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Re: numbers

Post by animus » Mon May 29, 2017 11:06 am

Djchrismac wrote:
Wed May 15, 2013 8:38 am
I have seen the numbers 69, 11 and 33 lots on a daily basis for some time now
Probably the result of all the porn, 9/11 and freemasonry stories that you must have eagerly devoured. :P

trippingthelight wrote:
Fri May 26, 2017 11:56 am
Just 3 months ago we had the Westminster attack on 22-3, which had a TV shot of big ben at 3.22pm and a road marking of 'A322'
And based on this I bet somewhere on the Internet somebody is luring you in with a skull & bones connection.
Looking at the history, there are lots of previous attacks on the 22 day.
I made a quick tally chart with (a non-exhaustive list of) almost 250 terror attacks since 9/11 to get a more empirical perspective. The top three dates are: 26th, 11th, 5th/17th
The most hit city is Istanbul. With the kurdish TAK, whoever that is, the city seems to have its own plague with a terror organisation, so no wonder there.
Interestingly out of 10 major attacks in Europe since 2004 (start of 'Islamist terror' in Europe), eight have had either '7' or '11' or '22' in the dates, one was Friday the 13th and 1 seem be random on 19th December 2016, although this was the one with the least fatalities.
Fatalities in quotation marks, as most of these "terror attacks", if not all, are most probably simple theater acted out in reality. And I would know, I wrote a 50+ paged paper on the case of your last mentioned date - and it follows the same pattern as all the other "attacks".
I bet some of those 250 might not even have any acting behind it at all and only be ink on a paper. Like all the "prevented attack" stories. It sure saves a lot of money and still gives the illusion of terror.
Btw the 19th is among the top five on the tally chart. And the 7th made it to the top three dates of least attacks.
Wikipedia entry for this attack was started at 22.51 on the night of the bomb, 21 mins after the bomb went off, that was quick. :shock:
I haven't seen the details of the event, as I usually don't follow this stuff anymore but I hear it was at a big concert, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that news about a "bomb" would break out only minutes after the event. And it doesn't take much time to write a single sentence. And that sole sentence was the complete wiki entry. So yeah, quick - but not unbelievable. The entry that is, the event itself is another matter.

As far as numerology goes regarding "terror attacks", the dates might have some significance to you personally, depending on whether you see those numbers recurring elsewhere as well, but I wouldn't put too much thought into a date of an event itself. Looking at it from an astronomical or astrological perspective would probably make more sense, as people could be more emotional/gullible at certain constellations. Just a thought.

Joined:Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:38 pm

Re: numbers

Post by trippingthelight » Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:56 am

animus wrote:I made a quick tally chart with (a non-exhaustive list of) almost 250 terror attacks since 9/11 to get a more empirical perspective.
The vast majority of those terror attacks are not following the same formula or being used in the same way though. When an attack happens in Istanbul, it is not jumped on by media instantly, paraded on TV for weeks or have immediate fundraising, facebook filters, illuminated monuments - and now benefit concerts! The one's I mentioned are the ones that are 'uniting Europe' through all the means as stated above.

Out of those 250, if you take out all the ones that do not have the steps as pointed out above then how many are left? How many are used on a Europe wide scale to affect public opinion with maximum impact? Those small attacks in Turkey probably dont even make it on to other nations media. Could it not be that the ones with maxium impact across Europe, the ones used on a mass scale are on particular dates? Wasn't 9/11 a significant date? I can see the opposite side of the coin and that these dates could be the built in conspiracy to lead everyone off onto false leads, but either way the dates could be being used.

Don't you yourself observe all those times when the universe seems to feedback to you and you get all those clocks times with double numbers, ie 1.11, 2.22, 3.33. There's plenty of posts on here describing this, I get it all the time now, it's apparently a tell tale sign of an evolving soul, a guidance of some sort. Is that rubbish and its actually all chance? If this means something then surely dates would have an effect or meaning, no?
animus wrote:And based on this I bet somewhere on the Internet somebody is luring you in with a skull & bones connection.
I don't particularly take much attention to Russianvids and the like with the Skull & Bones society, they are the ones that see a freemasons symbol on a helicopter and say 'look, they did it'.

I would be incredibly interested to read the 50 page docuemnt you mention if it is available?

Joined:Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:00 pm

Re: numbers

Post by animus » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:42 am

trippingthelight wrote:
Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:56 am
Wasn't 9/11 a significant date?
How so?
I get it all the time now, it's apparently a tell tale sign of an evolving soul, a guidance of some sort. Is that rubbish and its actually all chance? If this means something then surely dates would have an effect or meaning, no?
You probably had it happen to you all your life but only now you are getting aware of it. It is for you to figure out what it means and it needn't be limited only to numbers. You might also see other stuff popping up in front of your eyes in an unusual frequency within a short time span, like a certain color, an object, a symbol, etc. And it doesn't even need to be visual, you might pick up curious stuff with your other senses as well. Again, it's for you to figure out what you are being hinted at, i.e. what do the numbers, the colors, the tunes or whatever it is mean to you at this particular time? Are they all pointing towards the same thing or different things, might they be complete random and don't mean anything at all? Your "guidance of some sort" is called intuition. Learn to use it.
I would be incredibly interested to read the 50 page docuemnt you mention if it is available?
Not yet and I'm not sure if I am going to translate it into English. If I do, then definitely not this year. It is missing a final chapter anyway but I am not in the mood to put it on paper right now. Instead I will be working on a different project. And yes, that's typical me. Not starting and finishing a project in one go but doing many simultaneously and always postpone them to "whenever I feel like". It doesn't always make sense, surely never does to other people, but somehow in the end I am always glad to have it done the way I did. Definitely not a good trait in the business world - well... good riddance.

Joined:Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:38 pm

Re: numbers

Post by trippingthelight » Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:41 pm

This following is from ... s-symbols/
What is important is that many of the psychopathic insiders of our world do believe it and use forms of magick as a primary tool in their operations. Accordingly, they affix meaning and power to astrology, cosmology, human psychology, sexuality, death and blood ritual. Symbolism, esoteric cycles and timing is a vital part of that grandiose game.
Prometheus and Vulcan – both offshoots of the Saturn star worship of matter are equally associated with 9, as grounded male energy with the elements of fire (sun worship) and later connections to ether and air. 9 also symbolises endings and beginnings which can be found in a variety of ways such as the nine months needed to carry a baby to term to the death of Jesus at the 9th hour and the 9 wounds he suffered. [9] Even more applicable to the Babylonian Talmud’s foundation in magick is the destruction of the first and the second Temples of the Jews which took place on 9th day of the Jewish month Ab.
Number 9: (Date: 11th day of the 9th month)

Keywords: power, entropy, dictatorship, serpent, fiery destruction, war, police state, law enforcement, anger, violence, order out of chaos, illuminism, civil unrest, endings and beginnings, ignition, chemical reaction of opposites, catalyst, ritual invocation,

As mentioned above, in relation to 666 and the inversion to 999, Westcott draws our attention to 9 as the “emblem of Matter” which: “… ever varying, is never destroyed; so the number 9 when multiplied by any number always reproduces itself, thus:—9 times 2 are 18 and 8 plus 1 are nine: and so on as below:

9 × 3 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9 9 × 12 = 108; 1 + 8 + 0 = 9
9 × 4 = 36; 3 + 6 = 9 9 × 13 = 117; 7 + 1 + 1 = 9
9 × 5 = 45; 4 + 5 = 9 9 × 14 = 126; 6 + 2 + 1 = 9
9 × 6 = 54; 5 + 4 = 9 9 × 15 = 135; 5 + 3 + 1 = 9
9 × 7 = 63; 6 + 3 = 9 9 × 16 = 144; 4 + 4 + 1 = 9
9 × 8 = 72; 7 + 2 = 9 9 × 17 = 153; 3 + 5 + 1 = 9
9 × 9 = 81; 8 + 1 = 9 9 × 18 = 162; 2 + 6 + 1 = 9
9 × 10 = 90; 9 + 0 = 9 9 × 19 = 171; 1 + 7 + 1 = 9
9 × 11 = 99; 9 × 20 = 180; 8 + 1 + 0 = 9 [8]
Clive Prince and Lyn Picknett’s book The Stargate Conspiracy (2000) offers a prime example of what happens when the power and symbolism of 9 is used in the wrong hands. It is a fascinating story and bears serious reflection. Before doing so, you might want to read the review by Laura Knight-Jadczyk who provides a more objective and fleshed-out exploration of the significance of 9 in the context of the “Council of Nine” Enochian Magick, ultra-terrestrials, military-corporate intelligence and all manner of skullduggery. If you can handle the idea of 9/11 as an occult ritual then this book will add much to your understanding of this murky world.
from ... -towers-1/
Since September 11th is within the “Journey Period” of the 2nd cycle of the Rosicrucian cycles of the year broken into sections of 52 days, it denotes travel, change and movement.
In Kabbalah, 11 represents the karmic journey from Death to life. Under the ceremonial psychopath, it is inverted to its shadow and opens as the gateway of 11 via the invocation of 5 and the waiting maw of 2 all of which translates into bringing forth a bit of “hell.” As you may recall, 11 is a Master number and cannot be reduced to single digits. Thus its significance and energy is amplified as a key number during this ritual event. It is part of the duality of the number 2 (1+1 =2) and forms the magickal formula of 9/11 as 9 +11 = 20 = 2+0 = 2 (II).

There are many other numerological references to the occult power of number of “11” beginning with the most obvious to the more subtle:

The World Trade Centre stood like an 11
The World Trade Centre took 11 years to build
Each building had 110 stories.
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
September 11th is 111 days until the end of the year
The first plane to hit the World Trade Centre was Flight 11
The total crew on Flight 11 was 11
Flight 77 – with 65 people on board ( 6 + 5 = 11).
The number 11 as the twin towers, appears to represent the updated version of King Solomon’s Temple pillars. The ancient Pillars of Hermes are drawn from the myth of the Egyptian god Thoth and his Emerald Tablet. As the myth goes, this collection of wisdom was preserved inside two great pillars just before the onset of the Great Flood. Hermes (another name for Thoth) was a rich and varied mythical figure of Greek origin and laid the foundations and extensions of what would become Hermeticism and freemasonry. He is the divine messenger, the God of doorways and portals and the archetypal trickster who cannot be trusted.

Bain informs us of the significance of the fabled Pillars:

The Twin Towers, and the space between them, represented a gateway and their destruction signified the rending of the barrier between worlds, the symbolic tearing of the Veil of Isis—creating a portal, unveiling the Holy of Holies. The idea of the Twin Towers as gateways further links to the Zodiacal sign of Gemini, the Twins, and its position as a celestial/heavenly gateway … a prime example of the key principle of “As Above, So Below.”
Perhaps the most important symbolism of number 2 (and 11) as the twin towers are the freemasonic pillars of Joachin and Boaz said to be found at the entrance of King Solomon’s Temple. They represent a gateway or portal and embody strength and stability, yin-yang, duality of male and a female potency and the Talmudic two ways of man: “…one leads to Paradise and one to Gai-hinnom, the place of punishment.” [11] In the middle of the gateway we can place WTC 7 as the middle pillar of truth and consciousness, the sacred feminine principle and alchemical synthesis. The sun and moon hovers over the respective pillars signifying polar opposites fundamental to freemasonic principles and the creation of a third force which is ignited between the two. This force can be a ritual invocation for selfish ends or towards service to others. It seems the ignition witnessed in 9/11 is towards the former, where the soul/spirit has been trounced in favour of material worship.
This blog post has more on the astrology of 9/11 https://forthosewitheyestosee.blogspot. ... f-911.html which is where i got this image of the Gemini symbology.

Uranus, the shock-change producing orb was in Aquarius, which is the sign symbolizing brotherhood/ society/ humanity. The aim of the event was indeed to traumatize the American/ global society, mainly with the help of a false narrative, mass media manipulated imagery, blatant lies, false accusations and fairy tale elements, e.g. Arabs with boxcutters. The event, with Uranus in Aquarius, was indeed a shock-changer of the way we see society. It was the birth of the fake war on terror, which can be regarded as a hoax, because "terror" is a feeling, not an external ernemy.

Mars, bringer of war and aggression, was exalted (so in a modus above his usual power) and very powerful in Capricorn, the sign symbolizing buildings and hierarchies. By scheduling the false flag attack into this time period (Mars is in each sign for approx. 1 year at a time), the purpetrators assured that the proposal of going to war would find quick support and minimum resistance.

September 11th falls into the 2nd decan of Virgo, which belongs to Capricorn and is co-ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is the goat, Saturn the great malific. Death symbols all along.
I also found the following images interesting as 9/11 in Roman numerals is 'IX XI'

There also numerology links to Crowley in the flight numbers.
Each of the plane numbers involved in the 9/11 incident refer directly to the prime numbers of Crowley's system. The numbers of the flights are respectively: 11, 77, 93, 175. Aleister Crowley wrote about each of these numbers specifically, and emphasized their importance as shown below:

"Firstly", 11 is the number of Magick in itself. It is therefore suitable to all types of operation.

"Secondly", it is the sacred number par excellence of the new Aeon. As it is written in the Book of the Law:

"...11, as all their numbers who are of us.
There are multiple indepth articles at
and i also seem to recall the year 911 was significant in the past? Although i can't remember which video i saw that in.

There are other things but this post wasn't went to be this long!!

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Re: numbers

Post by Lozion » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:09 pm

9/11 in '73: Pinochet cia-backed coup against Allende in Chile and start of the repression of leftists movements all over South America..
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