enrapturing people into willing accepting their status as an energy source. Much of what is being discussed in this thread smells quite strongly of its influence.
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Re: 1st post

Post by Vorith » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:23 am

Your going to have to tell me where you got that info about Dee and thingy.

I once projected, whilest During a spirit medium session, to the shew stone Kelly was looking into on the ceremonial table. Dee showed me scene, something they must have done for almost seven years, where he would stand behind and to the left of Kelly taking notes while Kelly gazed into the stone. I tried to peer right into the shew stone itself. What I saw was a alien-ish dazzling white light... It was a light from a seeming alien realm rather. In the interim of this episode I've seen the while light of the after life realm. I'm not sure of this was the same thing... It looks kinda like the star light of a say a blue giant. But as I peered into it I got what felt like an electric shock which lasted for a full three to four seconds. It was so intense that people who know me actually picked up on it. Nothing has come from it of course (here in 3D). Thought I was going to blow a fuse or something. That was about six months ago. I had a kundalini release subsequent. This too hasn't lead to much but for vivid encounters with deceased souls and an overall increase in sensitivity. This latter experience was spectacular with nothing dubious or threatening about it. I read up on it and learned it's a rather long process with stages, so.

I've been into Enochian for over a decade yet managed to have missed your above scenario. Or perhaps you're using different labels as many like to put a sinister spin to it. But don't forget I've actually talked to Dee himself and he never broached this (like saying oops, you should know something). I'm aware of his penchant for British Empire. Seemed kinda obvious some of it (all the cryptography) was for spying as to spirit communication over long distances which sounds ridiculous.

I'm all ears or eyes and yeah, that's what this thread is round about about. It's what my blog is ultimately about; biological life, not just humans, being a kind of food source. Robert Monroe called it Loosh as you may know. Just had a thought; Orbs. Never mind.

Well for two whole hours last night I had the privilege of having had the company of Rene of Anjou. I actually asked him, seeing the connection was so strong, if he'd seen any et's (over there or overall). He showed me one...which changes things as far as I can tell. I'm going over to my blog and make an entry because I asked him if he'd like me to relay any thoughts with the public. Amazingly, tho not surprisingly, he mentioned the Virgin Mary and that's what I'll write. I saw a scene where he was in his armor, with the perspective of him looking through the grating in his helm visor. A sincere man with good qualities as far as I could tell.

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Re: 1st post

Post by Vorith » Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:52 am

Read the latest entry at http://eventhorizonchronicle.blogspot.com/. It's exactly what we're talking about, alas. I had that month long intuitive episode last year which was all about this. It's like something is orchestrating things right down at the sub quantum level. Too, about 15 years ago I took a large dose of Azurescens and hallucination or not everything that came into my mind seemed to be downloaded from some extra dimensional source which seemed like a vast Program somewhere other. This included my involuntary movements which made the whole thing rather eerie. This source seemed like something other than my own so called higher self. But I listen to heavy music so maybe that had something to do with it ha. Still, others are picking up on this same thing and I doubt it's simply another meme due to sensation. I hope I'm wrong here.

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