I just wanted to go over some of the article to discuss some of it in relation to RS/RS2 and it should also be interesting for those that haven't read it:
The article then mentions some anomalous NASA results from Hubble:The arcane subject of "Hyperdimensional Physics."
Unknown to most current physicists and students of science (if not the general media and public), the beginnings of modern physics launched over 100 years ago by the so-called "giants" -- Helmholtz, Lord Kelvin, Faraday, Maxwell and many others -- laid a full and rich tradition in this currently little-known field: the open, heatedly debated scientific and philosophical premise that three-dimensional reality is only a subset of a series of higher, hyperspatial, additional dimensions, which control not only the physics of our very existence, from stars to galaxies to life itself ... but potentially, through time-variable changes in its foundations--
Dramatic coming changes in our lives.
This bold theoretical and experimental era, at the very dawn of science as we know it, came to an abrupt end at the close of the 19th Century. That was when our currently accepted (and very different) view of "physics" -- everything from the "Big Bang" Expanding Universe Cosmology, to Relativistic limitations imposed by "flat" space and non-simultaneous time, complicated by a non-intuitive "Quantum Mechanics" of suddenly uncertain atomic "realities" -- all took a very different turn ... from where they had been headed. Imagine our surprise, when -- as part of our Enterprise Mission effort to verify the existence of intelligently-created ruins at "Cydonia" -- we suddenly realized we might have stumbled across the geometry of this same 19th Century, pre-Relativity "hyperdimensional physics"--
So are the astronomers seeing the birth of a solar system here and the aftermath of a supernova which has resulted in a binary star system and a huge filament from the explosion which will help fuel the suns even more? It certainly seems that the planets are forming from the white dwarf fragments and this could explain their increased luminosity, and also similar internal radiation from our own gas giants.Officially termed "TMR-1C," at the announcement NASA press conference Dr. Terebey described her at first slow realization of the uniqueness and potential importance of this "find"; ultimately her attention was drawn to a mere "pinprick of infrared light" in close association (on the Hubble "NICMOS" image -- ) with two much brighter stars. Immersed in a dense cloud of interstellar dust, this faint, solitary object -- the only other IR source (besides the stars themselves) visible against the dust -- was strategically located at the precise end of a long, slender filament of light. Terebey discovered, upon preliminary measurement, that this "filament" extended over a 100 billion miles ... directly connecting the "pinprick" with the twin, newborn parent suns. Several months into her analysis, Terebey reached the tentative conclusion that this tiny "IR speck" was most likely the first Hubble image (if not any image!) of a newborn, runaway giant planet -- "recently" ejected from a prior orbit of the nearby stars themselves. From the faint infrared luminosity of this isolated object and contemporary models of planetary formation, Terebey estimated that its mass has to be only "2 to 3 times Jupiter's." The "filament," she theorized, is most likely a "tunnel" literally bored through the dense cloud of surrounding gas and dust by the passage of the ejected planet itself -- a tunnel that, acting like a "lightpipe," is scattering infrared energy down its entire 130 billion-mile length from the nearby stars themselves.
Because Taurus (the celestial region in which these remarkable objects are located) is now behind the Sun as seen from Earth, it will be several months before Hubble can be used to acquire additional data on the "planet." There are also plans to enlist major ground-based telescopes in this campaign. What is critically needed is spectrascopic data on this object; if it is not merely a misidentified small star (such as a red dwarf, drastically dimmed by the copious dust still swirling in the vicinity of the nearby brighter stars), but is in fact a cooling planet, this will be instantly apparent from its spectrum.
Which brings us to the unique hyperdimensional possibilities this discovery has now presented.
Astrophysical discovery of "glowing planets" -- planetary bodies which shine in the infrared via internal energy sources, not just by reflected light -- stems from completely unexpected ground-based telescopic observations of this solar system, beginning in the mid-1960's: the startling detection of "anomalous internal infrared radiation" coming from the planet Jupiter. Later Pioneer and Voyager insitu spacecraft observations across the 70s and 80s added the other "giant planets," Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, to the list of solar system worlds that -- somehow, without internal nuclear fusion processes, like stars -- still manage to radiate more energy out into space than they receive directly from the Sun.
It's exciting and frustrating to see how close they got as it looks like Kelvin is close to seeing the motion with his vortex atom and he and Maxwell have the 'ether' describing the fluid/liquid of the 3D temporal landscape quite accurately but are mistaking this as an extra dimension to give us 4 and not taking into account scalar motion and the reciprocal nature of space and time with 3 dimensions of space and 3 dimensions of time.Enter Hyperdimensional Physics.
The cornerstone of the hyperdimensional model (as applied to the problem of "unexplained" astrophysical energy sources) is that historically, there is a perfectly natural explanation for such "anomalous energy" appearing in celestial bodies ... which, unfortunately, hasn't been seriously considered by Science for over 100 years:
The existence of unseen hyperspatial realities ... that, through information transfer between dimensions, are the literal "foundation substrate" maintaining the reality of everything in this dimension.
The mathematical and physical parameters required for such "information/energy gating" into this spatial dimension from potential "n-dimensions" were primarily founded in the pioneering work of several 19th Century founders of modern mathematics and physics: among these, German mathematician Georg Riemann; Scottish physicist Sir William Thompson (who would eventually be Knighted by the British Crown as "Baron Kelvin of Largs" for his scientific and technological contributions); Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell; and British mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton.
In 1867 Thompson, following decades of inquiry into the fundamental properties of both matter and the space between, proposed a radical new explanation for the most fundamental properties of solid objects -- the existence of "the vortex atom." This was in direct contradiction to then prevailing 19th Century theories of matter, in which atoms were still viewed as infinitesimal "small, hard bodies [as] imagined by [the Roman poet] Lucretius, and endorsed by Newton ..." Thompson's "vortex atoms" were envisioned, instead, as tiny, self-sustaining "whirlpools" in the so-called "aether" -- which Thompson and his 19th Century contemporaries increasingly believed extended throughout the Universe as an all-pervasive, incompressible fluid.
Even as Thompson published his revolutionary model for the atom, Maxwell, building on Thompson's earlier explorations of the underlying properties of this "aetheric fluid," was well on the way to devising a highly successful "mechanical" vortex model of the "incompressible aether" itself, in which Thompson's vortex atom could live -- a model derived in part from the laboratory-observed elastic and dynamical properties of solids. Ultimately, in 1873, he would succeed in uniting a couple hundred years of electrical and magnetic scientific observations into a comprehensive, overarching electromagnetic theory of light vibrations ... carried across space by this "incompressible and highly stressed universal aetheric fluid ..."
Maxwell's mathematical basis for his triumphant unification of these two great mystery forces of 19th Century physics were "quaternions" -- a term invented (adopted would be a more precise description) in the 1840s by mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton, for "an ordered pair of complex numbers" (quaternion = four). Complex numbers themselves, according to Hamilton's clarifications of long-mysterious terms such as "imaginary" and "real" numbers utilized in earlier definitions, were nothing more than "pairs of real numbers which are added or multiplied according to certain formal rules." In 1897, A.S. Hathaway formally extended Hamilton's ideas regarding quaternions as "sets of four real numbers" to the idea of four spatial dimensions, in a paper entitled "Quaternions as numbers of four-dimensional space," published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society [4 (1887), 54-7].
I live in Kelvin's old neck of the woods next to the river Kelvin and work at Glasgow Uni but you don't hear about his vortex atoms and the ether much when you read or watch programmes about him. It's the same with Maxwell!
When you read on further about Maxwell's equations it's interesting to note how easily these were "streamlined" then released in an edited format which didn't take the ether into account and how such an event could hold us back and limit our thinking/science to the model of the physical universe that we have today:
The results of the NWO getting an important early 'big win' on humanity's road to deception perhaps?In a tragedy for science (if not for society in general) whose outlines we are only now beginning to appreciate, after Maxwell's death, two other 19th Century "mathematical physicists" -- Oliver Heaviside and William Gibbs -- "streamlined" Maxwell's original equations down to four simple (if woefully incomplete!) expressions. Because Heaviside openly felt the quaternions were "an abomination" -- never fully understanding the linkage between the critical scalar and vector components in Maxwell's use of them to describe the potentials of empty space ("apples and oranges," he termed them) -- he eliminated over 200 quaternions from Maxwell's original theory in his attempted "simplification."
[Oliver Heaviside, described by Scientific American (Sept. 1950) as "self-taught and ... never connected with any university ... had [however] a remarkable and inexplicable ability (which was possessed also by Newton and Laplace ...) to arrive at mathematical results of considerable complexity without going through any conscious process of proof ..." According to other observers, Heaviside actually felt that Maxwell's use of quaternions and their description of the "potentials" of space was "... mystical, and should be murdered from the theory ..." which -- by drastically editing Maxwell's original work after the latter's untimely death (from cancer), excising the scalar component of the quaternions and eliminating the hyperspatial characteristics of the directional (vector) components -- Oliver Heaviside effectively accomplished singlehanded.]
This means, of course, that the four surviving "classic" Maxwell's Equations -- which appear in every electrical and physics text the world over, as the underpinnings of all 20th Century electrical and electromagnetic engineering, from radio to radar, from television to computer science, if not inclusive of every "hard" science from physics to chemistry to astrophysics that deals with electromagnetic radiative processes -- never appeared in any original Maxwell' paper or treatise! They are, in fact--
"Heaviside's equations!"
Lest anyone doubt this is the case, they merely have to read a highly revealing paper on the subject by another renowned British mathematical physicist of this century, Sir Edmund Whittaker, titled simply "Oliver Heaviside" (Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, Vol. 20, 1928-29, p.202); or, another overview of Heaviside by Paul J. Nahin, "Oliver Heaviside: Sage in Solitude" (IEEE Press, New York, 1988, p.9, note 3.).
The end result was that physics lost its promising theoretical beginnings to becoming truly "hyperdimensional" physics ... over a century ago ... and all that that implies.
19.5 degrees is key in Hyperdimensional Physics and seems to fit in with the world energy grid as a lot of ancient monuments link in to this latitude. The explanation links in to the merkabah and the 19.5 degrees of a star tetrahedron spinning as an energy body around a planet, I was wondering if the star tetrahedron, which we apparently have around us too, is real (I do believe in chakra's and the energy lines in the body) and if so how RS Theory can explain it? I'd hazard a guess at it being a part of our light body that is spinning at high speed to keep us locked in the physical sector? Or is it a consequence of a high rate of spin in the planet that 19.5 degrees is where the magnetic field gets stronger? I've been wondering for a while how this links in to RS theory so if anyone can explain it i'd love to be enlightened!This startling connection -- between Maxwell's demonstrably deep interest in questions "hyperdimensional," including his direct homage to one of his scientific mentors', Arthur Cayley's hyperdimensional geometry (the "27 lines on the general cubic surface" problem -- see diagram, right); and our rediscovery over a century later of that same geometry ... at a place called "Cydonia" ... on Mars -- is nothing short of astonishing. But, if you doubt such a compelling connection, just reread those key lines--
"...Ye cubic surfaces! By threes and nines, Draw round his camp your seven-and-twenty lines- The seal of Solomon in three dimensions [emphasis added] .."
Which, of course, are nothing less than the geometrical and mathematical underpinnings of the infamous "circumscribed tetrahedral latitude" memoralized all over Cydonia ... 19.5 degrees, the identical, hyper-dimensional quaternion geometry whose physical effects (see below) we have now rediscovered all across the solar system ... and beyond!
Part 2:
It starts with Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden, worth quoting in full below:
Fascinating, imagine how different the world would have been...!Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden, retired army officer and physicist, has been perhaps the most vocal recent proponent for restoring integrity to the scientific and historical record regarding James Clerk Maxwell -- by widely promulgating his original equations; in a series of meticulously documented papers on the subject, going back at least 20 years, Bearden has carried on a relentless one-man research effort regarding what Maxwell really claimed. His painstaking, literally thousands of man-hours of original source documentation has led directly to the following, startling conclusion:
Maxwell's original theory is, in fact, the true, so-called "Holy Grail" of physics ... the first successful unified field theory in the history of Science ... a fact apparently completely unknown to the current proponents of "Kaluza-Klein," "Supergravity," and "Superstring" ideas ....
Just how successful, Bearden documents below:
" ... In discarding the scalar component of the quaternion, Heaviside and Gibbs unwittingly discarded the unified EM/G [electromagnetic/ gravitational] portion of Maxwell's theory that arises when the translation/directional components of two interacting quaternions reduce to zero, but the scalar resultant remains and infolds a deterministic, dynamic structure that is a function of oppositive directional/translational components. In the infolding of EM energy inside a scalar potential, a structured scalar potential results, almost precisely as later shown by Whittaker but unnoticed by the scientific community. The simple vector equations produced by Heaviside and Gibbs captured only that subset of Maxwell's theory where EM and gravitation are mutually exclusive. In that subset, electromagnetic circuits and equipment will not ever, and cannot ever, produce gravitational or inertial effects in materials and equipment.
"Brutally, not a single one of those Heaviside/ Gibbs equations ever appeared in a paper or book by James Clerk Maxwell, even though the severely restricted Heaviside/Gibbs interpretation is universally and erroneously taught in all Western universities as Maxwell's theory.
"As a result of this artificial restriction of Maxwell's theory, Einstein also inadvertently restricted his theory of general relativity, forever preventing the unification of electromagnetics and relativity. He also essentially prevented the present restricted general relativity from ever becoming an experimental, engineerable science on the laboratory bench, since a hidden internalized electromagnetics causing a deterministically structured local spacetime curvature was excluded.
"Quantum mechanics used only the Heaviside/ Gibbs externalized electromagnetics and completely missed Maxwell's internalized and ordered electromagnetics enfolded inside a structured scalar potential. Accordingly, QM [quantum mechanics] maintained its Gibbs statistics of quantum change, which is nonchaotic a priori. Quantum physicists by and large excluded Bohm's hidden variable theory, which conceivably could have offered the potential of engineering quantum change -- engineering physical reality itself.
"Each of these major scientific disciplines missed and excluded a subset of their disciplinary area, because they did not have the scalar component of the quaternion to incorporate. Further, they completely missed the significance of the Whittaker approach, which already shows how to apply and engineer the very subsets they had excluded.
"What now exists in these areas are three separate, inconsistent disciplines. Each of them unwittingly excluded a vital part of its discipline, which was the unified field part. Ironically, then, present physicists continue to exert great effort to find the missing key to unification of the three disciplines, but find it hopeless, because these special subsets are already contradictory to one another, as is quite well-known to foundations physicists.
"Obviously, if one wishes to unify physics, one must add back the unintentionally excluded, unifying subsets to each discipline. Interestingly, all three needed subsets turn out to be one and the same ..."
-- T.E. Bearden, "Possible Whittaker Unification of
Electromagnetics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics,"
(Association of Distinguished American Scientists
2311 Big Cove Road, Huntsville, Alabama, 35801)
The article then goes on to talk about angular momentum and I was wondering are they close but again not taking into account scalar motion and time properly?If two key physics papers often cited by Bearden (which appeared decades after the death of Maxwell), are accurate ... we lost nothing less than--
The "electrogravitic" control of gravity itself!!
The critically-important research cited by Bearden was originally published by "Sir Edmund Whittaker" (the same cited earlier in this paper), beginning in 1903. The first was titled "On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics" (Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 57, 1903, p.333-335); the second, "On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field due to Electrons by means of two Scalar Potential Functions" (Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol.1, 1904, p. 367-372).
Whittaker, a leading world-class physicist himself, single-handedly rediscovered the "missing" scalar components of Maxwell's original quaternions, extending their (at the time) unseen implications for finally uniting "gravity" with the more obvious electrical and magnetic components known as "light." In the first paper, as Bearden described, Whittaker theoretically explored the existence of a "hidden" set of electromagnetic waves traveling in two simultaneous directions in the scalar potential of the vacuum -- demonstrating how to use them to curve the local and/or distant "spacetime" with electromagnetic radiation, in a manner directly analogous to Einstein's later "mass-curves-space" equations. This key Whittaker paper thus lays the direct mathematical foundation for an electrogravitic theory/technology of gravity control. In the second paper, Whittaker demonstrated how two "Maxwellian scalar potentials of the vacuum" -- gravitationally curving spacetime -- could be turned back into a detectable "ordinary" electromagnetic field by two interfering "scalar EM waves"... even at a distance.
Is the missing angular momentum explained by the implosion of the atoms at the centre of the sun into time (a temporal explosion)? Or is this explained by celestial harmonics and a missing or hidden star in our system? All I have read about celestial harmonics was on Divine Cosmos but it seems very plausible to me, essentially we are all musical vibrations and I think the Law of One talks about octaves if i'm not mistaken, this seems to fit in. Is celestial harmonics a valid theory along with the Nineveh Constant? I'm not too sure about our Sun having a very large orbit of an even bigger sun though, does anyone have any more information on this?Since, in three dimensions, all energy eventually "degrades" to random motions -- via Kelvin and Gibb's 19th Century Laws of Thermodynamics (it's called "increasing entropy") -- "stress energy" of the aether (vacuum) released inside a material object, even if it initially appears in a coherent form -- driving, for instance, the anomalous (1400 mile-per-hour!), planet-girdling winds of distant Neptune's "jet streams" -- will eventually degrade to simple, random heat ... ultimately radiated away as "excess infrared emissions" into space. It's the initial, astrophysical conditions under which such "Maxwellian space potentials" can be released inside a planet (or a star ...), that have been the central focus of our efforts for ten years --
To create a predictive, mathematical "hyperdimensional model" of such physics.
The entire question comes down to--
"What set of known spatial conditions will slowly, predictably, release the potential strains of 4-space into 3-space' ... inside a massive world ... so that when this energy inevitably degrades to heat, its radiative signature identifies the original hyperdimensional' source?"
Fortunately, we are surrounded by almost half a dozen examples close at hand: the giant, "anomalously radiating" planets of this solar system (and some major moons). Over the past decade, as we have attempted to understand their anomalous IR radiation, one thing has become clear -- to a first order, the "infrared excesses" of the giant planets all seem to correlate very nicely with one parameter each has in common -- regardless of their individual masses, elemental compositions, or distance from the Sun:
Their total system "angular momentum."
The mass of a body and the rate at which it spins, in classical physics, determines an object's "angular momentum." In our Hyperdimensional Model, its a bit more complicated -- because objects apparently separated by distance in this (3-space) dimension are in fact connected in a "higher" (4-space) dimension; so, in the HD model, one also adds in the orbital momentum of an object's gravitationally-tethered satellites -- moons in the case of planets; planets, in the case of the Sun, or companion stars in the case of other stars.
When one graphs the total angular momentum of a set of objects -- such as the radiating outer planets of this solar system (plus Earth and Sun) -- against the total amount of internal energy each object radiates to space, the results are striking:
The more total system angular momentum a planet (or any celestial body) possesses (as defined above -- object plus satellites), the greater its intrinsic "brightness," i.e. the more "anomalous energy" it apparently is capable of "generating."
And, as can be seen from this key diagram, this striking linear dependence now seems to hold across a range of luminosity and momentum totaling almost three orders of magnitude ... almost 1000/1!
Especially noteworthy, the Earth (not "a collapsing gas giant," by any stretch of the imagination) also seems to fit precisely this empirical energy relationship: when the angular momentum of the Moon is added to the "spin momentum" of its parent planet, the resulting correlation with measurements derived from internal "heat budget" studies of the Earth are perfectly fitted to this solar-system-wide empirical relationship -- even though the Earth's internal energy is supposedly derived from "radioactive sources."
Part 3:
So it's saying that the solar system is like a soup and the spin/orbit of the planets sends out ripples *gravitational waves?) in the solar system pond which affect us in different ways much like the cycle of the moon, essentially giving our oldest science astrology a scientific background which I like.Which returns us to the Sun.
There is a very well-known, long-period, and still mysterious variability associated with the largest "hyperdimensional gate" in our own neighborhood -- our "local" star, the Sun.
Its complex changes, which include a host of related surface phenomena -- solar flares, coronal disturbances, mass ejections, etc. -- is termed "the sunspot cycle" ... because the number of simultaneous "spots" (lower-temperature vortices appearing "dark" against the hotter solar surface, as this activity occurs -- left) waxes and wanes over about 11 years. (The full magnetic reversal of the Sun's polarity takes two complete sunspot cycles to return to "zero" -- thus the complete "solar cycle" is about 20 years.)
In the 1940's, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired a young electrical engineer -- John Nelson -- in an effort to improve the reliability of HF ("short-wave") radio communications around Earth. Such radio transmissions had been observed to be, for some reason, more reliable in the "lulls" in between, than during solar activity associated with "peak" sunspot years.
To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and falling radio interference with not only sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system; he found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable -- in essence, astrological correlation ... between the inexorable orbits of all the planets (but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune -- which, remember, hold essentially all the solar's system's known angular momentum) ... and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the Sun!
The Hyperdimensional Model finally provides a comprehensive theoretical explanation -- a "linking mechanism" -- for these, to a lot of astronomers, still embarrassing decades-old RCA observations. For, in essence what John Nelson had rediscovered was nothing short of a "Hyperdimensional Astrology" -- the ultimate, very ancient, now highly demonstrable angular momentum foundations behind the real influences of the Sun and planets on our lives ...
Is this an accurate way of looking at things or again, are they missing the space/time component? From this I went on to read Paul Murad on Torsion Physics but the more I learn the more I see theories all missing out the cosmic sector and it's reciprocal relationship to the physical sector.