This particular sentence makes alot of sense now more than ever since I have more knowledge of RS/RS2 temporal physics. To dwell upon magnetic fields and live on top of Saturn or whatever gaseous surface -- to us that is in space/time understanding -- this is revealing feeling to review some old information to gain mutual understanding, however little by little it may be.The planet known as Saturn has a great affinity for the infinite intelligence and thus it has been dwelled upon in its magnetic fields of time/space by those who wish to protect your system.
And another thing that Ra discussed was to visit Sun and roam around on its surface also (too exited/busy/focused to search the quote) This too makes alot of sense when it comes to understanding of time/space relation to space/time.
If Ra talks about Maldek in somewhat "truthful" way enough it might be possible that the late white dwarf what is now an asteroid belt in this solar system would have once been a inhabited by some entities in one form or another.
Any others who have similar understanding of the physical structure in the time/space or temporal landscape terms? And of course discussions and critics of possible misinterpretations among other things.