One of my favorite aspects of Hilton's Shangri-La, besides having extra time to get things done, is that the things you can work on do not have to be ultimately practical -- as in money-making -- but can be so called "trivial" studies which still no doubt contribute to the advancement of the culture. There are so many subjects which could be researched in depth from which we surface dwellers could benefit were it not for "lack of funding", that horrible phrase.daniel wrote:
Aghartha ... a type of Shangri-La or Sanctuary
Also, Father Perrault is still the head of a top-down control structure. We don't hear of the monks carrying the natives down to and up from the valley of Blue Moon in a chair or getting their own tea. Hilton's advanced culture still hasn't reached the "LMs getting along like children on the playground" stage, but it really is quite a model to work from.
I am still bothered by how people were moderately "encouraged" to remain in Shangri-La. I understand that secrecy was considered to be of utmost importance in order to preserve human culture against possible future devastation, but were the ends justifying the means? Philosophically, I am not not with the Mallinson character but I have great empathy for his predicament. His logic is quite sound and he is responding to the situation the only way he knows how. Plus, he is all so human concerning his relationship with Lo-Tsen, even though to his knowledge she was quite young. He isn't satisfied with admiring her from afar and apparently she did not want to be put on a pedestal, either.
Lost Horizon is one of the most important books I have ever read, and if it weren't for this forum, I might never have found it. The movie is incredible, too, but if you don't read the book, you really miss Hilton's way with the language.
Was it the "barbarians" who left the guarded enclosure the ones who sided with Enki, the LMs and the Neanderthals and the humans who stayed behind the ones who fought with Enlil?daniel wrote:
The LMs and Neanderthals, being the natives, sided with Enki in that back then, they got along quite well with humans, as humans were 90% same DNA. Nukes were exchanges; Enki and Atlantis fell, as Enlil was the military commander with a lot more guns and human, slave armies.
Is it a coincidence that much of the warring in the world is in the general area of Mu? Was the "motherland" lost at some point and now there is an effort to reclaim it?