February 15th 2014
New Zealand
- Adept
- Posts:467
- Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:32 pm
You can aim your succor punch (and orgonite) to a printed invitation for those manifestations
I will boost them and add great energy ,wich will be needed if something is to come out from these manifestations
Its like sending energy to a SIGIL
The more the better in this case
The intention has to be : LOVE . (send love to all of the planet while aiming at the pictures( http://chemtrails.gr/media/k2/items/cac ... e81_XL.jpg and https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6798_o.jpg )
Im aiming at them and use all of my orgonite ,chembusters,crystals,radionics software
The best symbol if you ask me is this one
You print http://chemtrails.gr/media/k2/items/cac ... e81_XL.jpg and this https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6798_o.jpg and place them on top of this http://imageshack.us/download/10/screen ... 2at123.png
Leave the papers till Monday 17th of February 2014
You might be surpised at what might happen in the mean time
You can aim your succor punch (and orgonite) to a printed invitation for those manifestations
I will boost them and add great energy ,wich will be needed if something is to come out from these manifestations
Its like sending energy to a SIGIL
The more the better in this case
The intention has to be : LOVE . (send love to all of the planet while aiming at the pictures( http://chemtrails.gr/media/k2/items/cac ... e81_XL.jpg and https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6798_o.jpg )
Im aiming at them and use all of my orgonite ,chembusters,crystals,radionics software
The best symbol if you ask me is this one
You print http://chemtrails.gr/media/k2/items/cac ... e81_XL.jpg and this https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6798_o.jpg and place them on top of this http://imageshack.us/download/10/screen ... 2at123.png
Leave the papers till Monday 17th of February 2014
You might be surpised at what might happen in the mean time