have you seen the yt-channel of crrow777?
He has recorded a lot of anomalies when pointing his telescope to the moon. The most curious one is the lunar wave as he calls it.
He made many videos on that topic. Here is his latest one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMQTEEbtTYc
He has recorded the lunar wave several times and even got a video from a German who filmed it, too.
He filmed lots of UFOs (and Chemtrails) and found out that the moon can't be that far away as we are being told:
In this Video he compares some maps of the moon:
And some maps from Mars:
Why Is The Blood Moon Black and White?
Analysis of russian scientists:
So what do you think? Is the real moon behind this illusion?
And what are your thoughts on the tides? Derek Owens says in his physical science lectures (high school level) that he noticed that the diagrams in all physics books are wrong. The moon is depicted on a horizon when there is a low tide and is depicted directly overhead when there is a high tide. But in reality the opposite is true. I found that curious. Here is a sketch of a typical diagram:
He found an explanation in "The Feynman Lectures on Physics" that he paraphrased like this:
I was not really satisfied with that explanation but maybe the real one from Feynman does make sense.Derek Owens wrote:The moon is moving and the earth is rotating and there are different speeds and so you have the circular motion as well as these forces. It's not just the moon sitting there pulling but all this stuff is moving and rotating and sloshing around and it causes things to be out of phase from the typical pictures of the textbooks.