Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr 2

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by justsomestarstuff » Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:02 am

I had a dream on the Apr23rd that I was on a boat and I'm looking out at the water. I noticed that someting was in the water, the closer we get the more I see. Its a school of polar bears swiming(they looked kinda brownish) in the same direction the boat was going. I remember being really excited seeing this. I decided to google what polar bears could represent in a dream and I found out that they represent a reawaking. I thought that was kinda kool.

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by PHIon » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:22 pm

Seems like what we need most is more and more people becoming aware of how much we have been and are being manipulated so I am looking forward to hearing how this goes (pun unintended but intentionally left in). The entire issue of disclosure is not only that extraterrestrial life has been interacting with humanity but also that there is an entire underground tax-free economy on this planet squeezing the prosperity out of our lives.

This alone would be enough for now. As far as I am concerned, the diabolical horrors our children of this planet have suffered is worse than anything I can think of and I am already aware to some degree that this happens. The healing cannot begin until we face down the demon together as one and pray for the courage to hear the stories and comfort those in need. When we as a people can forgive without flinching, we will have taken our power back as citizens of one planet and the pain can begin to heal.

One thing Joseph Campbell said is that the military is trained to see the enemy as an IT. No one ever said we would get through life without enemies, but we do not qualify for graduation into a higher density until we see our enemies as a THOU in need of healing. I think humanity has the innate power to get through these times, but we need to find forgiveness for ourselves first for the guilt of allowing so much suffering without doing more to stop it.
Lotus wrote:I may fail, at least for today, but even in failing there would be the opportunity for growth.
I agree, Lotus.

Regarding the disclosure of advanced technology, let's light this candle. Frankly, I am embarrassed to be living in a culture that still burns things and puts harmful radiation into the atmosphere to make our technology work.
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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by P1000 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:56 pm

PHion wrote, Regarding the disclosure of advanced technology, let's light this candle. Frankly, I am embarrassed to be living in a culture that still burns things and puts harmful radiation into the atmosphere to make our technology work.

I completely agree! :)

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by T11 » Sun May 05, 2013 5:11 pm

T11 wrote:
daniel wrote:But don't hold your breath for "disclosure." I've seen some of what they are hiding and there is no way in the world they are going to let some of that information out. And in all honesty, I agree with that decision. And I'm not talking about the beauty or horror of it, but the fact that "the facts" will be devastating to many people's world views, as "everything you know is wrong."
Daniel: While it would certainly be devastating to anyone, even the self-described truth-seekers following this forum, to suddenly learn that EVERYTHING we know is wrong, ALL AT ONCE, isn't there a way to release the truth so that the human psyche can handle it and acclimate to it gradually? When you talk about it in such mysterious terms, I'm sure many of us are thinking we could certainly handle it and would actually prefer to know the truth rather than continue to live in a lie. In fact, there are many of us who have become so disenchanted by all the "wrongness" of this present reality that we're more than willing to kiss it goodbye. You're a human being who apparently knows some of these truths and you're able to handle it, so why couldn't we? Could you give us at least one humdinger on the milder side of the shock spectrum and see how it goes over? Is this just stuff you've covered in your papers or are these things you've never talked about publicly?
Still no response from Daniel about this? I guess he thinks we're still not ready. Sounds like we'll never be ready to know the truth. I dunno about you guys but I have a very hard time wanting to live in a world that's based on lies. :cry:

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by Secret Agent Man » Mon May 06, 2013 12:22 pm

Here's my 2 cents... I believe the momentum is shifting and the tide is turning but it is happening very slowly. To those of us who are more aware that things are not what they seem (even if we don't understand fully how things really are), we are very anxious for change to happen. We want the truth to come out, humanity to wake up, and for our society to act enlightened. I think Daniel is right though in that people are deep down comfortable with the lies because they are comfortable with what they know. If you look across society though you see evidence abound that people are still stuck in their egos. Until people can spiritually evolve out of their egos and into their hearts on a mass scale, the collective consciousness will not manifest the changes that we want to see happen. Again, this is all my opinion.

I think as souls we all knew the truth before we came here and we will know the whole truth again when we leave. I believe we came here to keep the momentum in shifting that tide, despite the handicap of forgetting. It will be a gradual process but lessons will be learned by all in the struggle in the mean time. In the famous words of Aerosmith, 'life is a journey, not a destination.' Keep up the good fight and keep showing people the door they must walk through to awaken. If they choose not to walk through that door forgive them and move on. Patience is one of the key lessons I'm working on this time around, and it is true what they say about there being a big difference between knowing the path and waking the path...

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by T11 » Mon May 06, 2013 2:05 pm

Secret Agent Man wrote:Here's my 2 cents... I believe the momentum is shifting and the tide is turning but it is happening very slowly. To those of us who are more aware that things are not what they seem (even if we don't understand fully how things really are), we are very anxious for change to happen. We want the truth to come out, humanity to wake up, and for our society to act enlightened. I think Daniel is right though in that people are deep down comfortable with the lies because they are comfortable with what they know. If you look across society though you see evidence abound that people are still stuck in their egos. Until people can spiritually evolve out of their egos and into their hearts on a mass scale, the collective consciousness will not manifest the changes that we want to see happen. Again, this is all my opinion.

I think as souls we all knew the truth before we came here and we will know the whole truth again when we leave. I believe we came here to keep the momentum in shifting that tide, despite the handicap of forgetting. It will be a gradual process but lessons will be learned by all in the struggle in the mean time. In the famous words of Aerosmith, 'life is a journey, not a destination.' Keep up the good fight and keep showing people the door they must walk through to awaken. If they choose not to walk through that door forgive them and move on. Patience is one of the key lessons I'm working on this time around, and it is true what they say about there being a big difference between knowing the path and waking the path...
EDIT: Reading this over, I realize it sounds like I'm trying to emotionally blackmail Daniel here. I didn't mean it like that. I know we're all in this together, so I know at the deepest level that I must accept and embrace this process of human evolution, however it may go. I'm just in a very fragile emotional state right now. Sorry!

I understand what you're saying, SAM. I'm trying to be patient but I have a very specific reason for needing the truth to come out ASAP. I have a family member who is suffering from multiple illnesses. It is my understanding that there are many hidden technologies that are being suppressed by The Cabal and that advanced medical technology is one of them. From what I've heard, the cures to basically every disease are already possible but they just haven't been released yet. How many people will have to die needlessly while we're waiting for stupid-ass mass humanity to wake up and become capable of "handling the truth?" Is seeing this family member suffer and die when I know they don't have to one of the "lessons" I have to learn in this "gradual process?" I say fuck this shit. Let's rip off the Band-Aid RIGHT NOW!!! I don't care how much it shocks people or how much it hurts. That pain will only be temporary. How can people be such fucking babies?! If they knew they could essentially become immortal in exchange for remaining "stuck in their egos" I think most of them would go for it, don't you? There's all this talk about the release of other technologies like free energy, replicators, teleportation, etc. Yes, these are all fine and dandy, but what use are they if our physical bodies are not around to enjoy them? That's why I say the health technologies are the single most important thing here, and the fact that their release is being held up because people aren't "ready" to wake up just makes me want to tear my hair out!

Anyway, sorry I got so emotional there but I've been patiently waiting for this transition to happen for over two years now since I woke up. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Sorry if it sounded like I was attacking you, SAM. I wasn't. I'm just fed up with all this waiting and I'm feeling very distraught about it. I look at all the clueless, dull-eyed "humans" around me and wonder if it will ever happen. If we really have wait for them, this could take a VERY long time and everyone I love and want to share this with will all be dead by that point, after having spent their last days suffering needlessly, just to preserve lies. I think those of us who are ready to accept the new reality should be given an advance pass or something. This whole charade needs to end now! I'm done with it. I want the truth NOW!!!

*Interesting note: Notice this happens to be T11's 11th post? The elevens have been following me ever since I woke up over two years ago (in the month and year of 1/11, no less). I see them on clocks and other places multiple times a day, every day. They've come about in the most comical ways. I know this means something good but it's gotten to the point where I seriously feel like I'm being taunted. Since this post is yet another 11 synchronicity, I say that's a sign that Daniel should take heed and spill the beans now. How about it, Danny Boy? Pretty please with pineal gland-calcifying sugar on top??? :)

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by Secret Agent Man » Tue May 07, 2013 12:42 pm

I hear ya T11, I really do. This is why I am still learning patience because I would rather rip that bandaid off with you, but it isn't ultimately up to me and I need to learn to accept that while still doing my part to shine my light as bright as I can to help things progress towards where I want them to go. You can show people the door, but they must decide to walk though.

Regarding medical advances, I will pass on some knowledge gained through my own experience in recovering from a serious neurological condition that supposedly has no cure. Alternative medicine has many of the answers that you seek already available to the public. Things like acupuncture/acupressure, allergy elimination techniques, and emotional freedom techniques treat SO many chronic conditions that plauge the people of this polluted planet. The results will only last though if you change your lifestyle (diet and attitute) to be in balance with nature though. The dirty little secret I've learned is that most diseases are manifest from our own attitudes, judgements, and belief systems. Our emotions and our thoughts are integral to the reality we manifest, regardless of the cabal that is in charge of this or that. We are so much more responsible for our own health than most people would believe.

This may be one of the nuggets of truth that Daniel was talking about that might piss people off. Most people want to blame something external to themselves for their problems, but in reality I believe that we need to look in the mirror most of the time. It is true that our society conditions people to think negatively so that we can plan and prepare for the worst. We don't want to get our hopes up. The negative thinking keeps us in a low vibration and manifesting illness and disease though. Dis-ease, get it? When you empower yourself and actively work to change your attitude towards life and you stop judging others and even more importantly YOURSELF, usually the good health follows. It takes work these days to eat the right foods, drink the right water, and avoid the stuff you need to, but you CAN do this regardless of who is trying to control what.

I recovered from a neurological condition that modern medicine said had no cure and could only offer me anti-depressants to help mask the symptoms. I turned to alternative medicine as a desperate move and it paid off in spades. I learned so much from this experience. My negative attitude and negative beliefs were holding me down. I validated to myself that we really do manifest our reality, disease and all. I believe we are immortal souls and ultimately what we don't get right this time we will attempt to get right the next go-around. We interact with the same people just in different bodies. I've done past life regressions and recommend them to anyone with an interest in the subject. It really blew me away. No hard feelings and I truly hope you and your family memebers find your inner peace. It's worth the effort to find it.

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by daniel » Tue May 07, 2013 2:58 pm

T11 wrote:Since this post is yet another 11 synchronicity, I say that's a sign that Daniel should take heed and spill the beans now. How about it, Danny Boy? Pretty please with pineal gland-calcifying sugar on top??? :)
OK, here's the secret to Life, the Universe and Everything: all that you know is backwards. Reverse it, and you'll have your truth.

BTW, David has the pineal function backwards (see, told ya)... fluoride depletion, at the onset of puberty, causes it to ACTIVATE... it is a shunt for psionic ability--shorts it out at the time you are able to use it to change the world. Thank Enlil's genetic engineering skills for that one. Can't have a psionic slave population!
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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by T11 » Tue May 07, 2013 3:24 pm

daniel wrote:OK, here's the secret to Life, the Universe and Everything: all that you know is backwards. Reverse it, and you'll have your truth.

BTW, David has the pineal function backwards (see, told ya)... fluoride depletion, at the onset of puberty, causes it to ACTIVATE... it is a shunt for psionic ability--shorts it out at the time you are able to use it to change the world. Thank Enlil's genetic engineering skills for that one. Can't have a psionic slave population!
Hi, Daniel. Thanks for the reply. OK, everything is backwards. Got it. I don't quite get what you're saying about fluoride and the pineal gland, though. You say fluoride depletes pineal function yet somehow causes the gland to activate? And this activation of the pineal actually shorts out psionic ability? If that's the case, is tingling and pressure in the forehead a sign of pineal activation and thereby an indicator that one's psionic ability is being compromised?

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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr

Post by Jools88 » Tue May 07, 2013 5:01 pm

T11 wrote:
daniel wrote:OK, here's the secret to Life, the Universe and Everything: all that you know is backwards. Reverse it, and you'll have your truth.

BTW, David has the pineal function backwards (see, told ya)... fluoride depletion, at the onset of puberty, causes it to ACTIVATE... it is a shunt for psionic ability--shorts it out at the time you are able to use it to change the world. Thank Enlil's genetic engineering skills for that one. Can't have a psionic slave population!
Hi, Daniel. Thanks for the reply. OK, everything is backwards. Got it. I don't quite get what you're saying about fluoride and the pineal gland, though. You say fluoride depletes pineal function yet somehow causes the gland to activate? And this activation of the pineal actually shorts out psionic ability? If that's the case, is tingling and pressure in the forehead a sign of pineal activation and thereby an indicator that one's psionic ability is being compromised?
According to Daniel the gland itself is a shunt engineered into our brains by Enlil, and shorts out the ability to use our own psionic abilities.

Daniel, with all the fluoride and calcification going on affecting this gland, wouldn't that cause it to not activate as a shunt and thus boost psionic ability? Maybe my understanding is backwards here.

What should those with a desire to utilize the hidden features of ourselves do? If our understanding of the universe and everything is absolutely backwards, then we already use our abilities and change the world consistently, albeit unconsciously. I suppose my next question is, assuming the basic understanding of the unconscious resides in the cosmic realm; is how to take "that" step into the FTL realm consciously?

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