This reminds me of what I've been reading recently in Robert Bruce's
Astral Dynamics where he talks about the different energy bodies that we have and how they can operate seperately, but are indeed the same consciousness. As he puts it the physical body houses the main copy of a persons consciousness. Any time we dream, an energy double is reflected out and a shadow or copy of the main consciousness goes with it. The energy body then goes and does whatever you want, and then returns and reintegrates with the physical body, merging the memory with that of the main consciousness. It also makes sense that while the energy double is out and about, the main copy is still working. It is still keeping our heart pumping, our lungs breathing, etc. I've also recently come to understand more about our interdimensionality, specifically that there are souls incarnate here at this time, that are at the same time existing elsewhere in the universe in/on a planet/star.
For me, I have been having trouble keeping the energy double's memory. Sometimes I do, but other times it's like normal sleep. Eyes close, dark, dark, dark, eyes open.
Thank you for your message, it was well received. I have been struggling to get the memories of what I do at night to stick with me, and it's clear that I'm only compounding the problem. I've gotta step back in the flow and quit fighting it