"All of the above." I posed my reply in hopes that one would do a little introspection, to see what they've done with their life and what they've learned that could be of benefit to others. It was also a general statement on the overall nature of humanity, a nature that does not exactly thrive on virtue.MrTwig wrote:Thank you Ilkka, I do want to live a more nature life but there are barriers that are not easily over come. For one I am married. Another is that I am not a nature born athlete or rugged outdoors man. So for me it is a dream to meet the LMs or any of the other life besides the humans.Ilkka wrote:I think that what Daniel means is that we need to be more close to nature and also respect the "mother Earth" more than most of us do. Yesterday night I watched this documentary called "Food Inc" that tells a story about american food production and how it is connected to some bad people who run the show.
Also I think Daniel didnt mean it to be so personal message, although maybe he did so that would create some thinking on our behalf to see things from another perspective. Maybe he doesnt want us to go and find LMs unprepared since it would be unhealthy for us and them aswell.
BTW, Gilligan's Island is a comedic demonstration of the Seven Deadly Sins--with Gilligan as Satan! Who is it that screws up every week, foiling every plan to escape and keep them trapped on the island?
Ginger: LUST; skimpy outfits, is obsessed with her looks, and is a borderline nymphomaniac.
Mary Ann: ENVY; jealous of Ginger's beauty, the Professors knowledge, the Howell's money.
The Professor: PRIDE; he can make a nuclear reactor out of coconut shells, but can't fix a 2-foot hole in a boat. The typical "expert."
Mr. Howell: GREED; when it comes to death, "if I can't take it with me, I won't go!"
Mrs. Howell: SLOTH; never lifted a finger to do anything, except command servants.
The Skipper: GLUTTONY; no explanation needed and ANGER; he violently hits Gilligan on each show.
See what lessons humanity teaches the Universe!!!
I saw an interesting old movie last night called Latitude Zero, which was about an undersea, utopian society where people worked without money, fear, fighting or reward--lived in rapport with Nature and each other, and just did what they did best, all to try to help humanity evolve. My idea of a perfect place, and I wouldn't have to think twice about joining such a community. If you got the offer... would you?