And only a day later, on Feb 4th, Jordan Maxwell got on air and gave an interview with the title The Elites Use War To Make Blood Sacrifice To Extra Terrestrial Gods! to a UK radio talk show host, whom he usually gives an interview approx. once per month or two. At the end of it, he says that we shouldn't buy the scary propaganda against him on the internet ...
He told the usual (unverifiable) story, widely accepted by the alternative community:
Then he talks about the Knights Templar being guided by "someone out there to set up a world system of banking, government and religion and to ultimately take over the planet for somebody out there" (he mentions their supposed motto "as above so below") and he adds the old story (from the 20th Century) that "someone is manipulating and controlling the human family, but they are using their human counterparts to do it", being "in league with higher spiritual dimensions", in "touch with higher, demonic powers".We’ve been communicating with somebody intelligent, probably all over the universe, but for sure somebody intelligent has been sending us signals from Cassiopeia, as far back as the 1930 [...] The royalty and the people in power today are getting their marching orders, they were communicated by some other intelligence that I would suggest it should be referred to as an EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity), meaning someone out there is as real as you are, and you’re real on this Earth and they’re real on their planet, but they are higher intelligence, far far superior to anything on Earth [...]
These ETs are so convenient to the trillionaire spooks. While they accelerated their rat race of looting the Earth in the 20th Century, becoming the masters of the entire planet, "aliens" from outer (or even inner) space came as a good substitute for the old concept of "gods".
But I have a question for Jordan: supposedly having a grandfather as a US senator, uncles working in the Navy, as federal judges, an uncle working in the Vatican, those 50 years of living in Los Angeles and meeting all the possible "insiders", with all that pattern recognition of yours, you never ever figured out that JFK was a fake, as well as Manson and other manufactured events in California, that the Intel agencies' primary occupation is controlling the flow of information, you just never talked about these things at length, did you? As if they were not important. Better dabble in the occult, where no one can contest you, right?
Let's say you won't get additional minus points because there was no Wikipedia back then and other internet goodies to be able to verify your sources, even though you supposedly had many insider connections etc.