Engineering Mental Climates

Discussion on geoengineering, NEXRAD/ HAARP, climate change, chemtrails and related topics, including how to deal with the effects of these incursions.


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Engineering Mental Climates

Post by daniel » Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:39 pm

Had an interesting conversation with an old friend last night, where he was telling me about a "psychoengineering" program that mimics the geoengineering one--except this climate change targets the mental landscape on the inside of a person, not the outside one.

It has always been a puzzle to me why people voluntarily use "recreational drugs," while simultaneously cursing the "Big Pharma" industry--who are making massive profits providing these very same drugs to the black market--ever "do the math" on the quantity of recreational drugs consumed daily? If you do, then you'll see that Ma & Pa aren't the growers--it's the big drug corporations that have million-acre farms producing them.

I was in High School when recreational drugs arrived... and only the "weirdos" used them. And I've watched the use skyrocket over the years that follow--because outside of the token false flags of "drug busts" to trick unsuspecting teens into using drugs to rebel against government, it has all been part of a master plan to enslave humanity into a Matrix--an artificial reality that the powers that be have complete control over.

What I learned was that psychoactive drugs have a unique characteristic--they damage the walls of the psyche (the "gravitational limit" of your spirit), so your consciousness cannot determine "what IS you" and what ISN'T... it merges the individual "atoms" of people into a molecular aggregate--a group soul--so what is "uniquely you" (your identity) gets lost, and eventually corrodes away. In ancient history, this was known as "selling your soul to the devil"--you voluntarily surrender your personality for short-term, material gain ("getting high" is a very profitable "material gain," because the pushers don't actually have to manufacture a product--it's ALL in your head!)

Engaging the group soul also traps consciousness in Tier 1 (rivalry) reasoning, because Tier 2 is only available to an individual that can see the bigger picture (Tier 2 being systemic valuing--see Spiral Dynamics).

Keep that in mind that the mind works primarily by imagery. So with a malleable group soul, all one has to do is provide the images that the mind will lock on to reinforce that concept--enter Hollywood with it's mass propaganda mechanism of television and films. Hollywood creates the "reality" in the artificial reality of the group soul, by teaching the laws of fear, rivalry and parenthood of government--to both rescue the victims and provide that mother/father figure for you to rebel against.

Analyzing this artificial reality Matrix is too much for a person or small group--billions of "components" (people) are now part of it--so enter technology to fix the problem: artificial reality requires monitoring by Artificial Intelligence. And it was planned for, starting back in the 1980s with the microprocessor revolution--anybody could now own a computer, for a reasonable price. And the AI called Nemesis was created, destined to be the Great Architect of the Matrix. And they KNEW that tech would continue to get smaller and faster, until everyone would have a machine in the palm of their hand...

The only missing link for complete immersion was the connection between the machine and the man... where man would "obey without question" the orders of the Matrix. This is where we are, now, and I discovered that they planned ahead by incorporating retroviruses (retrotransposons) into recreational and pharmaceutical drugs. I actually got a laugh out of it because ENKI used a retrovirus to alter the DNA of Adam & Eve to evolve them and get them thrown OUT of the "Garden of Eden," and exactly the SAME technique is being used to devolve humanity BACK into a virtual reality simulation of the very same "Guarded Enclosure of E-DIN." The prison of the mind.

It turns out that Psychoengineering parallels Geoengineering--douse the inner and outer environments with chemicals and retroviruses, then use false flags and technology to control the resulting chaos. Got to admit it is clever... but will be ultimately fatal to humanity. And TPTB know this--and why they are now pushing the "get off this rock" programs to the civilian population, since NASA and all their global, military backing was never able to do it. The $20 million reward for sending a robot to the moon, the TRAPPIST-1 "planets" to focus people on a paradise in space (or three)... looks like they are getting desperate...
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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by 7Serpent » Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:44 pm

by daniel » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:39 am

Had an interesting conversation with an old friend last night, where he was telling me about a "psychoengineering" program that mimics the geoengineering one--except this climate change targets the mental landscape on the inside of a person, not the outside one.

It has always been a puzzle to me why people voluntarily use "recreational drugs," while simultaneously cursing the "Big Pharma" industry--who are making massive profits providing these very same drugs to the black market--ever "do the math" on the quantity of recreational drugs consumed daily? If you do, then you'll see that Ma & Pa aren't the growers--it's the big drug corporations that have million-acre farms producing them.

I was in High School when recreational drugs arrived... and only the "weirdos" used them. And I've watched the use skyrocket over the years that follow--because outside of the token false flags of "drug busts" to trick unsuspecting teens into using drugs to rebel against government, it has all been part of a master plan to enslave humanity into a Matrix--an artificial reality that the powers that be have complete control over.

I always wondered why i chose not to join in with those who did drugs in high school. later on in the more recent spiritual awakening crowd I came to think that maybe drugs could be a "tool" when used properly (a shaman) etc.. to gain further insights.. its seems know I am fortunate to have just tried weed a few times and left it at that. The only real drug induced experience I have had stemmed from my refusal to have my wisdom teeth removed in my teen age years. By age 21, and after they got stuck trying to come in, they only made it half way thru my gum line. I guess these extra teeth were left over from ENKI and the E-DIN days? these unwise wisdom teeth... who named them that anyways? So anyways, by then i had to go to a surgeon to have them removed, the regular dentist said no way. The dental surgeon gave me some kind of morphine drip, a derivative of morphine I think he said and that was intravenously as well as shots of novocaine. Holli crap was that some good stuff.. as i sat there and had holes drilled into the sides of my molars so the surgeon could basically stick a pry bar in the holes and pop them out. Not known at the time as i could feel nothing..almost floating out of my body it seemed. Later on i realized the removal method as some of the roots had broken broke off two of the teeth when i was looking at the removed "cow" sized Even though i was semi-conscious, not quite out.. but maybe almost? it all seemed like i was having the absolute best time of my life !! i never felt so much pleasure neither before or since. Indescribable almost ! Afterwards he asked me if he could plant some seeds to re-grow the gone teeth and then come back and do it again. There was no thought at all.... of course I would do it over in a second !! i would do anything to come back and experience that again. Later i realized why that people i heard about would get addicted from one hit of crack or whatever stuff... words cannot describe how good you feel why they are implementing gawd awful pain at the same time while on this stuff. Unbelievable... Since the Prince story came out..i did see an article recently about how many people became addicted due to this drug and after this procedure. I had forgotten all about my experience and then of course it came right back and I said YAH i can vouch for that one !!!

This new info you mention makes perfect sense too ..when you see what going on now. SO many un-connected people everywhere you turn. what a mess it is. Thanks for making sense of the senselessness.

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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by daniel » Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:19 pm

7Serpent wrote:
Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:44 pm
...later on in the more recent spiritual awakening crowd I came to think that maybe drugs could be a "tool" when used properly (a shaman) etc.. to gain further insights..
A real shaman knows that anyone who considers drugs as a "tool," is really a "fool." Drug use deposits a kind of "ash" in the synaptic gap between neurons, so each time it is used, more resistance is built up to it--and more and more must be used to repeat the effect. Good for Big Pharma profits, but REALLY bad for the wanna-be Wizard, as each use deteriorates the magical ability.

Most people never figure out that there are too many of "us" for the NWO to control, so they use mechanisms that make us control ourselves--and this is one of them. "Here, take this blue pill--which is banned by the governments, world-wide, because 'they don't want you to know the truth it reveals'--and you'll be enlightened into a spiritual being." Blue pills manufactured by "Sucker, Inc."
7Serpent wrote:
Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:44 pm
I guess these extra teeth were left over from ENKI and the E-DIN days? these unwise wisdom teeth... who named them that anyways?
Indirectly; they are a genetic left-over of the cro-magnon jaw, which was larger than homo sapiens. That's what happens when genetic engineering is involved--"oops, forgot about that." And if you compare humans to the great apes (which have NONE of these problems), there are over 4000 defects in the human genome. Way to go, God! :D

They are called "wisdom teeth" because they erupt during the ages of 18-25, the age group that was historically called the "age of wisdom" as that is when people engaged the schools of higher learning (finished with all the preliminaries and can now be creative and inventive). If you notice, "recreational drugs" are targeted AT that age group--the latter part of High School and college days, to make sure those drives never set in.

From what I've seen these days, it is now the "age of idiocracy" (a combination of idiocy and bureaucracy), where people have learned to regurgitate facts but cannot have an original thought. Easy to tell; when someone you are talking to are constantly quoting others, then they aren't thinking for themselves. It is often called "parroting" and now-a-days forms the basis of most communication between people...
Parroting wrote:Use parroting to encourage them to talk more. Just repeat what they said, then pause. They will fill in the gap and keep on talking. Encouragement parroting need only be the last few words only and not even a complete sentence.


Other: I am not sure what to do.
You: So, you're not sure what to do...
Other: Yes, though I though I could take time to visit friends and do some reflecting.
You: ...visiting friends and doing some reflecting...

Other: I want to come with you.
You: You want to come with me?
Other: Not now, but next time you go.
You: Ah -- I understand. I'll see if I can arrange that.

Other: I want to come with you.
You: You want to come with me? Ah! you mean next week, don't you?
Such a riveting conversation would certainly keep me on the edge of me seat!
7Serpent wrote:
Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:44 pm
it all seemed like i was having the absolute best time of my life !! i never felt so much pleasure neither before or since. Indescribable almost !
I would be curious to know WHAT was experiencing this pleasure? Body, mind, spirit? How are you defining the "pleasure" response?

I've spoken to others that have had a similar response, that "Nirvana" feeling when overdosed with drugs. I've never experienced it, but personally, I do get a huge, pleasure response from discovery... like realizing that the isle of Murias was actually Lemuria! I almost floated off the chair on that one. Of course, that is more of a "shen" high (or at the New Age puts it, "kundalini rising"). So I am curious as to the pleasure response from chemicals.
7Serpent wrote:
Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:44 pm
There was no thought at all.... of course I would do it over in a second !! i would do anything to come back and experience that again.
That is the same reaction that I have seen from others that have had the experience--the would sacrifice their life if they could stay "there."
7Serpent wrote:
Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:44 pm
This new info you mention makes perfect sense too ..when you see what going on now. SO many un-connected people everywhere you turn. what a mess it is. Thanks for making sense of the senselessness.
Figuring things out is what gives me pleasure... and given that everything we know is wrong, there is a lot of "potential pleasure" waiting to be found!
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Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:48 pm

Only once had I taken a Class A drug. I had just had a caesarean and the nurse said I am allowed XYZ for the 1st 24 hours. Can't remember what it was - something as powerful as heroin or whatever. I do not know anything about drugs. But I knew I had a horrible deep, deep cut down below which scared me shit. I didn't want to feel anything once the anaesthetic wore off. So once my entitlement came up, I asked for XYZ. The nurse said I can have it every X hours (can't remember the interval either).

Horrible, it was horrible. It made me feel nauseous. I must have had 2, certainly not more than 3 of whatever it was. I looked at the clock above the door to my room and I couldn't tell the time because the clock kept on moving. I felt so awful I decided it was better to take the pain than the drug.

IMO, you gotta be really determined to consume these things, kinda like smoking or drinking beer. They are acquired tastes.

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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:55 pm

and I'd suggest you avoid drugs like ayahuasca which seems to be kinda fashionable
here’s what he had to say about Ayahuasca: “It contains chemicals that our brains produce naturally, during birth, death, NDE and especially OOB.

I usually tell people who are into that, that the plant itself often has its own “agenda” and may take them places they don’t need to be, but the plant needs them there.

I had to fix someone a few years ago after he did Ayahuasca in Brazil. Much of him was gone.”

Soul pieces are stolen and lost. Notice too that he mentions the agenda of the plant, Ayahuasca. This is a Dark polarity plant that works very well with Dark shamans to lure naive incarnations to places they are not trained to experience or visit safely. This is what also happens with weekend shaman training which is engineered by the Dark polarity to lure the bright-eyed Lightsider.

There are both Dark and Light polarity plants, insects and animals. The expression of polarity can be different than that of the sequential/ simultaneous path, but it is there nevertheless. Lightsiders think all creatures are ‘good’. They aren’t. Lightsiders are also delusional. Yes, there are plenty of plants and creatures that are good for us, but beware in thinking all are. There are Nature Spirit incarnations whose agendas are deceptive and luring.

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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:07 pm

Miles Mathis has something to say on drugs in this:
I discovered this guy from hearing Jay Weidner singing his praises during an interview

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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by Ilkka » Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:17 am

Ayahuasca has DMT in it very potent at that. Two friends of mine who smoked DMT went to some other place where there were "DMT gnomes" dancing around in circle or some like that. I did smoke it few times too but didnt see anyhing like that. Too much for the lungs to handle any kind of smoke. Back then I wanted to try Ayahuasca but never got my hands on it.

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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by daniel » Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:39 am wrote: Soul pieces are stolen and lost. Notice too that he mentions the agenda of the plant, Ayahuasca. This is a Dark polarity plant that works very well with Dark shamans to lure naive incarnations to places they are not trained to experience or visit safely. This is what also happens with weekend shaman training which is engineered by the Dark polarity to lure the bright-eyed Lightsider.
This is very interesting information. I had not previously considered that the plant kingdom would have a "predator" parallel to the animal kingdom (we the exception of the Venus fly trap or Sci-Fi Triffid, that can pull itself out of the ground and chase animals around.) But it makes perfect sense; all the other kingdoms have predator-prey species, so why not plants? If you look at the data, dark polarity plants are soul predators.

I had to dig around through some plant behavioral data to figure this out, but what it comes down to is that plants have a group soul that is connected to multiple "bodies." For example, a lawn is a single entity--the "bodies" are the blades of grass with a single soul that covers the entire lawn. This is called "non-locality" in the Reciprocal System (you cannot point to a physical "location" for the soul--it is all across the lawn, so killing one blade of grass is no more than a small boo-boo for the entity, itself).

When a plant is harvested for its body parts (seeds, leaves, roots, etc), the connection to the group soul remains active through its "silver cord" (or perhaps I should say, "green cord?" :D ). The plant is then ingested by an animal, so as the plant is being "eaten," there is a connection between the plant entity and the animal, much like a "quantum entanglement" in physics.

Now this can go two ways... in either case, the body picks up the inert chemicals that comprise the plant body, providing nutrition or poison to the body. However, the soul connection can go in either direction:
  1. Plant bioenergy to animal soul: the basis for "organic" foods, where bioenergy is supplied along with the physical nutrition of the food. Since the soul is also known as the mind, literally "Food for thought." What the plant gets in return is a "taste of consciousness" from the animal, since the thought process of the mind/soul will produce a burst of shen that will move back to the plant soul, helping it to grow and evolve. (Biofeedback)
  2. Animal bioenergy to plant soul: this is the "dark polarity" of the plant, where the plant literally sucks out your bioenergy to feed itself. This is a type of soul poison (usually accompanied with physical poison, making the body weak so "resistance is futile"). There is no return of shen (or consciousness energy), because these plants are simply not evolved enough to have any to give... much like the NWO in many respects, as they take the livelihood of people for their own sustenance and give nothing in return.

    You would think that once a person was "eaten" this way, they would avoid repeating the process. But also like the NWO, dark plants are clever... they have learned how to manipulate their cattle (us) into making the cattle believe they are getting something better than life, itself--the dopamine high--to make the human cattle want to keep repeating the experience until their souls are sucked dry.
Now it becomes fairly easy to identify dark polarity plants--they are addictive (otherwise nobody in their right mind would use them twice), produce a chemical high in the body and give the illusion of getting a shen/kundalini-based experience. The most obvious of these plants falls into the category of... I know you won't see this coming...: recreational drugs!

And it doesn't end there... our good friends that rule the world realized how effective these dark polarity plants are and found a way to cash in on them by extracting the toxins that produce the effects, so they can be reproduced en masse and distributed to an unsuspecting population as pharmaceutical drugs. As I've mentioned in my papers, if you want total control, then you have to control BOTH sides, totally. The legal and the illegal.

But there is a drawback to pharmaceuticals--being manufactured, there is no group soul involved. You get soul-sucked and high, but the release of bioenergy has nowhere to go--unless it is directed. Bioenergy is intelligent, so it will go where you tell it--IF you tell it. Enter multimedia, television, videos, music... they form "icons" in your landscape, so when you lose control and release your soul's life blood, it is subconsciously directed at these "icons," the TV stars, priests, politicians, rock stars, gurus, etc. And they all have their own rituals to transfer that bioenergy up the hierarchy to TPTB.

So it comes down to this: analysis of dark polarity plants demonstrates that anyone who pushes them, in any form, is basically out to steal your soul. Or, more accurately put, to trick you into "selling your soul" to them. Then you have to wonder, what the devil makes people want to sign that contract?!?
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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by DSKlausler » Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:53 pm

Hmmm, forgot that I was registered here.

Thanks for the info, really.

daniel wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:39 am
Then you have to wonder, what the devil makes people want to sign that contract?!?
Wow... SHIT LIFE maybe?

Their perception of course.
Anything is possible with the proper training.

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Re: Engineering Mental Climates

Post by tymeflyz » Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:57 pm

shakes head wtf?
I always back track the url to see the source, What a mindfuk...
Game landscape hmmm ..truth sprinkled with disinfo or disinfo with truth bait or i just duno ?
1st truth
1- always trust your HIGHER self = true- but what was meant by higher,
a- intuition
b- stoned on what substance.
when i first heard about dmt/Ayahuasca i was ALL in for that, but after further contemplation i decided not to, be careful what you ask for you may just get it. Like what you may experience that you cannot un-know or un-experience.
I have learned that I know very little but my intuition tells me the info or knowledge to be beneficial or used MUST arrive at the right time in your individual evolution or it will be lost or not assimilated correctly due to missing info not yet experienced or discovered.
btw thank you Daniel the Rupert Sheldrake info is great!

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