Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Discussion on geoengineering, NEXRAD/ HAARP, climate change, chemtrails and related topics, including how to deal with the effects of these incursions.


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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:28 pm

Dr. Leonard Horowitz, another well known researcher into the flu-like epidemic that has been cycling repeatedly across the United States, has concluded that this illness is most likely associated with both chemical and biological co-factors. He contends that the immune-compromising effects of the ChemTrail fallout is facilitating opportunistic infections by both fungi and bacteria latent in the environment. In particular, Dr. Horowitz has been able to link, at least in theory, Mycoplasma Fermentans as one of these particularly opportunistic agents. Mycoplasma Fermentans is directly associated with Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. In addition, this species of Mycoplasma is also the primary constituent of Gulf War Syndrome. Mycoplasma Pneumonia, on the other hand, is another such opportunistic pathogen that would do quite well in an immune-depressed population, and is capable of sustaining a serious pneumonia epidemic if it gets a foothold. The CDC has reportedly determined that pneumonia is currently at epidemic levels across parts of the United States.

Mycoplasma infection in general, creates symptoms similar to the Type A Sydney strain of the flu virus—but those infected most definitely do not have the flu. This pathogen produces a cough that lasts for several weeks after the cessation of the flu-like illness. It also produces a form of chronic fatigue syndrome. Repeating recurrent bouts with this syndrome have been characteristically reported by sufferers across the country.

Mycoplasma Fermentans was reported recently to have been the agent responsible for the contamination of the experimental anthrax vaccine given to Gulf War veterans. Is it any wonder that these same in dividuals have developed the associated Gulf War Syndrome—which the government continues to deny even exists?

Another test sample of the ChemTrail fallout from Idaho, in March of 1999, contained evidence of Serratia Marcescens, a supposedly defunct biological warfare simulant, no longer in use by the Department of Defense (DOD). This biological agent is known to cause severe upper respiratory infection normally resulting in pneumonia.

We could go on describing more sample test results, but these typical cases are sufficient to support the contention that someone, most likely our own US government, is engaged in a calculated mission to disperse known biological pathogens throughout the continental United States and even Canada, with the clear intention of infecting as many people as possible with a very dangerous and potentially lethal biotoxic cocktail. At the very least, the severe depression of our immune systems is a virtually certain objective, the results of which can be attested to by millions of affected individuals across the country. In all probability, the ChemTrail campaign, that has been raging in our skies and to which we have all been a witness, is the mechanism whereby these pathogens are being dispersed and disseminated among the population.

Now that we have seen some of the biological and medical aspects of the ChemTrail phenomena we can finally take a look at the two remaining candidates purporting to offer a possible explanation for this ongoing and unconscionable biochemical assault by our government on its unsuspecting, trusting citizens.

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:29 pm

Total-Coverage Mass Vaccination Project

The third possible explanation for the ChemTrail phenomena concerns the probability that the US government is engaged in a mass vaccination effort to inoculate the entire population of the United States against either Bacillus Anthracis (Anthrax), Francisella Tularensis (Tularemia), or Brucella Melitensis (Brucellosis), or all of the above. Before you dismiss this possibility, please read the following analysis and determine for yourself whether or not the evidence supports, at least the hypothesis, that this is a very real explanation of what we are observing in the sky.

Anthrax is probably the greatest national threat currently facing our country, or any country for that matter. It is easy to manufacture and relatively simple to deliver. The economic impact of an Anthrax attack by some terrorist group has been calculated to be about $26 billion dollars per 100,000 persons exposed. For Brucellosis, this cost would be reduced, but still significant at an estimated $475 million. Clearly then, apart from the human tragedy of such a terrorist attack, the resulting economic impact would totally devastate the viability of our nation. Death usually follows within a few days after exposure! Unfortunately, when it comes to prioritizing issues in the United States, by our so-called government leaders, little of purely human importance seems to move them to any truly sincere actions. But, let money enter the picture and they will fall all over each other to introduce the most effective plan they can muster to protect the economy—at all costs.

A realization by these people that a simple inexpensive Anthrax attack against a city like either New York or Los Angeles, could have such an enormous economic impact, is more than enough motivation for them to develop and approve a covert mass vaccination project to involuntarily inoculate every citizen against this threat. Motivation, I'm sure that you will agree, is really not an issue here—they have the greatest motivator they know driving them forward—their love of money.

Motivation however is not enough to justify this type of extreme mission. The mass inoculation of an entire population has never been done before, and therefore we would be operating in virgin technological territory. Assuming however, that this is technologically possible, three questions must be asked and answered affirmatively if we are to give any credence to this hypothesis.

The first question concerns the availability of the necessary technology. Due to the urgency of the matter, and the presidential declaration of a real potential for a terrorist attack somewhere in this nation within the next two years, even a theoretical or experimental solution would qualify as available technology.

The second question relates to whether or not there is sufficient empirical data concerning the components of the ChemTrail cocktail to suggest that this technology might be both present and functional. It also involves evidence of an effective delivery system for the vaccine.

The last question that we need to consider is the risk-factor, not only to the population at large, but the personal liability incurred by our government in attempting such a potentially deadly experiment. We will now look at each of these questions and see if we can provide the required answers to justify this hypothesis.

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:32 pm

The first thing that we need to do is briefly review the primary components of the lab-tested ChemTrail fallout. You will recall that this cocktail appears to contain some strange components. We have a couple of bacterium, a couple of fungi, and a DNA restriction enzyme, found only in a genetic engineering biological laboratory. We also have a rather innocuous marker component whose function is probably nothing more than a cocktail ID for identifying a particular batch of the cocktail.

Pseudomonas Fluorescens and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa are two of the most widely understood bacterium used by the biowarfare research labs within our government. They have a history of being used in various applications, including aerosol inoculation; and their capabilities, utility, and risks are probably known with enough certainty to permit their use in an experimental inoculation such as we are proposing.

We also have the fungus, Streptomyces. It's exact function within the cocktail is not clearly understood, but it might be significant to note that its normal utility is as a base for the creation of antibiotics. The DNA restriction enzyme, however, found in both of the test-samples, is probably the most important component of this biological cocktail. It is what apparently makes the whole thing work.

Now that we have identified the available biological tools, we need to take a closer look at the biology needed to define the individual functions of these tools and see how they could possibly be made to all work together to create an Anthrax vaccine, effectively deliver it to an entire population, and do this with minimal, calculated, personal risk to each citizen.

A conventional vaccine works by stimulating the immune system to produce long-lived cells that generate antibodies against specific pathogens or microorganisms, effectively immunizing the host against that specific target virus or bacillus. Conventional vaccines are generally developed from live, but attenuated, viruses or bacterium, or from killed or deactivated virus or bacteria. Sometimes the inactivated toxin produced by a bacteria may be administered as an effective vaccine against the toxin produced by the corresponding invading live bacteria. There is however, a new method of creating vaccines, and if inoculation is really the true purpose behind the ChemTrail mission, then it is undoubtedly this new method that is being employed here.

In some cases, it has been demonstrated that even a fragment of a pathogen, in the form of its protein coat, can be used to trigger the immune system to begin developing effective antibodies against that specific microorganism. The very important byproduct of this approach is the fact that such a protein-fragment derived vaccine can never actually infect the recipient with the original pathogen from which it was derived. Normal vaccines do not have this benefit and can in some instances, actually cause the disease that they seek to prevent.

Notice that this methodology effectively resolves the question of risk, and provides the necessary justification under which our leaders could conceivably agree to proceed with this experiment. We can therefore consider the risk question answered, for all practical purposes.

Having determined the underlying principal behind this new type of vaccine, we now need to investigate the biological mechanics needed to make this a reality. Since my field is not microbiology, this explanation will necessarily be rather simplistic; nevertheless, the reader should get the general idea and have enough information to be able to research this process further on their own, for a more detailed understanding.

This type of vaccine is called a DNA vaccine, and here is how it works: First, one or more microbes, a bacteria in our case, is selected which will serve as a host for the protein-fragment vaccine. Apparently, the government has elected to use both of the Pseudomonas bacterium, Fluorescens and Aeruginosa, as a host bacteria for their new vaccine. Secondly, the portion of the genome or DNA belonging to the target pathogen, anthrax in this case, that is responsible for the creation of the protein coat, is removed or cracked from the target pathogen, and inserted into the host bacteria's DNA, one of the Pseudomonas in this case. The host, with its modified DNA, now goes about replicating large quantities of the pathogen's protein coat which then serve as the active vaccine. They have essentially coaxed the Pseudomonas into creating billions of copies of a specific protein-fragment belonging to the Anthrax pathogen.

The critical element that makes all of this possible is the DNA restriction enzyme. Restriction enzymes are the fundamental component of recombinant DNA technology—genetic engineering. The DNA restriction enzyme makes sequence-specific cuts in the target pathogen's DNA genome. These cracked segments are then spliced into self-replicating vector molecules and then reintroduced into the host bacteria or virus.

In this case, the restriction enzyme effectively helps to transfer the DNA code from the target pathogen, anthrax, to the host bacteria, Pseudomonas, which then produces, through replication, vast quantities of the protein coat vaccine for Anthrax. This protein-fragment, when it encounters our biochemistry, causes the body to begin production of Anthrax antibodies which result in an overall immunity to the disease. Because this method of vaccination is based on only the protein-coat of the target pathogen, there is no chance that the recipient could accidentally contract Anthrax as a result of this DNA vaccine.

In practice, many different pathogens may have their specific protein-coats transferred and replicated in this way, providing simultaneous immunization against a wide range of deadly terrorist pathogens.

So that you can see that this technology is not just theory, but reality, consider the following:
Purified coat-protein derived from the hepatitis B virus is now routinely produced through this methodology. Work is also underway on genetically engineering vaccines for rabies, herpes, typhoid, diphtheria, and cholera. It is not a difficult stretch of the imagination to conceive of a program by the United States government to create similar vaccines for Anthrax, Tularemia, Brucellosis, or any number of other known terrorist biological weapons. By showing that some of the necessary components exist in the ChemTrail samples subjected to lab analysis, we demonstrated not only the presence and availability of the technology, but raise the probability of its actual empirically-deduced existence as well.

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:35 pm

There is still one last element to this puzzle that needs to be addressed before we can draw any conclusions. This question is the second part of question two above, and concerns the method of delivering the DNA vaccine to the recipient, the population.

In order to make this whole scenario work, we still need a practical vaccine delivery system that works. Specifically, we need to determine if an aerosol vaccine delivery system is both possible and practical. To do this we will look at what is currently being done and leave it to the reader to extrapolate this technology to the present situation. Please consider the following four news bytes:

First: Researchers at the University of Guelph, are working on a vaccine for Escherichia Coli based on using a modified form of the bacteria to create a live aerosol vaccine to be used to protect chickens from E. coli infection. The vaccine will be administered on-mass using an aerosol spray.

Second: The proceedings of the 75th meeting of the Advisory Committee to the Director, National Institute of Health (NIH), reported that significant progress has been made toward creating an aerosol vaccine to protect against the influenza virus.

Third: A Rhodes College biology course from the fall of 1997, offered a segment entitled Viruses: Risks and Benefits to Society. The course segment discusses the various routes available for the delivery of vaccines in veterinary science, and specifically notes the marked increase in the use of the newer aerosol vaccines. It discusses the manner in which these are easily sprayed around the animals and how the animals simply inhale them. It goes on to say that the aerosol route is especially effective in protecting animals against respiratory infections.

Fourth: There is a page on the Kansas State University web site soliciting inquiries from interested parties who would like to discuss licensing technologies developed at KSU for commercialization. One such offering concerns an aerosol delivery system that has been developed, that can administer small proteins and DNA enzymes deeply into the respiratory system of the target individual to induce immunity. They go on to say that the first application of this technology will be the delivery of vaccine therapies to large animals. Do you think that we qualify as large animals?

This last news byte is particularly interesting because it appears to offer a vaccine delivery technology tailored to the precise needs of the type of DNA vaccine that we have described as a possible candidate for mass inoculation of the North American and Canadian populations—definitely, very interesting.

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:36 pm

At this point we have resolved the first question pertaining to the availability of the necessary technology, the second question regarding the existence of empirical evidence supporting the probability that there is in fact some form of genetic engineering vaccine technology at work here, as well as a potential delivery technology, and the third question relating to the government risk factor. The only area left to discuss is how this solution correlates with the various scenarios that we have been encountering through reports and observations surrounding the ChemTrail phenomena.

There is currently very little doubt among ChemTrail researchers that the government is deeply and heavily involved in a campaign to disperse biochemical agents across every nook and cranny of the United States. We know that this dispersal is in the form of a spray emitted by aircraft flying lattice patterns through the sky. We also know that people are breathing the fallout from this aerial spraying campaign, and that they are becoming increasingly ill as a result of this exposure. If the purpose of this mission is to reduce illness among the population through mass inoculation, then why are so many people becoming ill instead—why do we seem to observe just the opposite effect?

The illness that we are seeing can either be the primary purpose and consequence of this spraying, or it can be a secondary, unintended, but unavoidable side effect of the mission. The premise of the current hypothesis requires that this be the unavoidable, secondary byproduct of a mass vaccination effort. If we consider the fact that the possible vaccine-producing Pseudomonas bacteria in the ChemTrail cocktail are still, by their very nature, harmful bacteria, then we would naturally expect to see at least some manifestation of their normal pathology reflected in the general exposed population. This is apparently, exactly what we find. Not everyone is affected in the same way by these bacterium, therefore, some become ill while others do not. Also, it is more than likely, that not all of the bacteria are performing their intended function, and only their intended function; some of them are probably behaving like normal Pseudomonas behave—badly, very badly.

Therefore, although the population has not demonstrated that it is being infected with the target pathogen, Anthrax, this same population is showing some acute manifestation of the various illnesses associated with the host bacteria used to deliver the vaccine. This is most likely the cause and the extent of the flu-like respiratory epidemic cycling across the United States and Canada. Of course, until someone is actually tested, and shows a marked immunity to Anthrax, without having been conventionally vaccinated, we will never know if this conjecture is truly the case.

Mass inoculation of the entire population, as a likely explanation for the ChemTrail phenomena is therefore, pretty good. How probable this really is, no one knows at this time—but it is a very good possibility, nevertheless.

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:38 pm

NWO Law Enforcement and Riot Control From the Sky

This brings us to the last possible explanation for the ChemTrail phenomena that we will attempt to examine—NWO law enforcement and riot control from the sky.

It is more than obvious that the riots that occurred in Los Angeles, surrounding the Rodney King incident a few years back, were an eye-opening, traumatic experience for both the government of the State of California and the United States Federal government, alike. It is also probably safe to speculate that soon after this event took place, one or more of the alphabet-soup agencies more than likely instituted a couple of dozen covert law enforcement programs designed to insure that such an event will never occur again, anywhere, at any time, and under any circumstances. Furthermore, if you add to this equation, the very real possibility that the still unknown effects associated with Y2K are just about ready to make their appearance felt, with a potentially devastating vengeance, then you have a situation that can not be described by any word other than CONTROL—who has too much of it, who needs more of it, and how they are going to effect this redistribution. Remember, control is the antithesis of freedom.

The thought of a couple of thousand Los Angeles-class riots, occurring simultaneously and continuously, in every major city across America, for perhaps weeks at a time, is probably more than enough motivation to induce our Federal and State governments to institute some kind of drastic-measures program to either head-off or deal with this very real possibility. The effects of these wall-to-wall riots would be just as devastating and economically paralyzing as a nationwide biochemical terrorist attack. It would most likely be just as costly, as well. This last statement brings up that funny little word again, money, the prime mover of men, machines, and nations. As long as there is a serious potential for extensive economic loss, we can all be certain that our leaders, acting through their positions in the US government, will do anything and everything within their power, that they can get away with, to see that their own pockets remain full and that their personal investments remain sound—anything, apparently means anything these days in Washington.

This raises the following question: if our government could devise a means by which this nation would not be subject to the threat of devastating uncontrolled riots, as a result of Y2K induced problems, would they seize this opportunity to do so, regardless of the restraints imposed by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or any other laws of our nation that would block their intent?

Interestingly enough, one of the exemptions allowing the testing of biological agents against the population of the United States, in the US Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520, is a reference to law enforcement purposes and riot control. By including this exemption in the US Code, the government has revealed its hand and inadvertently made public the fact that they have already formed the necessary mental connection between aerial biochemical bombardment of the citizens of the United States, and its potential application to law enforcement and riot control. They are in essence telling us that they are already aware of the fact that they have this option, or weapon if you will, at their disposal, and that legally, the way has been cleared for them to use it, should the need arise. So, do you think that Bill Clinton would call out the tankers against American citizens? Do you think perhaps that maybe Bill Clinton has already called out the tankers against American citizens?

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:40 pm

Consider for a moment that the US government bureaucracy has very good reasons to anticipate serious disruptions to public services and resources as a result of Y2K induced problems. Consider also that this same US government has already decided, in the people's best interest of course, and in order to eliminate national panic behaviors, that they are not going to release the true facts concerning Y2K to the American people, prior to the actual event. Keep in mind that this decision in itself, in no way prevents Y2K from happening, it only insures that all precursors to the event remain under government control. In effect, it is a short-sighted plan with only an immediate short-sighted effect—sooner or later the government will have to deal with the reality of Y2K and the real response of the uninformed American people to this crisis.

Since we have all seen how short-sighted this administration is in everything, based on its day to day reactionary behavior to every problem, and its obsession with trying to please a majority of the people a majority of the time, it is not unreasonable to conclude that there is really very little truth coming out of Washington concerning the true nature of the anticipated Y2K problems. This type of short-sighted, reactive thinking is really not out of character for the Clinton Administration. If they can keep the public stupid and content one day at a time, then they are perfectly convinced that they have fully accomplished their mission and fulfilled their responsibilities to the American people. Experience tells us that in the end, we can probably count on this one thing for sure: no matter what the Clinton Administration does with respect to Y2K, it will in all likelihood; be the wrong thing, done at the wrong time, with the wrong motive, and therefore, it will yield the wrong results—with catastrophic consequences for us and our children.

Given that this brief appraisal accurately reflects the state of mind of the Clinton Administration, we can now take a closer look at the real problem that the government faces in terms of Y2k induced civil disobedience and city-wide riots. If Y2K does in fact cause a widespread disruption in services and resources, and this results in martial law being enacted in order to change the resource distribution method from that of a free market philosophy to one of totalitarian control, along the lines that this administration has already outlined, then it is probably safe to conclude that there will in fact be widespread rioting and extensive civil unrest throughout the entire country, with the potential for Los Angeles-class disasters in every major city.

The Los Angeles experience proved beyond any doubt that the use of police and military force to crush a city-wide riot will not prevent the burning and looting and total incendiary destruction of a community, along with its total economic collapse. There is really only one way to stop or control such an event, and that is to never allow it to get started in the first place. The best way to insure that riots and massive civil disobedience to not ensue in the wake of Y2K problems and resulting martial law, is to utterly destroy the motivation and energy of the people to engage in this kind of reactionary behavior. If they can not riot or if they have no energy to riot, then it only follows that they will not riot—and the problem is solved?

So how do you insure that a scared, desperate, and disoriented people will not choose to riot or oppose martial law; you give them something even more pressing and immediate to concern themselves with—you make them all very, very sick.

If you have any doubts about the efficacy of this solution, then just think back to the last time that you were ill with a full-blown case of the flu. In that physical condition and resulting state of mind, you could not have found the energy, desire, or motivation to do any more than just crawl into bed and wonder how long it was going to be before you finally died from this thing.

From this perspective then, the purpose behind the ChemTrail phenomena becomes one of population control through induced illness. Is this practical? Is this even possible? Who knows? One thing we do know for sure however, is that if the government is able to make a significant and critical portion of the population as sick as they have made those who have been affected by the ChemTrail fallout over the past several months, then they will in fact have very little to be concerned about when Y2K comes rolling around—regardless of its true impact.

There are of course a couple of problems with this hypothesis. First, not everyone has shown a susceptibility to the ChemTrail cocktail fallout. Some are severely affected and others show no affect whatsoever. So, it is not a very reliable means of inducing illness, at least not in its present form and current dosage. The other serious problem with this explanation has to do with how you differentiate between those that you want to be affected and those that you do not. Obviously the government bureaucrats and the military who would be responsible for putting this plan into effect could not afford to be affected by it. The only reasonable answer to this dilemma is to somehow inoculate those who are to be unaffected by the fallout—from the fallout. However, it would be nearly impossible to keep something like this a secret for very long—or would it?

Nevertheless, all possible solutions to this enigma are bound to have undesirable side-effects or secondary consequences because nothing in this world is 100% perfect. The only real question here is whether or not the government has considered the down-side byproducts of their plan and either accepted the risks as they are, or whether it intends to introduce some as yet unknown set of counter-measures to address these issues. If uncontrollable national disorder is in fact a major foreseen problem for this administration, then such a drastic solution would not fall outside the bounds of an expected response. If it is the only way, in their minds, to prevent an economic and social catastrophe, then it would certainly not be something that this decadent and amoral administration would avoid—on moral grounds.

Therefore, although the idea of riot or population control is an interesting possible explanation for the ChemTrail enigma, it is also apparent that this solution has so many problems associated with it that in the end it might prove that it is an impractical explanation. Most likely then, this is not the ultimate reason behind the mysterious ChemTrail phenomena—nevertheless, it does remain an intriguing possibility, and under the right circumstances, more than plausible.

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:42 pm

Final Conclusions

After having considered all of the most likely and talked about explanations for the strange ChemTrail phenomena, that has been painting our sky for the past several months, it is now time to draw at least a few relevant and tentative conclusions. So what can we finally deduce from the facts surrounding this enigma?

The first conclusion that emerges from our analysis, and which is also backed by the empirical data, is that there is a high probability that what we are experiencing is not evidence of a single government project, but a fusion of a number of separate and distinct government or military programs. The chief side-effect of this project-mix, is to add a considerable amount of confusion to our attempts to analyze and effectively tie any specific piece of data to the right government program or military project.

It is probably safe to assume that there are still a number of biochemical warfare tests being conducted all across this country, albeit on a sporadic and specialized basis. We can also probably assume, based on their published agenda, that the US Air-Force is currently engaged in both extensive and varied research into weather modification and control techniques, and that they are more than likely conducting a number of isolated and independent weather modification experiments in various places. Furthermore, if our hypothesis concerning the mass vaccination of the entire population proves to be correct, then we could also be witnessing a wide assortment of different biological cocktails being served-up across the United States and Canada. We might also be seeing test dispersals of a number of different riot control biochemical weapons. Remember, in order to be effective on a need-only basis during riot control, these agents and their associated dispersal mechanisms would be required to deploy very rapidly and be able to completely subdue an entire city at one time.

Finally, there is also a good chance that what is really going on in our skies is actually something that has not yet even occurred to anyone. In fact, without information and disclosure from one or more persons on the inside, who have suddenly developed a conscience concerning what they are doing and feel a need to absolve themselves from their nagging guilt, we are likely to remain at least partially in the dark, and somewhat confused, for quite some time to come.

The second conclusion that we can draw from this analysis concerns our human rights. Of the four possible ChemTrail explanations examined above, every one involves some form of serious violation of our guaranteed rights and freedoms as American citizens. Biochemical warfare testing, riot and population control, and weather modification tests, all seriously violate our basic human rights; even the mass vaccination program, which would ostensibly be for our benefit, is actually an assault on our guaranteed personal freedoms. No one ever asked us if we wanted to take part in an experimental vaccination program against Anthrax, or Plague, or Smallpox. Many people have already become seriously ill and some people have already died as a result of this biochemical aerial bombardment. More Americans are likely to continue to get very sick for as long as this assault continues, and many more of these people will die, as well. For what purpose are these American citizens being murdered? Who will be held accountable for their deaths and for this reprehensible crime against humanity? Who is pretending to be God? Who are the real terrorists here?

Our third conclusion concerns biological and chemical warfare testing. For all of the reasons mentioned above, this is probably the least likely explanation for the ChemTrails. The fact is, that you just do not do this kind of experimentation over the entire country simultaneously, using exactly the same techniques and methodology, for such an extended period of time—and call it a test. This is definitely not a test. It is a military mission, and it displays all of the characteristics of a military mission. So let's just start calling it what it is—a domestic biochemical bombardment campaign targeting every citizen of the United States and Canada—pure and simple. We would therefore rate the probability of the biochemical testing explanation being correct, at no higher than 3 on a scale of 1-10.

Our fourth conclusion relates to the weather modification research. Again, this is not a test that we are seeing, therefore it can not, by definition, be research of any kind, including weather modification. We would therefore rate the probability of this explanation being correct, as a 2 on a scale of 1-10.

Our fifth conclusion concerns law enforcement and riot control, designed to proactively suppress widespread civil disobedience and citizen rebellion resulting from the enactment of martial law by the president. Whether the excuse is Y2K, a domestic terrorist attack, or the outbreak of an extended war in the Balkans leading to an major world-wide international armed conflict, martial law is coming—there is no doubt about this. Even as you are reading this, the preparations are now being finalized by our government and the military to drastically change the way we live our lives in what used to be called, the United States of America. You probably do not believe this last statement at all—but that's alright because soon you will have no choice but to believe it.

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Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:45 pm

When martial law is declared, there will be no tolerance for social disruption of any kind. Our new government is making preparations that will enable them to act swiftly and decisively to utterly squash any kind of dissention or rebellion. Considering these appalling, unconscionable preparations, and the Clinton Administration's past despicable and reprehensible performance and behaviors, do you really think that they would not resort to using air-force tankers to disperse chemicals and biologicals in order to control a rabble population of malcontents? Well, take some time, for your own sake and the sake of your family, to think this thing through again—real carefully.

In view of all of the indications that something very big is looming on the not-to-distant horizon, and the predisposition of our illustrious president, Billy the Kid, for demonstrating insane militaristic and violent behaviors, we are therefore forced, by pure logic and experience, to rate the probability of this explanation as at least a 7 on a scale of 1-10. We do this however, with a great deal of uneasiness and concern.

Our last conclusion relates to a nationwide mass inoculation program, designed to vaccinate the entire population of the United States and Canada against Anthrax, in preparation for an imminent terrorist biological attack targeting many major US cities, simultaneously. By all visual indications, and considering the increasing intensity of the ChemTrail campaign, this assault can be expected to occur at any time, but probably sooner than later. Our president has already warned us of this upcoming terrorist assault, and told us that he expects this to occur within the next two years. He has said that we need to earnestly prepare for this, and has allocated billions of dollars for an effective biological defense. Unfortunately, the only defense possible against a terrorist Anthrax attack is mass inoculation of the American and Canadian population. If you have any doubts that the ChemTrail campaign, whatever it is, is not costing billions of dollars to implement on a scope this vast, and for such an extended duration, then you probably need to rethink this situation through again, as well.

If we are spending billions of dollars on a defense system to counter a biological assault, then how and where is this money being spent, if not for an Anthrax vaccination program of some sort? In what other way do you defend against this kind of a threat?

Considering the compelling results of the ChemTrail fallout lab analyses, and the real potential danger of an imminent biological attack by any one of a dozen countries that president Clinton, instigator-in-chief, has succeeded in baiting and antagonizing to their breaking points, we are forced, again by pure logic, to rate the probability of this explanation as a 9 on a scale of 1-10—with an extreme amount of intrepidation.

However, the most disturbing realization to emerge from our study of this phenomena is fact that at least 95% of the people of the United States are not even aware of the fact that anything unusual or suspicious is underway in their country, or in the very skies right over their own homes. Virtually no one recognizes anything strange whatsoever about the ChemTrails criss-crossing our skies, until they are actually pointed out to them and explained. To most people a cloud is a cloud is a cloud, and that's all there is to it.

Apparently our reprobate government is also fully aware of this striking mental deficiency, epidemic in the American population. Furthermore, they have obviously used this general-stupidity of our society as the basis for their decision to conduct these heinous operations right under our very noses, with absolutely no concern whatsoever that we would either be smart enough to notice, wise enough to care, or courageous enough to do anything about it. It looks like their assessment of us was absolutely correct—and this is precisely why they have now grown to be so arrogant and confident as to believe that whatever they want to do, they are in essence free to do. They are now, in fact, fully confident and secure in the belief that this present generation of Americans no longer possesses the will to oppose their oppressors nor the stomach to engage them in a fight—in anything whatsoever. How much are you willing to take from this out-of-control administration?

Make no mistake about this—mass experimental inoculation of the citizens of the United States without their explicit permission and consent is not a trivial matter. If only one person dies as a result of this action, then this assault amounts to no less than murder and high treason, pure and simple—and people are dying! No government, formed under a Constitution and a Bill of Rights such as ours, has the right to arbitrary decide who will live and who will die from among its citizens. We are pets of neither the United States government, nor the misguided and hopelessly deranged Clinton Administration—and we will not be kept like pets, by anyone!

If in fact, this Machiavellian Clinton Administration has unilaterally decided to abolish the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and has taken it upon itself to act as our uninvited surrogate, and without our explicit permission and consent, engaged the US military armed forces against the people of this sovereign nation, for the purpose of unlawfully dispersing biological and chemical pathogens into the environment, infecting the citizens of this country, and placing each of our lives in jeopardy; then regardless of their motivation, these persons are guilty of murder and high treason against the people of the United States of America—for which God alone will judge them.

Make no mistake about this one fact—God will not be mocked by any nation or any person. What any nation or government or individual sows, that also will they surely reap—there are no exceptions to His law. If the America that our forefathers knew and loved goes the way of a Roman dinosaur, and is replaced by a totalitarian dictatorship in the image of William Jefferson Clinton, and we, as a people, stand by and do nothing at all to oppose this insidious evil, then we, and our children, and their children, most assuredly deserve to incur the wrath of that vile and wicked thing that we have so stupidly and blindly created—it will be our just and due reward for our apathetic stupidity and personal cowardice! We will truly all be guilty of utterly destroying this once-blessed and once-free nation.

Richard Malinowski


Re: Chemtrail paper from Richard Malinowski

Post by lizard69 » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:13 pm

Hello soldierhugsmember

Thanks for the paper

Just read it

So whats your view ? Im really curious

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